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The Mighty Fighter Is Back novel Chapter 26

Richard nodded, "Yes, this card is mine. You are the bank’s president?"

Hearing the words, Nick was overjoyed.

He bowed greatly and said respectfully, "Welcome to our bank. Your presence irradiates our bank. On behalf of our bank, I would like to express my deepest apology for what just happened."

Richard calmly said, "I want to withdraw 10 million for urgency. But your receptionist just said the card I gave her was a game card and would not help me. Now can you help me?"

"Yes, I'll do it myself for you right away." Nick said with due respect.

Watching this, everyone was dumbfounded.

Helen hurriedly said, "President Nick, he is holding a fake VIP card. You must not fall for it."

Her words made Nick sweat, and he immediately shouted, "Shut up."

He was shocked and angry, and wanted to sew Helen's mouth.

This man was the owner of Supreme Dragon Credit Card, the most honorable guest.

Even the most honorable mayor of Evento had to respect Richard, let alone himself, just a bank president.

Helen’s behavior made him in great anger.

Helen was shocked. She shrunk her neck, trembling, "President, it should be a mistake. He is not a big man but just a loser."

Nick, with a poker face, came over and slapped Helen on her face. He said in a cold voice, "Helen, you are so bold. How dare you be so rude to our honorable guest! Now apologize to this gentleman immediately."

"Otherwise, you will regret."

Helen was more frightened and confused.

What had Richard done to Nick?

How could he let Nick do this to her?


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