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The Mighty Fighter Is Back novel Chapter 23

Robert said without mercy, "Beat this bastard up!"

Receiving his order, his men spared no efforts to beat Nicholas, who was injured severely.

The man's ruthlessness was an alarm for the rest people, making them step back.

Their eyes were full of fear.

Finishing beating Nicholas, he turned to those quiet gangsters and lifted his hand as a signal, "Break the legs of all involved."

His subordinates took actions again.

"Sorry, Mr. Baker. But we are all forced by the Miller family." The depressed and panicked Big Dog, drenched in sweat, immediately kneeled down and begged for his mercy.

Facing such a powerful person, his arrogance was burned to ashes.

"You are Big Dog, right? Don't you know this is my place," said Robert, "do you? Now it's too late. Beat them up!"

His men, like wolves, rushed up at once and attacked them.

Those who thought they would escape all cried out for help and begged his pardon.

However, what they were doing was of no use. Robert's men were so ferocious that they broke one leg of each gangster.

Ignoring their painful cries, Robert put on a flattering smile and said to Richard, "Lord Thompson, all were settled."

Richard nodded with satisfactory and left.

In the Presidential Suite of the InterContinental Hotel, Park Adams was savoring a cup of tea.

"Dr. Adams, Archie Hill asked to see you and brought a patient," said one of his students outside the door.

Park replied in calm, "Let them in."

"Only Dr. Hill and the patient are invited. Others stop here."

"Well, I'm the father of the patient. Can we...?"

"No, you can't."

"Don't worry, Mr. Miller. Your son will soon recover as long as Dr. Adams treats him."

Hearing the dialogue outside, Park frowned.

The Miller family?

At the thought of the command from Mr. Thompson, his face darkened.

Then Archie brought James Miller, who moaned painfully, into the room, and bowed with respect, "Dr. Adams."

"This is James, the son of Mr. Miller. He is infected by some unknown disease and needs your treatment."

Park said ruthlessly while his eyes were fixed on Archie, "No way. Let him out!"

Astonished by his teacher's words, Archie pleaded, "Dr. Adams, please take a look at him. He is here."

"Get out!" said Park.


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