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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 297

The next day, the competition continued.

Because three-quarters of the people were eliminated from yesterday's competition, and the rest could be considered as the elite of the elite, the excitement of the competition would also be greatly improved. Therefore, there were more people coming to watch competition than yesterday.

On the arena, there were a total of sixteen people left and eight chessboards. These sixteen people were the best in the chess world in Jiangbei. Today's two games would assure the top four players a place in the finals in the next day.

Casey still played calmly. What made him a little unexpected was that in his morning game, his opponent turned out to be Reginald.

When Reginald drew Casey as his opponent, he was also surprised. Then there was a burst of despair came into his mind. Although he regarded Casey as a rival in love, and was very upset with Casey.

But yesterday's game had made Reginald aware of Casey's chess skill. For chess, Reginald felt inferior to him. Thus, after drew against Casey, he had already known his fate today.

After Casey was on the court, he looked at Reginald, who looked very embarrassed, with a joking smile on his face.

"Apologize to me now, I can let you stay on the court a little longer," Casey quipped.

"Guy, I was wrong. I shouldn't look down on you. Don't make me lose in 15 minutes. That would be too embarrassing. I will compete with you for Scarlett fairly in the future, and I will never despise you any more, okay?" Reginald immediately begged for mercy.

Casey showed a wry look, and said, "I'm married and won't compete with you for Scarlett. As for whether you can capture her heart, it's your business."

Hearing Casey's words, Reginald was immediately dumbfounded. He didn't expect Casey to be married. Casey's meaning was obvious that he didn't have any feelings for Scarlett at all, which meant t Scarlett got close to Casey voluntarily.

The goddess in his heart took the initiative to approach Casey, but Casey was not interested in her, while Reginald had to be careful when talking to Scarlett. The gap between the two was immediately obvious.

Reginald felt a strong sense of frustration, and he even wanted to give up the competition directly.

It's just that he was also the young master of a big family anyway, it was too embarrassing to give up. Even if he knew he would lose, he also had to insist on finishing the game.

When QY Chess Competition was in full swing, in Edith's office of the Patel family's company, J City,

Edith was staring at a pile of documents on the table with anxiety. Today, TY Group's project had come to an end, if Edith couldn't find a new project to replace it, the company would enter a loss-making state. Then It wouldn't be long before the company went out of business.

She ran away to discuss cooperation with many companies these days, but because of Jason's targeting, no company was willing to cooperate with the Patel family's company.

Even several projects that had been negotiated and signed contracts were breached by the other party. Even if they were compensated for liquidated damages, they were unwilling to cooperate with the Patel family.

After all, whoever dared to cooperate with the Patel family's company was against Y Real Estate. Everyone knew the status of Y Real Estate in J City. Whoever dared to fight against Y Real Estate was dicing with death.

Edith stared at one of the numbers in her phone, wondering whether to dial the number.

This number was exactly the number Casey gave her before he went to QY City. Casey said that for any business problems, she could dial this number, and someone would help her solve all the problems.

She had many doubts. After all, Y Real Estate was regarded as one of the largest companies in J City. It was not an easy task to make Y Real Estate give in. Tyler also let Edith know that Casey was no longer a member of the Davies family.

But now she had no other choice but to pin her hopes on this number.

Casey had never fooled her before, and maybe this number could really bring her some surprises.

Just when Edith was about to make a call, her secretary, Elena, walked into the office and said happily, "Ms. Edith, I just received news that a company is willing to cooperate with us, and they want to meet you now. If the negotiation goes well, they can sign the contract today."

Edith was taken aback and asked, "What company?"

"It's a company of another city. I don't know the specifics. I just received news from them. The news stated that their boss is now in a restaurant near our company. If you want to cooperate with them, you can go and have a look," Elena said.

Edith frowned immediately and said, "It wants to talk about cooperation with us without any information. Is it a liar?"

Elena walked to Edith and said, "Ms. Edith, we are in a very dangerous situation now. Whether it is a liar or not, I think you should check it out. After all, this is also a hope. If it is a liar, we can come back."

When Edith heard Elena's words, she felt that there was some truth. Since she had no other choice now, she was supposed to have a look. If it was true, then she didn't have to worry about it so much.

"Well, Elena, go and ask two male colleagues to be with us. I'm afraid it's Paul's trick. It's always right to be on guard," Edith said.

Elena nodded, and said, "OK, Ms. Edith. I'm going to ask them. You should prepare first."

Edith got ready, and then walked out of the office. Elena walked over and said, "They still have something to do. Let's go there first, and they will follow us."

Edith nodded without thinking, and walked out of the company with Elena.

They came to the entrance of a small restaurant near the company. Edith stopped and asked, "Should we wait for them here? It's not good to go in directly."


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