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The Millennium Wolves novel Chapter 2


I‘d never seen Aiden look so terrifying— hair raised on the nape of his neck, canines pro truding from his snarling mouth, hunched over my attacker with a thirst for blood in his e yes.

The man fought back, but Aiden easily overpowered him, slamming him up against the wall.

He punched that bastard’s ribs over and ov‘ again in an animalistic rage until


I gasped in shock as I heard his ribs break. I watched him fall to the ground, just a crum pled, mess of a man now—pathetic.

Tears began to roll down my face.

Emily. Oh my God. This was what she‘d gone through four years ago.

Completely helpless and afraid, paralyzed and unable to call for help. A feeling of compl ete darkness. No one was there for her. I wasn‘t there.

As I watched Aiden drag the man‘s limp body through the alley, I almost felt guilty, guilty that I‘d survived and she hadn‘t.

I wanted to stand up and run away, but I doubted I could even crawl right now.

Emily, her rapist, my attacker, they all kept flashing before my eyes. I wanted to vomit up the twisted feelings inside me.

I flinched as Aiden knelt down and wrapped his arms around me. “I‘m not going to hurt you,” he said softly.

It went against every fiber of my being, but I let him pick me up and carry me to his car.

I‘d never felt more vulnerable with him, but something about the warmth of his chest and his tight embrace made me feel safe.

My Haze wasn‘t flaring up. This feeling was something different.

“Where are you taking me?” I asked, my body still shaking.

“My house,” he replied quietly. “I promise I have no intention of taking advantage of you.

I just want to be there for you.”

My friends were still in the club, clueless to the horrors that had just happened outside, and I wanted to keep it that way. I didn‘t want to face them tonight. Going home wasn‘t a n option either. My parents would take one look at me and know that something was wr ong. I wasn‘t ready for the questions, the pity, or the judgment

Going with Aiden was my best option. I still didn‘t trust him, but what he‘d just done for me... It made me sick to think what would‘ve happened if he wasn‘t here.

Aiden’s demeanor was completely changed from the ferocious man that had mauled my attacker just moments ago. It was caring and kind.

As much as I despised him for marking me and forcing me to take on the responsibility of being his mate, I couldn‘t deny that I wanted him to be there for me. I didn‘t know how long it would last since this thing between us was unpredictable as hell, but I was willing to give him a shot.

He said he wanted to be there for me? Fine, I‘d let him prove it then.

Finally, I gave in, letting my head rest on his shoulder. He placed me gently into the pas senger seat, and we drove in silence. As I watched the blurry buildings and trees disapp ear out the window, I tried to make the memories of tonight disappear as well, but that seemed impossible.

If I felt spooked by what had happened, Emily must‘ve been absolutely haunted by what she‘d gone through.

I dug my fingernails into Aiden‘s expensive leather seats. I never wanted to feel helpless that way again. I would never let a man make me feel that way again.

I glanced sideways at Aiden, and my chest tightened. I couldn‘t be in that car anymore. I needed to be somewhere else, somewhere safe.

Just as I began to panic, Aiden pulled into his driveway and it felt as though we had just entered into a dream, like I had manifeste d the safest, most inviting space imaginable.

A tiny cobblestone bridge stretched over a trickling stream, leading to a modest manor s urrounded by dogwood trees and a perfectly curated garden of flowers. It was like a fair y tale.

Maybe I didn‘t know everything about Aiden after all? He must‘ve sensed my surprise because he smirked at my entranced expression.

“Not what you expected?”

I didn‘t answer, my voice still trapped in my throat.

He could see that I wasn‘t ready to talk, so he helped me out of the car and placed his hand on the small of my back, gently guiding me through the doorway. I didn‘t mind i t.

His closeness actually made me feel safe, which was never a feeling I thought

I‘d elicit from Aiden. This didn‘t feel like someone trying to control me. It felt like someon e was trying to comfort me.

The crackling of the brewing coffee was the between us as we sat across from each other not making eye contact.

I stood up suddenly. “Are you fucking serious? Are you implying that what happened to me was my fault?”

 Book 2: Chapter: 01  1


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