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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 187

Flora and Jaxon widened their eyes when the heard that the girls said.

"What are you taking about? Her bag is a processing bag, how possible is it a limited edition? A quarter of a million? I think it is not worth two hundred and fifty yuan." Flora said.

The girls all looked suspicious, but one girl came over and asked, "Can I see your bag?"

Edith nodded and handed the bag to the girl.

The girl carefully look at the bag and observed inside, and then she said, “This bag is absolutely true, there is anti-counterfeit mark inside. Girl, I really envy you that your boyfriend bought you an expensive bag."

Edith showed a sweet smile but she said nothing.

Those girls gave jealous look to Edith before they left.

"That's impossible! How possible your bag value 250 thousand, this is a processing bag bought by Casey." Flora said with incredulity.

Casey said with a smile, “I never said I bought a processing bag."

Jaxon immediately stared at Casey. He was still mad at Casey about what had happened, now hearing what Casey said, he sneered, “Don’t be ostentatious. Do you think you can afford a bag value two hundred and fifty thousand? There is no a label on it. If it's real, it only means you stole it."

"Don't frame him, Casey won't do that kind of thing." Edith defended Casey.

Flora said aggressively, “Don’t defend for this loser. It must have been stolen by him. Two hundred and fifty thousand is enough to make him be sentenced for several years in prison. Edith, don't blame us for our heartless behavior. He had done something illegal and should be punished. Let’s go back to the store and confirm with the staff.”

Jaxon nodded and walked toward the bag store.

He just lost three hundred thousand, so he was not happy, feeling that Casey cursed them to lose money. Now there was such a good opportunity, of course, he would not let it go.

If only he could make Casey go into prison for a few years.

Edith looked at them with a frown. She did not expect them to be so excessive.

Casey said with a smile, “We go there too, we have not done any wrong. After they confirm, they could not say anything."

Edith nodded and walked toward the store with Casey.

Seeing they followed up, Jaxon turned to sneer him, “You thief, just wait to be caught!"

When he arrived in the store, Jaxon was aggressive, pointed to the bag in Edith’s hand and asked, “Is this bag your store’s?"

The few clerks looked at Edith and Casey. Knowing they bought the store, they nodded.

"This bag is from our store. Is there any problem?" Asked the clerk.

"Good, this bag was stolen from your store by this guy, You quickly report to the police to arrest him. You are really careless, this expensive bag was stolen and you actually did not find out it. If it were not for me, your store's loss is big." Jaxon said as if he had done a good thing.

"Yeah, we found out for you. Although they are related to us, we won't cover up for their crimes. Just call the police." Flora said too.

The several clerks looked at Jaxon and Flora in puzzle, felling there seemed to be a problem with their brains.

"Well......You may misunderstand, this bag was not stolen by bought by him." Said one of the clerks.

"That's impossible! He is a famous loser and relies only on his wife. He has no money at all. How could he afford such an expensive bag? You must have a wrong memory, please call the police and arrest him." Flora said.

Several clerk's face immediately became cold. Casey bought all of their bags, and he was their top customer now. These two people slandered their top customers, of course, they would not be happy.

"Please show some respect, both of you, if you call this customer who bought our entire store's bags a loser, what are you? You just bought a bag worth fifty thousand from us." Said a clerk.

Both Jaxon and Flora immediately widened their eyes and looked at the clerk in shock.

"What, What did you say? He bought all the bags?" Jaxon murmured.

"Yes, this gentleman bought all the bags we have here, and took the most expensive one for this lady. He even took off the label for the sake of your mood. You actually said he stole the bag, it's really unreasonable." Said the clerk.

Jaxon swallowed. If this was true, how much money did Casey have? It cost millions for the whole store.

Flora took a deep breath and said, “I don't believe he bought all the bags of your store. Did he give you a bribe and let you say it on purpose? Show me some proof that he bought all your bags."

The clerk went to the front of the computer and took out Casey’s transfer records.

"If you do not believe it, come and see. The bank's transfer record can’t be false. You are really bored. Do we need to cheat you?" Said the clerk impatiently.

Flora and Jaxon went over and found there was the transfer of more than three hundred. They took breath in a gasp.

The name of Casey was clearly written over there.

"It......It's true." Flora's eyes instantly become wandering. She could not believe Casey would be so rich and bought all bags from a store.

Jaxon felt complex in heart, and he had encouraged Casey to be generous.

The generosity he understood was to buy a bag of fifty thousand, and Casey directly bought a whole store. The gap between the two suddenly was clear.

He and Flora thought Casey bought a processing bag and felt they pretended to be rich.

Now it seemed that they were not lying. They were really rich.

After all, the person who could buy an entire store in Yutian County was only Leonardo.


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