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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 28

CHAPTER 28: The Mark She Couldn't Give

SMIRKING, LILIAN GETS away from Alpha Karius when she saw that his eyes darkened on what she said. It was obvious that he was too affected by what she did.

She immediately stepped back when she saw how he clenched his jaw as his breathing ragged from their small distance. The smell of his manly scent almost made her back down.

"Teaching the pups. That's what I mean. Teaching them is exciting for me, Alpha Karius. I love kids so much! Can I?" Lilian asked as she smiled sensually at him.

"Of course, you can do that, my Luna..." Alpha Karius replied with his deep and husky voice but his thoughts suddenly drifted to something. Lilian loves kids... just like him. It reminded him of their pup that he wasn't even able to hold or kiss. Until now, it still hurts for him whenever he thinks about how Lilian got through all of it while she's alone.

If he's already hurting, what more to Lilian? Even though she already changed, Alpha Karius could still feel that the old Lilian is still in her. She may have changed her attitude and her physical appearance but Alpha Karius was certain that the woman that he had loved before until now is still in her.

"Great! When can we do that then?" Her voice was laced with excitement. She didn't mind how Alpha Karius grew a damn boner while she's talking in front of her but she also saw how his emotion suddenly changed a bit like he was thinking something deep. She didn't mind it though as she was having fun teasing him with her naughty remarks.

"Maybe... tomorrow?" Desire and lust is still dancing in his eyes as he talks. Seconds later, Alpha Karius licked his lower lip as he tilted his head a bit as if he just came back to his senses.

Alpha Karius wanted to punch himself so bad. He almost caved into his own lust and desire again when his gaze went down to Lilian's pretty face... down to her luscious plump lips that got wet from drinking water awhile ago. He suddenly wanted a taste of those lips but he couldn't. He knew the fact that Lilian wouldn't like it so he had to set aside his desire a bit. But on the other side of his brain, he thought that maybe he could do more than kissing with her again the next time since he's also worried about the mark process.

If ever Lilian fails to give her mark to him, she will deteriorate. And he doesn't like that to happen. The best thing that he could do now is to convince her to do 'it' with him again and give the mark to him. But he doesn't know how since Lilian is just only having fun teasing him and doesn't really have the plans to do it with him again.

"Okay. I'm so excited!" she exclaimed. "I'll just go to my room and get changed. It has been a tiring day for me," she added as she turned her back to him and left. Actually, she's not really tired. She just played archery with the other wolves and it was just an easy game for her. She just wanted to get away from Alpha Karius since she suddenly felt suffocated at their distance.

Lilian couldn't help but to let out a giggle as soon as she reached her own room. His reaction was priceless when she let go of him. He looked like a pup that had been deprived of something that he couldn't have. She sighed as she sat down on the soft mattress of the bed and relaxed a bit.

She wouldn't deny the fact that she felt the pooling of her panties earlier... even until now. Alpha Karius is effortlessly hot! That should not be a big deal anymore. He got the looks and the body so it's not that surprising anymore that despite his rank and position, female wolves are not intimidated by him. It actually turns them on knowing that he got the power.

At that thought, Lilian suddenly felt hot and unconsciously held the mark on her neck as she bit her lower lip.

Mindlessly, Lilian's hand went down to her chest, to her boobs and groped it. A soft sigh escaped from her lips when she closed her eyes and a familiar image of a man came to her mind. "Hmm..." It was Alpha Karius. It came to her mind how he clenched his jaw like he's stopping himself to unleash the real beast inside him.

Lilian was so lost to her own thoughts that her other hand suddenly slipped inside her dress and caressed her own thigh. Her dress hitched up as her hands found her most sensitive area that's still covered with the soaking fabric of her panties.

"Fuck," she whispered under her breath as soon as she felt her own wetness. Goodness. Why is she even doing this to herself?! She's getting insane! She's not like this. Why does she suddenly feel all hot like a wanton woman?


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