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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 3

Early in the morning the next day, Casey finished the dishes, and took his electro car and left for TY Real Estate.

He stopped and parked his electro car in front of the building, and went inside.

TY was known in all of J City for their estates in higher class community. The houses they have are mainly villas, and anyone who was able to afford a house from them, must be really wealthy.

Casey hadn't even reached the gate yet, when a woman dressed in uniform with a lot of makeup came walking towards him, she looked him up to down, and said to him, “Wait, you are here for plumbing work right? Go from the back entrance, from here you get into our lobby.”

Casey looked at the woman in an awkward manner, and said to her, “I am here to look for someone, not to repair the pipes.”

The woman looked at him again, especially at his clothes, that must be from some cheap place, her eyes were showing disguise.

Just in that moment, the woman’s eyes widened, and she said surprised, “Casey? You are Casey?”

Casey paused, and stared at the woman, asking her, “You know me?”

The woman started to laugh, “I am Violet, don’t you remember me? I was in the same class with you in high school!”

Casey thought about her words doubting, and suddenly, he remembered a picture from high school, “Oh right, I remember now, Violet, we even shared a table together!”

She really was his classmate, but they haven’t met in a few years, she started using makeup, which made her prettier than back then, so Casey couldn’t recognize her for that reason.

After Violet noticed who this man was, her attitude towards him changed immediately, instead of disguise, it was now more mockingly.

When they were in school, Violet always made fun of Casey being a child no one wanted, coming from an orphanage. Then he was adopted by the Patel’s, which resulted in him being the biggest joke of J City, and Violet often gossiped about him with her friends.

She stared at him another time, and said, “I heard you are going to marry some rich girl? I always said you wouldn’t make it to anything, who would have known that I was right all this time! You are pretty well known in J City now, even my colleagues know that you are just a useless man, god, I am dying of laughter.”

Casey’s mood darkened immediately, he didn’t expect that meeting his old classmate would result in being bullied by her.

“Oh, by the way, what are you doing here at our company? Don’t tell me you are here to buy a house, you know the houses we have are really big ones, and with what you are doing, you wouldn’t be able to afford it in your whole lifetime, maybe not even a stone in that house.” Now that Violet found out this person in front of her is that useless guy Casey from school, she didn’t care about her attitude at all anymore.

“I am here to talk to your manager.” Casey said.

Violet laughed hard, and said, “Okay, now you can really stop pretending. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? Look at yourself, and you wanna see our manager?”

“You haven’t seen the real world yet have you? So that’s why you want to get in our building and see some big houses? Let me tell you, these are all villas, even if you can see them, you will not be able to afford them. It’s actually going to make you realize how useless you are, so I actually suggest you leave, because the way you are dressed, I think the guards will drag you out again.”

“I gotta get inside to work, I don’t want to talk to trash anymore.”


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