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The Perfect Luna novel Chapter 20

Riannon shifted slightly in her husband’s hands, trying to get out of his grasp but he held her in place. Just like he did in their youth when someone looked at her and he suddenly got in his possessive alpha mode. And she always was the popular girl.

Before Ria was sure that he was like that because he loved her. Well, that assumption was long dead now. It turned out to be as simple as him not wanting to share his toys with anyone. And that realisation hurt her even now.

Besides, the look in Gideon’s eyes worried her. He looked as if he was ready to kill now. And she did not get why would it have such an impression on him. Apart from that “healing” episode, there was nothing between them. Was it possible that he liked her?

However, in just under a second, everything became clear on that end too.

“Don’t you think you are a bit too disrespectful to behave like that during a business meeting, Alpha…”, even though he knew his name very well, Gideon still raised a brow implying that he had forgotten it again.

“Thorn. Just like my wife here. Brayden Thorn,” the werewolf tried not to show how that insulted him. He had a bigger problem at hand. No one wanted to piss off a lycan, even if they did not like them. But the Lycan King went without saying. Even he, the strongest werewolf alpha, couldn’t afford to offend him. At least not now.

So, no matter how much he did not like his wife next to that man, he had to act politely at all times.

“My apologies…”He waited for the king to let him know how to call him.

“King Gideon,” the lycan smirked darkly and Brayden clenched Ria tighter in his hands. Almost to the point of hurting her.

“My apologies, KinGideon,” he tried really hard not to grit his teeth, “It’s just that I missed my wife so much that I couldn’t handle myself properly.”

“Hmm,” Gideon sneered this time, “And here I thought you were an Alpha. Shouldn’t you be able to be more in control of your emotions? Besides, you were just fine without your wife the other day as far as I remember.”

This jab Brayden had to swallow too. There was nothing to tell to that. And Riannon used that moment to get out of his hands and step away, which made Gideon relax at once. He felt as if a heavy boulder was lifted off his chest when she appeared to be closer to him than to her own husband.

“Anyway,” she tried to sound businesslike, “The king and I were discussing the new laws

“Of course,” he interrupted her as usual, not caring for her Luna duties as always. This was a habit of his since he knew she would be handling everything impeccably, so there was no point to take part in any of it. He had a lot of things on his own mind and did not need to add to that. However, when they were deciding on how to handle general pack matters, that was when he wanted her opinion always. Because in most cases it was very helpful. To him.

“Take as much time as you need, my dear,” he wanted to touch her but she crossed her hands on her chest demonstrating to him that he was better not to.

“That’s good that your husband is so helpful and agreeable,” Gideon suddenly looked much happier than before, “We were just talking about how some of the lycan laws may be helpful in our case. And that there is no way to discuss this properly during a short meeting or over the phone. We need to actually work together. So, it was decided that the Luna will come to my kingdom for a week.”

Riannon almost choked on that but played her part, concealing all the emotions. They hadn’t agreed on anything yet.

“A week?” Brayden’s mouth opened as he was processing what he just heard, “This is…”

“Not enough?” Gideon chuckled, “Let’s make it two then.”

“No,” the Alpha growled and the king’s eyes glowed gold. Even Riannon got tense watching the two of them.

“So, you do believe that your wife would be able to deal with everything in one week?” the lycan was forcing him to give him an answer that he wanted to hear. And the werewolf knew very well that in fact, he had no choice in the matter.

“She can even deal with all that faster,” he tried to play the game.

“Let’s not be cruel to the Luna,” Gideon smirked again, “We don’t want to overwork her, do we?”

Riannon was perplexed about all that. They were discussing it as if she was not there and she did not like it one bit.

But if she was honest, this was playing out nicely. Roxy was quiet in her first weeks in the pack and did not do much except for the crying. And it could be good to let Brayden concentrate his attention on her without the feeling of guilt that he had at first. Not to mention that the help from the lycan king was priceless.

But… herself… Could it be that his motives weren’t that great? And if she was right about that, could she still use his help?

But then she remembered her people. And realised that for them she would have to at least try. Gideon did not look like a man who would force her into anything. Not to mention that there was a great risk that he wouldn’t even have to. The thought alone of their closeness brought colour to her cheeks and she touched them to cool down, which did not escape the lycan king’s attention.

He had a very hard time controlling his wolf inside as it was. Mars wanted to get out, kill Brayden and everyone else who would dare to object to him claiming his mate. And then he wanted to place a big fat mark on her right on top of her old one. The worst thing was that it was this last part that bothered him the most. He did not want Mars to go on a rampage and hurt his beautiful mate.

So, he had to restraint him extra harder this time, which caused him physical pain. And

“So, it’s a done deal then,” Gideon prepared to leave, itching to touch her again, “I will send a car tomorrow.”

“I have no time to lose,” Lycan king was not even lookinat him. He looked at Riannon and he was talking to her, “The faster we start, the sooner we will be done.”

“I’ll be leaving,” he announced dryly since the alpha ruined their potential goodbyes. He was sure that if he asked Riannon to see him off, the husband would tag along. And he couldn’t see him anymore without slashing his claws over his neck… He had to leave this place.Ria sighed as she watched Gideon through the windows going to his car. He looked as if he was in a rush. But right before he got in, he turned and looked right where she was standing.

However, this was good. This was hope.


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