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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 13

CHAPTER 13: The Midnight Pack

"I'M SORRY, ALPHA Karius. I assumed that... y-you are the father of the baby that she was carrying. Lilian wouldn't really say a word about it and I didn't try asking her anymore, thinking that it might really be a sensitive topic for her."

Alpha Karius clenched his jaw as his hot tears trickled down his face. He couldn't take this news anymore. It was hurting him to death! He doesn't even know that Lilian was pregnant! If he only knew... If he only knew that he was pregnant, maybe he could change everything. Maybe he could do better than this. His child... he wasn't able to save his child!

"I found her near the f-forest. She was asking for help. And I was horrified to see that she was bleeding that time but unfortunately, the baby didn't make it. She lost so much blood but I h-helped her until she fully recovered."

Everything that Penny was saying couldn't seem to register in Alpha Karius' mind anymore. It feels like he suddenly lost all his strength, his will to live and continue facing his fuck up life. He was crying without a sound, not minding Penny in front of him anymore. He wasn't able to recover immediately and didn't even notice that Penny already left him in his library who's also worrying about him and reminded herself to look for someone downstairs that would look over Alpha Karius. He's obviously not in his good shape right now.

"L-Lilian... Oh my, Lilian. I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry!" He said while crying as he brushed his own hair and gripped it harshly, like it was his way to pour all his emotion from his heart that's shattering into pieces the moment he heard the news about Penny.

First, someone told him about Lilian's... death. And now, this... another death of his child that he didn't even know in the first place! The pain was so hellish that he suddenly wished to disappear!

They had a... baby. A baby that he doesn't even know. A baby that he's not even aware about. He didn't even experience how to be a father to his own child. He didn't even know! It was frustrating as hell that Alpha Karius couldn't help but to flip the table harshly.

"AHHHHH!!!" He screamed so loud, not minding anyone that might hear his voice.

His heart is ripping into pieces. He's... evil. He's blaming himself for everything that happened to Lilian that he's not even aware about. He should be the one who died! He should rot in hell and not Lilian or their unborn baby. They didn't deserve it. He hoped that he could change everything to make Lilian's life and the baby better.

Lilian... how did she even cope with all the pain that she bears alone? He knew it was painful for her, too. And he's a fucking asshole because he caused it all to her!

Alpha Karius destroyed everything that he saw. He destroyed the sofa using his claws that he didn't even notice that came out. He kicked the chairs and the small glass round table at the center. He ruined the books on the big shelves like it only weighed nothing. He also threw away all the displayed paintings and the curtains at the side... He poured all his frustration with all the things that he saw while screaming loudly.

He punched the wall repeatedly until it created a crack. That's when the door suddenly bursted open revealing Calyx and the other helpers in the mansion looking scared at him. Only Calyx has the guts to go closer to him.

"A-Alpha Karius!"

"Oh, goddess!"


"This is really bad. Is our Alpha okay?!"

The next thing that Alpha Karius knew is he suddenly felt Calyx behind him, stopping him from punching the wall repeatedly. But he didn't stop like he didn't notice him alone.

In just one swift move, using his Alpha strength, he pushed Calyx harshly in just a snap. Calyx groaned as soon as his back slammed the wall in a strong force. And that made Alpha Karius go back to reality...

"Fuck this..." Alpha Karius muttered as he leaned on the wall weakly and closed his eyes. His chest is so heavy after he found out everything. He wanted to... kill himself for everything that he had done.

The pain is too much. He couldn't take this anymore. Goddess... how could he take all the pain away in just a snap?


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