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The Medallion novel Chapter 1310

"Who are you?" the patriarch of the Ghost Master Clan demanded loudly, surprised to see the delicate figure appearing from the icy light. When he realized that she had her eyes locked on the forbidden item, the patriarch wrapped his hands tightly around it. The aura that emitted from the figure felt somehow strange and unfathomable. It looked human, but had the aura of the spiritual race being.

Staring at the patriarch, the figure replied defiantly, "You are not qualified to know who I am."

The elders and other members of the Ghost Master Clan quickly surrounded the delicate figure, all staring at her.

"How dare you break into the territory of our Ghost Master Clan! Leave now!" the patriarch barked fiercely as he waved his hand to dismiss the figure. He was a bit intimidated by the sudden appearance of this stranger as the aura she was emitting was nothing he had seen before.

The figure sneered and casually waved her hand. All of a sudden, the forbidden item rose from the patriarch's hand and hung in the air above them.

"Let me show you ignorant folks how to use the Heavenly Ice Soul." She pointed her finger at the forbidden item, and soon, the item started to grow larger and larger.

The members of the Ghost Master Clan watched as the Heavenly Ice Soul grew bigger till it was the size of a huge iceberg.

With another wave of her hand, the figure let the gigantic iceberg fall to the ground.

With a loud boom, the iceberg crashed and ice dust covered the entire place. With no time to escape, many members of the Ghost Master Clan were crushed under the weight of the large iceberg.

The others in the sidelines widened their eyes in horror. They turned to the delicate figure, but the look in their eyes had changed into that of utter fear, as if they were looking at a monster.

As they watched in shocked silence, the iceberg returned to its original form and slowly glided to the open palm of the delicate figure.

"Since Belial didn't destroy this place, it probably means that he considers you still useful. For his sake, I will let you go this time. But if you dare lay a finger on him again, I swear that I will wipe you out with no trace." The figure's aura soared high with the threat and an astonishing cold spiritual power enveloped the whole place.

All the members of the Ghost Master Clan trembled, as if they were trapped in an ice cave with no exit. The terror that struck their hearts was indescribable. They were shocked when the figure seemed to have mentioned Rocky. 'She is his ally,' they thought collectively. With a shiver, they realized how lucky they were that the clan hadn't attacked Rocky earlier. If he and the mysterious figure joined hands against them, this day would have marked the end of the Ghost Master Clan.

Before they could collect themselves, the figure put away the Heavenly Ice Soul and disappeared, leaving them in a daze.

Although the spiritual race clans of Wild Spirit Land were facing a great threat because of Rocky's control over the Divine Spiritual Source, the conflicts were still not alleviated. If anything, the conflicts were aggravated. Because of Townsend's death, the other spiritual race clans, which had been suppressed by the Heavenly Demon Clan, were now free of their restraint. Also, the damage of the calamity beasts created disputes among the spiritual race clans, making the situation more complicated. Each of them wanted to expand their hold as much as possible, knowing that if they just defended only their turf, they would fall into a definite path of destruction sooner or later.

Due to the open strife and secret struggles among the clans, the human empires suffered the consequences. They were the victims of the calamity beasts, while they were also constantly in war with other empires.

In contrast, the Wood Clan, the Phoenix Master Clan and some other major clans remained calm, while they recuperated. In the last battle, the advanced spiritual race clans like them had suffered a great loss. Despite the disappearance of a calamity beast, another eight of them were still wantonly harming the Wild Spirit Land. Therefore, they had to accumulate their strength in case of emergency.


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