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The Medallion novel Chapter 1319

"Then, it is decided. Once you have recovered from your injury, you should go back and wait for me in the Crimson City. I'll come back as soon as possible." As soon as Marcia finished speaking, she summoned the Holy-blood Dragon King and flew away on the beast's back, looking back and nodding to Rocky before she disappeared from view.

Rocky could not help but shake his head, as he watched Marcia's receding back fade into the horizon. He understood that the woman would never stop loving him.

"Even though I want to cut off everything with them, they won't let me go easily..." With a myriad of thoughts in his mind, Rocky sighed tiredly, then disappeared.

While Marcia was on her way to the Giants Clan, Sabina and the other two women who had gone to the ruins on the Wild Spirit Land in search of the Thunder Master Clan's descendants had come back from their journey. They were astounded when they heard about the changes that had happened during the time they were gone. At the same time, they were also very confused about why Rocky had suddenly become an unforgivable criminal. They could not believe their ears when they found that Rocky had killed thousands of the spiritual race members, and he was now highly and infamously wanted by all the spiritual race clans around the Wild Spirit Land.

Sabina contacted Marcia with the Carrier Beast immediately and learned that she was on her way to the Giants Clan. Marcia told them to stay put in the Crimson City, as she would tell them the truth once she returned. Thus, the three women decided to wait for her in the city.

However, a few days had passed, and Marcia failed to return to the city. There was no news or message from her either, which greatly worried the three women, and they kept wondering if something had happened to her.

Finally, news about Marcia arrived on the fifth day, but it was not good news.

It turned out that after Marcia took the legendary guardian beast's blood essence from the Giants Clan for Rocky, she couldn't leave the clan territory successfully. She was ambushed, seriously injured, and now trapped somewhere in the Giants Clan's territory.

When the three women received the news, they immediately went to find Moira, since they couldn't find Rocky. And when Moira learned that her sister had an accident, she gathered three hundred members of the Dragon Master Clan to rescue her sister from where she was stranded in the Giants Clan's territory with the three women. The place was called the Sky Land.

The Sky Land was the most peculiar spiritual place in the Wild Spirit Land, as all living creatures here could grow very tall. Thus, its inhabitants were mainly giants.

A few days later, the rescue team arrived at the Sky Land and they immediately gave everything they could in searching for Marcia. Yet, because the Sky Land was a very dangerous area, not to mention that it was also under the Giants Clan's influence, they had to be very careful.

They searched day and night tirelessly until, finally, they found some traces left by Marcia. Soon, they found a small valley surrounded by at least four hundred Giants Clan members and their guardian beasts. They circled from the sky down to the ground, looking like marble sculptures under the moonlit sky. They seemed to keep Marcia in prison, so she was probably somewhere near.

"We are vastly outnumbered. It will be difficult, if not impossible, to save her if we fight head-on," Erica murmured, analyzing the situation.

"Of course, we can't fight them head-on. But it doesn't matter, because our priority is to save my sister. I suggest that we divide into three groups. Two groups will be responsible for distracting the Giants Clan's members, while the last group will rush first into the valley and meet up with Marcia," Moira instructed decisively.

"Okay. I'll be responsible for one group then, while Lucilla and Erica will take charge of the second group. Finally, the task to save my master will depend on you, Matriarch Moira." Sabina looked at the other women, who all nodded in agreement.

Afterward, they discussed the details of their plan, and the three women, accompanied by Moira and the three hundred members of the Dragon Master Clan, began to take action. Divided into three groups, the rescue team approached the valley from three different directions.

The group led by Erica and Lucilla rushed in, coming from the entrance at the left side of the valley. Soon, they found more than a hundred members of the Giants Clan gathered in a camp.

"I'll distract them and lure them here. And then, you can trap them and capture them..." After nodding in signal to Lucilla and the other Dragon Master Clan members, Erica rushed to the camp alone.

And when the members of the Giants Clan in the camp saw her suddenly appear, they were naturally caught off-guard. It took them a few seconds to properly react, but when they recovered from their shock, they swarmed up to attack the intruder.


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