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The Medallion novel Chapter 1288

"What if it's a trap?" Rocky asked doubtfully.

"I don't think so. I've already inquired about it before I came here. Many of the clan leaders of the spiritual race have been invited by the Heavenly Demon Clan to this meeting, including the leaders of several high-level spiritual race clans. The leaders of the Phoenix Master Clan and the Wood Clan are both among them. Although the Heavenly Demon Clan must have some ulterior motives, I don't think that it will be a trap," said Marcia.

A short silence ensued as Rocky thought about whether he'd like to go or not. Finally, he nodded to himself and said, "If that's the case, then I don't mind participating. Let me see what the Heavenly Demon Clan is up to!"

"I'll go with you," volunteered Marcia immediately. It was expected, of course, because she would not let Rocky take that risk alone.

The spiritual race's meeting would be held in two days, so Rocky and Marcia immediately set out to the place where the meeting would be held—the Divine Burial Valley.

The valley was inside the territory of the Heavenly Demon Clan. It was spring all year round there, so plenty of flowers and plants were always blooming. Magnificent buildings also added elegance and grandness to the place, making the valley an enchanting sight to behold. Clearly, the Heavenly Demon Clan knew how to enjoy life.

As soon as Rocky and Marcia arrived at the valley, the Heavenly Demon Clan's ordinary spiritual beings came to greet them. They led the two of them to the group of buildings in the valley, where they stopped in a magnificent hall.

When Rocky and Marcia entered the hall, they saw that it was filled with figures from various clans of the spiritual race. There were about twenty to thirty of them, and each one exuded a strong aura that belonged to the spiritual masters'. On closer look, the pair identified all of them as leaders of several spiritual race clans invited by the Heavenly Demon Clan this time. Except for a few advanced spiritual race clans, the rest were the leaders of secondary spiritual race clans. The patriarch of the Wood Clan and Jill, the Phoenix Master Clan's matriarch, were also among them.

And when Jill saw Rocky and Marcia enter the hall, she immediately jumped up from her seat and greeted them with a charming smile. "I didn't know Prince Crimson would present as well!"

The other patriarchs in the hall were also very surprised to see Jill so enthusiastic. As a matriarch of an advanced spiritual race clan, she was favored and admired by countless big shots of the spiritual race, including those patriarchs. However, she had always acted disdainfully towards them. They had never seen her so enthusiastic like she was with this human, which naturally made them jealous.

The patriarchs present could not help but look Rocky up and down, sizing him up with no discretion. Upon closer look, they immediately figured out who Rocky was. They thought that he must be the mysterious Prince Crimson of the Holy Dragon Empire who had removed the curse on Marcia and Alyssa and who had just obtained the last spiritual treasure not long ago.

"Hello, Matriarch Jill..." Rocky greeted her politely.

"I heard that you got the last spiritual treasure?" Jill asked with concern.

Rocky nodded with a faint smile on his face.

"I see. Well, you must be careful. I'm sure that many spiritual race clans have designs on you," Jill reminded him in a low voice while she discretely looked around at the other people in the hall.


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