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The More the Merrier novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 You Are Lying

“Well, I’ll be taking them home now. Say bye to your teacher!”

Arissa smiled courteously at the teacher and reminded the five children.

The five little kids politely bid farewell to their teacher. “Bye-bye, teacher. See you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

The teacher flashed a sweet smile while waving them goodbye. “Bye-bye!”

Arissa nodded respectfully at the teacher before taking the five children away.

“Mommy, what’s wrong?”

Gavin noticed that she did not look too good. “Are you okay?”

“Mommy, why were you panting just now?”

Zachary was also concerned.

Oliver, Jasper, and Jesse picked up on their mother’s strange behavior as well. They were all worried.

“Mommy, you don’t look okay!”

Arissa crouched down to embrace the five kids. She buried herself in their warmth.

She took in a big whiff of the milky scent on their bodies. It had a calming effect on her.

“I met a bad person in the car just now,” Arissa finally spoke up.

Having almost been kidnapped, she was frightened at the thought of it now.

Thankfully, she had a self-defense tool in her bag. It was also lucky that the person let his guard down, and that there was only him.

Otherwise, she would not have been able to escape so quickly.

“Mommy, what bad person?”

The little kids were worried sick. Their eyebrows were tightly knitted together.

“Mommy, are you hurt?” Gavin asked.

Arissa shook her head. “No, I’m fine.”

“Mommy, you’re lying. The side of your forehead is turning green.”

Jesse noticed the bruise on her forehead, and her eyes began to water.

“Mommy, you’re hurt!”

Arissa let go of them. She rubbed the spot on her head where she was hit.

It was still sore.

“I’m fine. It’s just a small bruise which a little ointment can fix!”

Seeing this, a trace of fierceness flashed in Gavin’s eyes.


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