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The One He Claimed by Cooper novel Chapter 133

Chapter133: Next Steps 


We watch as Penny leaves, hearing her tell Jaime about being asked to be our Gamma

That went well,Lucas says as the door closes

It did. I hope that means that we’ll soon have a Gamma couple.” 

Do you intend to open it for a challenge?Lucas asks

Yes, we’ll have to, but I don’t think any of our warriors can defeat her, do you?I ask

No. She’s tough, nearly as strong as I am in a fight.” 

And she’s a smart fighter. I’ve been watching her since Lucas said you were both interested in her as our Gamma. She’s small, but she uses that to her advantage in her sparring,Kinsley 


“Did you notice the hickey on her marking spot?Sophie asks Kinsley, smiling

And Jaime’s scent all over her,Kinsley says, smiling back

Yeah, that’s why I said she needed to think about it. He’s new here, his sisters are here, and she’ll want to stay with him if he decides to leave. They have a lot to talk about. Hopefully, he’ll see that this is a pack worth staying in and it will be a non- 



Chapter133: Next Steps 

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issue,Lucas says

Hopefully,I agree

What do you have going on today?Lucas asks me as our mates snuggle against us

I need to contact Dutton, make sure he’s willing to join our fight against Alaric and then we need to include Amelia and come up with a plan. Alaric needs to die, and it needs to happen before Zahn gets here, just in case he’s planning to go against us.” 

Do you think he is?Kinsley asks

I look at Sophie. It’s hard to know for sure. He seemed like he legitimately wanted to bring Jocelyn here to help her, but you never know. It could all be a ruse,” she says

What’s your plan when he’s here?Lucas asks

He agreed to have 24hour surveillance on him, so that’s what I m going to do. He goes nowhere that one of us hasn’t approved.” 

How long are they staying?Kinsley asks

According to Alpha Zahn, as long as it takes,Sophie says

Takes for what?Kinsely asks, frowning

For his mate to accept him, I guess,Sophie says

So, he’s moving in permanently then?Lucas asks sarcastically. Fuck no. I’ll kick him out eventually, with or without his mate.” 


Chapter133: Next Steps 

How is she?Kinsley asks, directing her question to Sophie

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Not good. I’ll probably have you spend a lot of time with her when she’s here. You understand what she’s going through more than I do,Sophie says, and I see Lucaslips press tightly together, before Kinsley tightens her arms around him

She nuzzles him as he pulls her closer. It’s not the same, Lucas. Zahn was violent with Jocelyn, but it was still public, so from that perspective, I understand. Honestly, Brooklyn might be better to have her spend time with,Kinsley says, rubbing her face over Lucasand helping to calm him. He still carries a lot of guilt for publicly claiming Kinsley

I was thinking that too. I have no idea what state she’s in, but a medical workup seems appropriate.” 

There’s a knock at the door

Come in,I say, smelling Ezra before he opens the door. He takes a step in and stops

Am I interrupting something?” he asks, and I see the flash of envy on his face that our mates are sitting in our laps

No, come in. We were just going over next steps in planning for our attack on Alaric and for Zahn’s visit,I tell him

So, Zahn is coming?he asks, sitting down


He nods. Then I’m glad Margot has agreed to leave with me. I don’t want him anywhere near her, triggering her again.” 

She agreed?Sophie asks, sitting forward


Chapter133 Next Steps 

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Ezra smiles, one of his rare smiles that I’ve started to see more often on his face

Yes. She and her mother will be returning with me. I can offer. you warriors to assist with the battle if you need them,he says looking at me. But I’ve been away too long from my pack, and I need to return.” 

Thank you for the offer, but hopefully we’ll have Dutton and won’t need any additional warriors. Perhaps between taking out Alaric and having Zahn arrive, we can have an Alpha meeting about what to do with these pack lands,I say

Ezra raises his eyebrow at me. Squeezing a lot in at one time, aren’t you?” 

Sophie snorts. It’s always like this around here, Alpha Ezra.” 

So, I’ve noticed, Luna. I did want to thank you, all of you, for allowing me to stay so long.” 

We appreciate your assistance in the war against Joshua,”


He needed to die,Ezra growls

Agreed. When are you leaving?ask

Later today. Margot wants to say goodbye to the friends she’s made here. I hope that you and Sophie will come visit some time and that we can come visit again so she can see her friends.” 

Any time,Sophie says. And I would love to come see your pack, Alpha Ezra. Perhaps after our pup is born.” 


Chapter133 Next Steps 

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Ezra looks thoughtful for a moment. Are you planning to include Calvin in that Alpha meeting?” 

Sophie turns and looks at me. He’s still an Alpha and so far, hes still on our side,” I say, looking at Sophie. “What happened between him and your sister doesn’t change that, it just means that she’ll also be on the call representing her own pack.” 

I stroke my hand over her side, easing the words because I know they are worrying her

If he becomes inappropriate, we’ll disconnect the call and exclude him,Ezra says to Sophie

She looks at me and I nod in agreement. I won’t let Calvin use those calls to harass his mate. She relaxes and leans back against me

That was all. I just wanted to let you know that I’m leaving with Margot and Luna June,Ezra says standing

Have lunch with us. I know Sophie and Margot have grown close, and Kinsley too. That still gives you plenty of time to get home before sundown,I say, knowing that Sophie wants to say goodbye to her friend

I’ll let Margot know. I think that will make her happy. And please, if you wouldhe stops, looking uncomfortable. Margot is stubborn, she’s not the type of woman to reach out if she’s feeling uncomfortable or lonely. She’ll have her mother, but I know being in my pack is going to make her uneasy” 

I’ll call her. We’ll keep in touch,Sophie says, smiling

We both will,Kinsley says


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