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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 180

Yutian County was famous in Jiangbei for jadeite, having an abundance of jadeite and producing a large quantity of jadeite every year. Therefore, it was considered to be the land of jade. People who loved jade or gambled on stones would come here to have a visit.

Yutian County developed very well in recent years due to the business of jadeite. People here all lived well-off lives.

Among the companies that did jadeite business, Leonardo's company was the largest. In Yutian County, everyone knew his name.

People called him Leonardo because he enjoyed a high status in Yutian County. And every person in Yutian County was eager to makes friends with him.

Jaxon was lucky enough to run errands for Leonardo. Therefore, he was liked by Flora and also became a representative of outstanding young people of Yutian County. People in Yutian County had a favorable impression on him.

At this moment before the Yutian County Bus Station, Jaxon and Flora were standing by the road, staring at people coming and going. Beside them was Jaxon’s newly bought Audi.

There was a large flow of people here because it was a bus station. It took Jaxon great effort to drive the car here just now.

Not far from here was the highway exit where Edith's family would be off the highway, so Flora and Jaxon came here to wait in advance.

"Didn't Leonardotell you what important person he is going to welcome?" Flora askedJaxon.

Jaxon shook his head and said, "Leonardomust be going to welcome someone of the same level as him. I can’t come into contact with that person. He asked me to leave not long after I went there."

Flora nodded and said, "Let it go. The matter of those big shots has nothing to do with us. Let's wait to mock Edith's family."

Jaxon also laughed, saying, "I really want to see what kind of car they are driving very much."

"Needless to say, it must be a second-hand boneshaker, absolutely not at the same level as our Audi. Even if it is not a second-hand car, it must be very cheap. Maybe it's a van." Flora said with a smile.

Jaxon laughed loudly and said, "It would be much too funny if it's a van."

They stared at the car passing by. When they saw an old car, they would watch it carefully to see if Edith's family were sitting in it.

Before long, Flora saw several people walking towards them. She gave them a glance and found that they were Edith's family.

Flora was confused, wondering why they were walking at this moment on condition that they drove here. Could it be that they came back by bus because they also felt ashamed?

Flora immediately pulled Jaxon and walked towards Edith's family saying, "That is Edith's family."

When they were close to Edith's family, Flora asked deliberately at once, "Edith, didn't you drive back? Why are you walking now?"

Edith gave her a glance and answer, "There were too many people to drive here, so we walked to meet you first."

Flora got it that they parked the car over there.

Jaxon, who was standing beside Flora, was a little puzzled. Although there were a lot of people because of the bus station over there, it's possible to drive here if they did it slowly. Why did they claim that they couldn't drive here?

"Aunt, uncle, let me introduce my boyfriend to you. His name is Jaxon. Now he is working forLeonardoand he earns millions every year." Flora told them.

Amara and Nicolas both nodded without much reaction.

After all, they lived in a villa worth tens of millions RMB, drove a luxury car worthy of more than four million RMB and had several pieces of antique worth hundreds of millions RMB in their house. Making millions was nothing for them.

Seeing that they didn't have reaction, she contemptuously thought that they must be jealous of Jaxon's brilliance.

To embarrass them, Flora looked at Casey and said. "Edith, you really bring him, the loser, back? Is he still living off you now? Look, how much a man can differ from another. My boyfriend is so much better than him."

Edith frowned and said, "Casey is also excellent."

Seeing her reaction, Flora mocked at once, "He is excellent? Stop it. He is but a loser."

"By the way, Casey, didn't you drive back? Your car must be difficult to drive. Look at Jaxon’s Audi. It costs more than 400 thousand RMB. How about it? Do you envy it?" Flora said proudly.

Jaxon straightened up in arrogance.

"Aunt, uncle, let Jaxon drive you back later. His car must be better than Casey's and it will more comfortable to ride in his car. How can Casey drive you back in his boneshaker? It is really inconsiderate of him to do this." Flora turned to Amara and Nicolas.

Both Amara and Nicolas found it funny for her to say so. They wondered, why should we ride in his car worthy of more than 400 thousand RMB instead of ours worth more than four million RMB? It can only make them feel uncomfortable.

Casey smiled and said, "I parked my car just there. Why not go to have a look?"

Flora and Jaxon never expected that Casey dared to invite them to see the car, so they agreed with a sneer.

Amara and Nicolas were also unhappy about Flora's arrogance, so they wondered if she could still be so triumphant when she saw their car that was worth more than four million RMB.

They all headed forward. Finding that there were more and more people in front of the bus station, Casey frowned and tried to figure out a route to drive.

Soon, they arrived at the place where Casey had parked his car. That place was packed solid with people who were all watching Casey's Porsche curiously.

Yutian County had developed quite well in recent years, but luxury cars like Porsche was still rare to see. After all, it was a county and there were cars like BMW and Audi at most.

Now, a Porsche suddenly appeared here. People were naturally curious about it and wanted to come to have a look.

"Wow, this is a Porsche 911! There should be this kind of luxury car in our county now! Could it be Leonardo's car?" Jaxon exclaimed.

"A Porsche 911? Is this kind of car expensive?" Flora asked.

"It costs more than four million RMB, enough to buy ten Audis of the model I bought." Jaxon explained to her.

Flora was stunned. She never expected the car to be so expensive.

At the moment, Casey smiled a little. Flora immediately glared at him, saying, "Why are you smiling? It can't be your car however expensive it is."


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