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The Medallion novel Chapter 1263

"Oh, I see. It seems that your father had truly done his best for the Snow Master Clan. How admirable. For the future of the clan, he would rather die than tell anyone about the legendary guardian beast," Rocky remarked in a reverent voice, for he genuinely admired Cyrus's heroic traits.

"However, my father didn't expect that you are also a bad guy! You probably guessed that he gave the legendary guardian beast to me, and pretended to be my savior so that I would leave with you! You deceived me!" Harriet burst out indignantly, glaring hard at Rocky.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything terrible to you! Even though I'm not a good person, I'm not evil either. You are fortunate that it was me you have met. If the Heavenly Demon Clan found out that you own the legendary guardian beast, it will be not a good thing for you. Besides, no matter for the consideration of your father or the whole Snow Master Clan, You have to go with me because I am the only one who can protect you," Rocky insisted with a grave expression on his face.

"Why should I believe you?" Harriet still couldn't believe Rocky's words. No, it was not that she could not, but she refused to be played by him!

"You don't have to believe me right now, and I don't need you to believe me either. If you don't want to go with me, I have my means to take you away. That will be easy for me to do if you prefer that," he added with an evil smile.

The reason why he insisted on taking Harriet away was not only because of Cyrus' will, but it was also because he wanted to make sure that her legendary guardian beast would not fall into the hands of the Heavenly Demon Clan. Beyond that, he didn't really care how much Harriet hated him or didn't believe him.

Hearing Rocky's words, Harriet pursed her lips, but she knew that she was no match for Rocky regarding the strength. If Rocky wanted to take her away forcibly, she could only sit still and wait.

Rocky's smile turned smug when she didn't say anything else, knowing that he had already won. And after that, their journey became peaceful and silent all the way.

After a day's journey to the end of the Snow Cemetery Plain, Rocky called out Ken and took Harriet back to the Holy Dragon Empire.

Once he arrived at the Holy Dragon Empire, Rocky went back to the Crimson City and planned to settle Harriet down first.

The three women, including Sabina, had already completed the task he had assigned a few days ago and were back in the Crimson City.

The women had all been waiting for Rocky, and they couldn't stop themselves from asking questions when they saw that he had brought a female spiritual race being with him. After listening to his explanation, they found out that Rocky had saved Harriet by accident. They were also very surprised that this female spiritual race being owned the legendary guardian beast of the Snow Master Clan.

Since Rocky had to go to the Holy Dragon Empire and hand over the colored pearl to the emperor, he asked Isis and other women to help him take care of Harriet, while he went to the Imperial City.

He traveled without stopping and soon arrived at the Palace City. Once there, he went straight to the imperial palace to meet the emperor and handed him the box containing the colored pearl.

"Oh, have you found it already? Good job!" The emperor was also very excited because, with this one pearl, only two more remained to be found among the nine colored pearls. Once the nine pearls were gathered, they could find the holy treasure of the Dragon Master Clan.

"Father, you have mentioned before that the remaining two colored pearls might have fallen into the hands of other empires. If that's the case, then we might have to find a way to negotiate with them," Rocky said after he thought for a while. In fact, he was quite sure that one of them might be in the hands of the Roaring Flame Empire.


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