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The Medallion novel Chapter 1276

However, Rocky couldn't use his power to resist the attack anymore. Meanwhile, Glutton couldn't lend him a hand, as it was still fighting with the spirit manipulators at the Immortal Stage and the Divine Stage. Thus, Uriah had to take Rocky back to avoid the attack of the colossal sea beast.

Just as Rocky moved backward, an astonishing spiritual power suddenly fell from the sky in the form of lightning, and it hit the hammer-shaped spiritual treasure floating in midair. The spiritual treasure trembled upon contact, and it then flew out of the ruins like a meteor.

The scope of the taboo curse was limited to the ruins of the Water Master Clan. Once the spiritual treasure flew out of the ruins, it would leave the taboo curse's scope.

Seeing this, Rocky looked up at the direction where the tremendous spiritual power originated. He spotted a figure in a red robe floating near the ruins. This person had a greedy look on his face while he stood on the water's surface. However, in the next moment, the figure in the red robe suddenly disappeared.

At that time, the hammer-shaped spiritual treasure was about to fly out of the ruins. Seeing that the situation was not good, Rocky immediately asked Uriah to catch up with it. If the spiritual treasure left the ruins, something terrible might happen!

On the other hand, the treasure hunting teams on the coast caught sight of the hammer-shaped spiritual treasure as it flew farther away. If the spiritual treasure managed to fly out of the ruins, it would be equivalent to losing the taboo curse's protection, and those spiritual race clans would no longer be restricted. Therefore, they immediately flew into the air and rushed towards the sea, where the spiritual treasure might land.

In the blink of an eye, among the treasure hunting teams, hundreds of members from the spiritual race clans rushed towards the spiritual treasure.

Marcia and Alyssa exchanged glances shortly before they jumped into the air without hesitation. Seeing this, Cherry immediately followed them. Of course, what the three women cared about was not the hammer-shaped spiritual treasure, but Rocky, who was chasing after the spiritual treasure at that moment. After all, once Rocky obtained the spiritual treasure, all the other teams would undoubtedly attack him to take the treasure from him.

Of course, the colossal sea beast didn't just stand by. When it saw that the hammer-shaped spiritual treasure flew out of the ruins and countless members of spiritual race clans rushed after it, the monster let out a deafening roar once again. Suddenly, more than ten tall, pillar-like tentacles swept over the sea, making a massive wave, which prevented Rocky and the spiritual race beings from approaching the spiritual treasure.

Uriah, carrying Rocky, dodged all the way and approached the hammer-shaped spiritual treasure at the fastest speed. But at that time, the spiritual treasure had already flown out of the area of the ruins. Regardless of how fast Uriah was going, it was still a step slower than the coveted treasure.

When Rocky noticed that, his eyes narrowed in concentration, and he immediately reached out to grab the spiritual treasure when it flew close enough to him. The moment he had the spiritual treasure in his grasp, a pillar-like tentacle fell from the sky.

At the same time, a large number of spiritual race beings swarmed after him. At that rate, Rocky seemed trapped, for it looked like he had no way out, and no allies near him either. He was hemmed in from all sides!

Just as Rocky was about to be attacked from both sides, a woman appeared first beside him. The figure's spiritual power surged all over her body, and at the same time, she burst out aura at the fourth grade of a spiritual master. A shadow of the halberd in her hand waved in the air, flashing a trace of residual shadow. It collided with the falling tentacle in the next breath, and immediately, a dazzling light shone in all directions.

Almost at the same time, the other two women also arrived beside Rocky.

The three women were Marcia, Alyssa, and Cherry.

"You came at the right time." Rocky breathed a sigh of relief. He was lucky they arrived on time. Otherwise, he would be in big trouble.

"It's not time to relax yet. The fight isn't over," Cherry reminded him seriously. Dozens of spiritual race members had already surrounded Rocky and the three women in the blink of an eye.


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