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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 291

Scarlett also turned to look at the black bank card in Casey's hand. Although she didn't know much about business matters, she had heard of the black bank card of the World Bank.

After seeing Casey take out this low-key bank card, a trace of astonishment appeared immediately on Scarlett’s delicate face.

She originally thought that Casey would definitely ask for her for help this time. But she didn’t expect that Casey would be able to pay for these hundreds of thousands. If he had the black card, the property he owned was more than the entire Green family.

"The black card of the World Bank. Why do you have this bank card?" Scarlett asked subconsciously.

Casey smiled at her and said, "I applied for it myself."

After speaking, he handed the bank card to the manager. The manager quickly took it to the front desk and swiped the card.

After paying for the money, Casey walked to Scarlett and Reginald. Seeing that the two of them were still full of astonishment, Casey asked, "What's the matter with you guys?"

Reginald reacted. He looked at Casey with full of jealousy. He originally thought Casey was just a wimp, but he didn't expect that Casey would have the bank card of the World Bank.

Thinking of Scarlett's attitude towards Casey, Reginald was even more upset. This time, he really regarded Casey as his rival in love.

Scarlett took a deep breath. She just thought that Casey was so good at chess. Even if he had no money, he could make living by playing chess.

After all, she was the eldest daughter of the Green family. No matter what, she had money. Even if Casey didn't like her, as long as she gave him a better life, Casey might give up his wife someday and loved her.

Now, Casey took out the black card of the World Bank. Scarlett knew why Casey wore so ordinary clothes. He just wanted to be low-key. What Casey had was no less than her.

Even if Dexter, the head of the Green family, was not eligible to get a black card from the World Bank. This meant that the power Casey could gather was greater than that of the entire Green family.

This guy was way too good.

Seeing Casey paying off the money, Scarlett couldn't help but feel a little lost. She still had a glimmer of hope for Casey, but now it seemed that Casey was really not interested in her.

Seeing Scarlett's disappointed and aggrieved face, Casey smiled and said to her, "I didn't mean to against you. Don't get angry anymore. You’re so beautiful. Don’t pull a long face."

Scarlett didn’t have any confidence in front of Casey now. Although she was still a little angry, she also knew that if she still went on like this, it would only make Casey feel more disgust to her.

"Okay, I see. You are so stupid. I forgive you." Scarlett said, "Now go inside with me. It's almost the time for dinner."

Casey nodded, followed Scarlett to walk inside.

Reginald was full of jealousy. But he couldn't say anything. He could only quickly follow them.

When they arrived in the private room, Scarlett clapped her hands and called everyone over, introducing Casey.

"Casey was invited by my father to participate in this competition. Whether we can win this time, it’s up to him." Scarlett said.

Everyone was surprised. They didn’t expect that Scarlett would think so highly of Casey.

Reginald had never heard of Casey's name in QY City. If Casey was really best at playing chess, everyone would have heard of him long ago.

So Reginald suspected that Casey sucked at all. The reason why Casey was able to participate in this competition was probably that he bought a place with money. After all, Casey had a black bank card of the World Bank. Maybe he could directly buy the champion of this competition.

Thinking of this, Reginald suddenly scorned. Since he couldn't compare to Casey in terms of money, he naturally had to find other excuses to make himself feel a little better.

He glanced at Scarlett with a smile, and said, "Scarlett, don't joke with us. Our association can win the championship. Why do we have to rely on him who doesn't know chess at all?"

After speaking, he began to wink at the people in the private room.

Everyone immediately understood Reginald's meaning. Reginald's chess level was second only to Scarlett among the younger generation in QY Chess Association. With the Baker family's status, Reginald still had some prestige among these people.

"Scarlett, he looks so ordinary. Why do we have to rely on him to win the championship?"


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