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The Peremptory Casey Davies novel Chapter 321

At noontime the next day, Casey received a phone call from Luna. According to Luna, that man and his son realized that there wrong. Therefore, they wanted to apologize to Casey and treated him to a meal. Besides, considering that Owen and Luna cured Elias, that man and his son also wanted to express their gratitude to Owen and Luna during the meal.

Previously, Casey was not going to accept their invitation. However, Luna insisted that Casey should eat with them. According to her, Owen had accepted their invitation, but she didn't have common interest with them. If Casey wouldn't eat with them, Luna would have no one to talk to during the meal.

Casey had no choice but to agree. After telling Edith that he wasn't going to have lunch at home, he left the villa alone.

Edith didn't have to work today, so Casey drove Edith's car out.

Before long, Casey arrived at the place Luna told him. It was a rural restaurant, instead of a high-end one. It should be quite novel to eat in such a place.

After parking his car in the parking lot in front of the restaurant, Casey walked towards the restaurant.

A waiter stopped him at the door and said, "I'm sorry. The whole restaurant is reserved today, so no one else could enter the restaurant."

"I'm a guest being invited to have a meal here." Casey said.

That waiter looked at him up and down, saying, "Stop lying. The restaurant is being reserved by rich people. You're but a poor man who wears cheap clothes. How is it possible that you're invited to have a meal here? You're trying to have a free meal here, right? Get out now. I don't want to waste my time on talking to you here."

Casey frowned and spoke, "This is the way you treat a guest?"

"Treat a guest? Since you're not our guest, why should I treat you as a guest? Get out now. Don't get in the way of my work." The waiter said coldly.

"Go to ask the person who reserves the restaurant to come here. You can ask him whether I'm invited or not." Casey spoke.

The waiter sneered and said, "I have been told that just two guests are invited to come here. Before, two guests had entered our restaurant. How dare you claim that you're also invited to come here? Who do you think you are? Why should I listen to you and ask the person who reserved our restaurant to come here?"

At this moment, Elias was watching what was going on here in the yard with a sneer. He had deliberately designed this trap for Casey.

Before, he told the waiter that only two guests were invited today and asked the waiter to drive away people dressed in not expensive clothes. The reason why he did this was that he wanted to embarrass Casey.

Now, seeing that Casey was treated by the waiter in this way, Elias felt triumphant. Thinking that it was time to stop it, he went to the door.

"What happened?" Elias pretended that he didn't know what had happened and asked.

"Sir, this guy insisted that he was invited by you and wanted to enter the restaurant. I asked him to go away, but he just wouldn't leave. It's really annoying." The waiter answered quickly.

After giving Casey a glance, Elias put a smile and said, "Oh, it's you. I'm so sorry. Come in please. I always socialize with rich people, not being accustomed to socializing with people like you. Therefore, I told him not to let poor man come in before. I'm really sorry that I had forgot that you were also invited."

Hearing his taunt, Casey immediately knew that Elias had done it on purpose. At the same time, he realized that Elias had ulterior motives for inviting him to have lunch.

"It doesn't matter. I know that you're stupid, so I forgive you." Casey spoke.

Hearing it, Elias was so angry that he changed his expression instantly. Moreover, he had no idea how to refute what Casey said.

Since Elias didn't treat him politely, Casey naturally treated him in a relentless way.

"Fuck! He dared to say that I'm stupid! Look. You'll regret treating me in this way later." Elias thought angrily.

Casey followed Elias into the restaurant. With a lot of flowers and plants in the yard, the restaurant looked pretty nice. There was a table in the yard, at which Owen and Luna had already sat.

"Casey, hurriedly come here. Why are you so late? It seemed that someone was quarrelling outside the restaurant just now. What happened?" Luna waved to Casey in a hurry.

Casey came over and sat down beside Luna, speaking with a smile, "Nothing special. The person who invites us to have lunch is too stupid to arrange everything well, causing the delay."

Hearing this, Elias immediately clenched his hands into fists.

"Wait and see. I'll definitely make you regret for what you've said today!" Elias gritted his teeth and thought.


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