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The Omega's Sweetest Revenge novel Chapter 5

CHAPTER 05: The Sweetest Revenge

BLOOD. IT was blood that came out from her femininity. Lilian was so shocked that even though her body was giving up, she still tried to stand up and look for help.

"H-Help! Help me, p-please!" Lilian shouted when she successfully got down from the tree house. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush that pushes her to move quickly before everything is too late. She doesn't even know anymore how she was able to get down since she's already dizzy. Her surroundings were spinning that she's about to give up but no! She must move and get help!

Lilian continues walking desperately despite her wobbling knees. She's in the middle of the forest and it was impossible to get some help at this moment but she will still try! She will try for the sake of her baby! She will never give up!

"Help me..." Her throat is getting dry. She already stopped from crying but the pain she's feeling on her lower abdomen is getting worse! And the blood won't just stop from gushing down to her legs. She's losing too much blood! "No... please, h-hold on, baby. M-Mama will get some help," she whispered to her little one as she held her flat stomach.

When she finally got out of the forest, it was a miracle that she saw a woman walking, so with all her strength, Lilian shouted again for help. "H-Help! Help me!"

Lilian successfully got the attention of the woman who happened to be Penny, the witch who confirmed her pregnancy.

"L-Lilian?" Penny asked as she looked at her with her confused expression but it vanished immediately. It was replaced by her worried expression when she saw the blood on Lilian's thighs. "What happened to you? G-Goodness, you're bleeding!" Penny blurted out and rushed to Lilian and held her arms.

"Penny, help me. Please, my baby! Please, save my b-baby..." Lilian almost whispered. She was relieved that finally, someone will now help her but she's still worried about her baby. She's silently hoping that everything will turn out well after this.

Seconds later, Lilian finally fell into deep slumber.

LILIAN WOKE up with an aching body. When she's finally conscious, her brows furrowed when she saw that she's inside an unfamiliar room. The walls are made with mostly wood. Some heads of wild animals are hanged there too as a display. There's also a table at the side, at the top of it are some bottles and tubes, maybe some herbal medicine? Lilian is not really sure.

"You're finally awake."

Lilian glanced at the door when someone came inside. It was Penny. She was holding a tray with a teacup on it.

"P-Penny..." Lilian's voice was still hoarse. She tried to get up from the bed and lean on the headboard then looked at her.

"Drink this. It will help you to regain your energy," Penny said and sat beside her then gave her the teacup. There's a green liquid on it and it was still smoking hot. Penny assisted Lilian to drink it slowly.

The taste of the liquid was actually bitter but Lilian didn't mind it and just drank it. "W-What happened?" she asked Penny and tried to remember how she got in there.

"You're in my house right now. I'm sorry, I took you here since I don't really know where you live. You were asleep for almost three days."

Lilian's eyes widened a bit as she placed back the teacup on the tray beside them. "T-Three days?"

Penny nodded.

She tried to recall what happened. It hits her like a damn tornado. From where Alpha Karius broke up with her to the... baby! The baby!

"W-What about my baby? Is my baby safe, Penny?" Lilian asked with her shaking voice as she held her stomach.

Strange. It was really strange since she couldn't feel anything anymore. It felt... hollow. What happened to her baby?


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