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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 14

“Motherfucker, are you here to pick a fight?”

When the two brawny men heard what Casey said, they both showed their faces full of anger and started to curse at Casey.

“You have three minutes, or suffer the consequences.” Casey did not care about the attitude of those two people.

“Who the fuck do you think you are, spreading your fury at our turf, are you tired of living?” One of the strong men spoke up.

“Isn’t this man that useless son-in-law of the Patel family, damn it, he dared to come to Starry Night Club and make a ruckus, it really seems like he does not want to live anymore.” The other man stared at Casey and spoke.

“The live-in son-in-law of the Patel family? The one who’s home all day doing the dishes and laundry, whose position is considered lower than a dog?”

“Yes, that’s him.”

After the two men realized Casey’s identity, their gazes towards him became even more contemptuous.

“Wimp, get the hell out of here, you should not have come to this place.”

Casey sighed helplessly and started to walk towards the night club.

“Damn, you are shameless, time to let you see what we are made out of today!”

The two strong men were about to make a move on Casey, but at that moment, a twenty-eight or twenty-nine-year-old man with a buzz cut walked out from the night club.

He saw Casey standing at the doorway, his eyes lit up again, and when he saw that the two strong men were about to make a move, he began to be in a cold sweat.

“What the fuck are you guys doing, stop it now!” Morgan shouted and immediately rushed over, knocking each of the strong men once on their heads.

The two strong men covered their heads, looking at Morgan in puzzlement.

“Boss, the brat does not know any better, he dared to call you out to meet him, we just want to help you teach him a lesson.” The strong man stated.

After hearing the strong man’s explanation, Morgan immediately glared at the two of them, as he thought to himself if they really had made a move just now, they will have to prepare to live the rest of their lives lying in beds.

“This is now none of you guys matter, get out of here, the next time you guys meet him again, just let him go, and if you dared to block him, I am going to break your legs!” Morgan scolded.

After kicking the two men away, Morgan hurriedly approached Casey and respectfully said, “Mr. Davies, what brings you here. Those two men of mine are quite short-sighted and offended you, I will deal with them later on.”

Casey smiled, and decided not to pursue this matter any further.

The reason why Morgan was so respectful to Casey was that everything he had now could be said to have been given to him by Casey.

Four years ago, when Morgan was hunted down by his enemies, he fled all the way to J City, it was Casey who stepped in and took care of his enemies. He also passed down the Starry Night Club to Morgan as well.

Without Casey, Morgan will not be known as one of three underworld Kings, thus Morgan was very grateful to Casey, and he was also aware that Casey was not the trash people said he is, he was unfathomable and simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Even though he was now one of the underworld kings of J City, he was also clear that Casey could easily destroy him.

“In a few days, the Patel family will organize an exhibition at the TY Real Estate Inc, so find me some people and make sure the exhibition can be carried out safely.” Casey did not want to waste any more time and directly stated his request.

“No problem, the task given by Mr. Davies, I will definitely complete it successfully.” Morgan promised with a smile.

When facing Casey, his usual kind of ruthlessness could not be shown at all.

“Mr. Davies, please come in and take a seat, let’s have a drink.” Morgan saw Casey had just finished explaining things, so he spoke.

“No, I still have to get back quickly, remember what I explained to you, if you mess up, you going to be greeted by my fist.” Casey stated.


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