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The Medallion novel Chapter 1640

However, as the spiritual race's army was retreating, a cloud of fire suddenly roared into the sky, blocking their path.

"Don't stop! Keep running!" the commander of the spiritual race barked. Seized with panic, he gave the order without thinking about it too much.

Just as they passed through the fire, a dense mass of black shadows suddenly appeared from all directions, surrounding the soldiers of the spiritual race.

It was futile to retreat since all escape routes had been sealed off. They had no choice but to face Rocky's army head on.

Dispirited, they charged at their enemy. The two sides fought until dawn.

In the end, more than two thirds of the spiritual race's soldiers were killed in battle. The rest surrendered and begged for their lives to be spared.

Instead of killing them all, Rocky sent Kye to lead a troop of five thousand people to escort the captured soldiers to a nearby valley to imprison them there.

But before they were sent off, Rocky had some of the members of his army peel off their armor. Then, taking the spiritual race's armor, Rocky and his team disguised themselves as the enemy and they quickly went to the nearest spiritual race's encampment.

When the commander of the spiritual race saw Rocky and his men, who were disguised as spiritual race's soldiers, he immediately asked what had happened.

Rocky put on an act and told them what transpired the past few hours between the human race and the spiritual race.

"Damn it! How dare the human race attack our troops under our nose! They are courting death!" the commander of the spiritual race cursed. He seemed overconfident in his abilities, so Rocky used it to his advantage.

"Sir, you must avenge our commander!" Rocky cried piteously.

"Regroup with our army. I will lead everyone to battle with the humans and destroy them once and for all!" the commander barked indignantly.

As soon as his troops were mobilized, the commander of the spiritual race led them to the position of Rocky's army.

Eunice, who was in charge of the rest of Rocky's army, immediately prepared them to fight back when she saw the spiritual race's army on the horizon. Everything was going according to plan.

Soon, the two sides collided and began to fight fiercely.

Just as the battle was getting extremely intense, Rocky's disguised men, who had been lurking amongst the soldiers of the spiritual race, suddenly started attacking them. The spiritual race's soldiers were hopelessly confused as more and more of their comrades were slaughtered by those disguised as their comrades. When they finally realized what was happening, it was already too late.

As a result, all the troops of the spiritual race that were lured here were annihilated.

Seeing how his plan was executed perfectly, Rocky continued to do the same thing to the other spiritual race's encampments. Troop after troop, the spiritual race's soldiers were lured into the trap he had set up. The spiritual race's numbers dwindled sharply over the course of the next few days. Now, the battle was at a stalemate.

Meanwhile, on the other end of the human army, Marcia was also leading her troop into a lot of battles. They annihilated several spiritual race's troops in succession, and also successfully killed a high-level commander of the spiritual race's army.

Thanks to the Troy Plan, Rocky's and Marcia's combined wins gave the human race hope. Additionally, Colton continued to send in reinforcements, like he had promised. It seemed the humans had a fighting chance now!


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