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The Medallion novel Chapter 1266

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Rocky.

"Now’s the right time for me to show my trump card," Rocky said as he immediately opened his Magic Spiritual Space and walked right in.

Not long after, Rocky came out carrying a few sets of smooth and soft clothes. The clothes seemed like it was as smooth as fish skin. Behind him, Robin was carrying several sealed iron jars. The jars were half as tall as a man and there were some tubes connected to them. The jars looked peculiar.

"Basil, what are these?" Marcia immediately asked when she saw what Rocky brought.

As a matter of fact, everyone was curious about the things that he brought.

"These clothes in my hands are called diving suits, and those in the hands of Robin are special diving equipment. These can help in providing oxygen under the water..." Rocky introduced the items briefly.

After hearing from Cherry that the spiritual treasure might be sealed under the deep sea, he personally designed and made several diving suits and diving equipment just in case it was necessary.

With Rocky's meticulous preparation, the problem was quickly solved. A team led by Rocky, including Marcia and Alyssa, put on their diving suits and diving equipment and went deep into the Water Beast Sea.

Shirley also joined them. It was Shirley's spiritual beast with Water Nature that found the location of the Water Master Clan's ruins, so they needed her beast to lead the way.

As they swam down, the beautiful scenery under the sea water was incredibly attractive, but of course, not including the huge water spirit-manipulated beasts and supernatural beasts that swam in their way from time to time.

Fortunately, most of those beasts were very docile, so they were not that much of a bother.

About two hours later, the team led by Shirley's beast arrived at an area with lush water plants. Soon enough, they saw the outline of some relic buildings mostly covered by water grass.

"It should be somewhere here," Rocky said with a frown on his face.

Then, he instructed his team to look for the entrance around the ruins.

After searching for about an hour, they still couldn't find the entrance and the oxygen in their diving equipment almost reached its limit.

For the sake of their safety, Rocky immediately made a gesture to Marcia and Alyssa. He wanted the two of them to lead the team to go back and fill the equipment with enough oxygen and then go back down here to continue the search.

With that, Marcia, Alyssa, and the others began to swim back up. But Rocky suddenly noticed that Shirley was not among them. So, he immediately looked around and soon found that Shirley disappeared under a dense cluster of water weeds.

Rocky was worried about her safety, so he swam over and found a secret hole under the water weeds where she disappeared. After hesitating for a moment, he went straight into the hole. He saw that the hole was winding upwards, so he followed it all the way up.

Not long after, Rocky saw a dim light right above his head. He straightened his back and came out of the hole.

Just as he emerged, a piercing scream came suddenly.

Rocky looked around and found that there were sealed stone walls around. The walls looked like a passageway entrance. Then, he saw Shirley standing in one corner completely naked, staring at him with fear. A pile of clothes which looked like the diving suit that had been taken off from her body was beside her.


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