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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 294

After Casey entered the chess house, he stood there and waited. He and Scarlett came here together. Scarlett said she was going to the bathroom just now, and asked him to wait here for a while. When Scarlett came back, the two of them would go to the player preparation area together.

As soon as he stood there, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. It was Leyla.

Leyla stared at Casey contemptuously, and said, "Casey, you dare to come to this place? You vulgar person. You understand the chess?"

Casey smiled at her and said, "Compared with me, you who always say such harsh words look even more vulgar."

Leyla immediately glared at Casey, with an unhappy face. She said coldly, "You don't have to pretend in front of me. The day when you first came to QY City, you must have been beaten severely. That will be your endings if you’re still against to me. Today, I’ll make you feel regret coming here."

"So, do you admit that it was you who did it that day?" Casey said.

"I didn't admit it. Casey, it was you who insulted Jay. You deserved to be beaten. Now I tell you a piece of good news. Jay is over there. Will he come and teach you a lesson again if he sees you?" Leyla said with a sneer.

Casey looked towards the front and found that Faith had already brought Jay towards him.

"Mr. Jay, there is someone over there. You definitely want to see him. Just follow me." Faith said with a smile.

Jay felt so weird. He came here to watch the game today. He didn't expect a girl who he had never seen would tell him that there was someone who he would definitely want to see.

He followed Faith to Casey's side. After seeing Casey, his entire face changed abruptly. Wasn't Casey the guest of the patriarch in the Green family?

Seeing that Faith had brought Jay over, Leyla sneered at Casey, and said, "Casey, I didn't expect that Mr. Jay would also come here to watch the game. You still have time to run away. Otherwise, you can only wait for him to punch you."

When Casey saw Faith coming with Jay, he immediately understood what the two women wanted to do. But it was a pity that the two women left too early that day and didn't know what happened later. Otherwise, they would definitely not dare to do it.

"Mr. Jay, do you know this person? The person is the one who said you are a pig last time. I heard him say that you are a pig again. This guy is way out of the line. Mr. Jay, you can't let him off easily." Faith said to Jay.

Jay turned his head and glanced at Faith. Then he said, "He is right. I am a pig."

After speaking, Jay hurried over to Casey, stretched out his hand, and said respectfully, "Mr. Davies, what a coincidence! I didn’t expect to meet you here. It’s really my pleasure to meet you here. "

Casey smiled at him and shook his hand.

Leyla and Faith on the side were dumbfounded immediately. How could they expect that Jay would be so polite to Casey, and even admitted that he was a pig. This was beyond their expectation.

"Mr. Jay, don't you hate others saying you are a pig? This guy just said you are a pig. Aren't you angry?" Faith said again and glared at Casey.

Jay smiled and said, "Mr. Davies said that I am a pig, then I am just a pig. I am so happy. Why am I angry?"

Both Faith and Leyla stared at Jay in disbelief. In their opinion, Jay would beat up Casey. How could he become so respectful to Casey?

Staring at Leyla and Faith, Casey said with a smile, "You probably didn't expect this to happen. To tell you the truth, I was not beaten up that day. I'm really sorry that I didn't let your tricks succeed."

Jay glanced at Leyla and Faith strangely, and asked, "Mr. Davies, do you know them?"

"Remember what the waiter said that day? He said there were two women to tell him to say that words. Those two women are these two." Casey said.

Jay's face suddenly became gloomy. After Casey left that day, he specially sent someone to find out who was making trouble and even dared to cause him such a big trouble. But he didn’t find out.

Now Casey said that these two people were the ones who instigated the waiter to slander Casey. Jay immediately reacted. He remembered what Faith said just now. Obviously, Faith wanted to fool around him again.

He was so angry. Then he slapped Faith and yelled, "Damn it, it turns out that it was you two bitches who slandered Mr. Davies. I’m still looking for you two. Do you think I’m a fool? Since I met you guys today, I have to teach you guys a lesson."

Faith covered her face and looked at Jay with horror. She knew how terrifying Jay was when he was angry. If Jay really wanted to get even with them, she and Leyla would really be a dead meat.

"Mr. Davies, these two bitches dared to slander you that day, so that I made a big misunderstanding with you. I will teach them a lesson now. What do you think of?" Jay asked Casey.

Casey shook his head and said, "The two of them have really gone too far. Just do it. Leave them to you."

Jay nodded immediately. Then he turned his head to glance a short distance away and then whistled. His two bodyguards immediately walked over here.


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