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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 27

Hanging up the phone with Charles Clinton, Casey Davies dialed Lee, the manager of the appliance store.

"Who is it?" the voice on the other end of the line was rambling.

"This is Casey Davies," Casey Davies spoke.

There was the sound of a chair sliding, followed by Lee's eager voice: "Mr. Davies, how may I help you?"

Charles Clinton had just called him and told him that if a man named Casey Davies called him, no matter what he said, he had to say yes.

Even if Casey Davies wanted to empty the appliance store, Lee must cooperate.

Lee wasn't stupid. He knew that Casey Davies must be a big shot, or Charles Clinton wouldn't have called him personally.

"I'm on the third floor of the appliance store, come over here." Casey Davies said and hung up the phone.

He walked back to the upscale TV area, where Sales and Edith Patel were standing.

The salesperson’s face was full of sarcasm and Edith Patel looked embarrassed.

"What? did you call and fail to borrow the money, let me tell you, if you don't have the consumption ability, don't act like a big shot here, people like you are the most disgusting." The salesperson kept humiliating him.

"I called your manager, let's wait until he gets here." Casey Davies said faintly.

The salesman didn’t believe any words Casey Davies said and shouted more loudly, “You? You called our manager to come over here? Come one. Unless you’re a big client, or our manager wouldn’t come to waste time with poor people like you.”

Casey Davies didn't say anything, just stood there waiting.

It took less than two minutes for a lean-looking man in a suit to come running here. He must have run over as fast as he could.

The salesman wasn't expecting the manager to actually come over and was a little surprised.

But she thought to herself that this was a good opportunity, as long as she made it clear to the manager that Casey Davies couldn't afford a TV and was still messing around here, maybe the manager would praise her.

"Manager, there's a man who can't afford a TV and he insists on saying that he can afford it. He asked me to get him the thirty-eight-thousand-dollar one, he didn’t have the money. I guess he came to cause trouble and he insisted on calling you over." The salesman immediately came forward and said.

"Which one?" Lee asked.

The salesman pointed her finger directly at Casey Davies and said, "That's him, a poor loser, and pretending to be rich, I can't watch him."

Lee looked at Casey Davies and asked, "Sir, are you Mr. Davies?"

Casey Davies nodded.

"Manager, why you call him sir, I've shown my respect to him by not calling him a beggar." The salesman became harsher, thinking that the manager would back her up.

Lee's face changed immediately. He was someone who Charles Clinton took seriously, and this salesman had the nerve to call him a beggar, she must want to die.

"Shut up your fucking hole, how dare you judge Mr. Davies?” Lee glared at the salesman.

Sales saw Lee's sudden anger and his heart thudded, never expecting Lee to speak for Casey Davies like that.

"Manager, I..."

"You don't have a say here." Lee roared.


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