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The Perfect Luna novel Chapter 31

Ria was looking at herself in the mirror wondering if she went slightly overboard here?

She chose a white satin dress with a deep v-cut neckline and plunging free-fall back. The garment also had a draped and knotted train, which was fastening in the middle and splitting off into two. It was very elegant and reminded her of ancient Greece. However, she usually preferred more… modest designs. Yet today she craved something else.

She couldn’t forget the cold shower that Gideon gave her in the morning after they practically spent the night together. What was up with that?

Okay, they didn’t actually spend the night together. But they kissed. And the kiss was mind-blowing. Even Onyx reacted to that.

Speaking of which, she tried calling her wolf again and again. But Onyx was not responding to that. As if she wasn’t there. Only that now Ria was sure that she was.

“Listen,” she sighed, “I really need you. I don’t know why you are hiding and not talking to me. But we were always a team. And for me, nothing changed. I know that Brayden hurt us and that dying wasn’t easy. I understand that you might need more time. Just knowOnyx, just know that I am still waiting for you and I’ll wait as long as it takes. Just come back…”

She sat a bit more, but nothing changed.

Her thoughts drifted to Gideon again and she clenched her lips, lifting her hair up and fixing it with a few pins, letting a few curly strands fall on her shoulders.

She stood up, ready to leave for the event but at the last moment returned to the dressing table and got red lipstick, applying it to her lips before she changed her mind.

He did not want to see her? He would see her now!

But then she noticed something else… Her diamond ring was still shining in her finger. The one Brayden gave her at their engagement. She kept on wearing it for safety reasons now. But today it seemed too heavy for her. She took it off, enjoying the moment of her freedom.

The house was already full of guests. All of whom were also wearing white.

Riannon hoped to stay invisible for as long as she could. Her main aim was to find Gideon and to ask him bluntly what happened. Because she sure as hell had no idea.

But if there was something, she wanted to know.

However, her brilliant plan of laying low was not working. Wherever she went, all eyes was were at her at all times. Most of those were friendly. She recognised some of the warrior guys who were looking for protein shakes at the kitchen the other day. But some were less than friendly.

Not only does she dare to attend our party on a false pretence, but I heard she is also after both Beta Reid AND king Gideon!”

“Like she has a chance!” another one joined her, “How many of those werewolf sl.uts throw themselves at our men? They are never good enough!”

“Who knows,” the third one chuckled, “Maybe they will give her a ride or two. But it will never be anything serious!”

Riannon knew the she-wolves were aware that she was listening to them. Moreover, everyone was. And now they all expected her reaction.

In the years spent as a Luna of her pack, Ria learnt one thing. You could only make the first impression once. And she had no idea why it was so important for her to show these

people her true worth, but she knew that it was.

So, she gracefully turned on her heels and walked towards the three lycan girls who still

had smirks on their faces.

“Ladies,” she gave them one of her most dazzling smiles, “It may come as a shock to you, but some women have more value than simply trying to land a male. I understand that it’s

hard to comprehend for some and while I am your king’s personal guest, I came here to work

on women rights. Something we all can benefit from. That is if you have any kind of aspirations in life, of course.”

The three women froze in front of her, not knowing how to proceed. This wasn’t what

they expected at all.

“You say that and yet you are dressed like that,” one of them finally regained her voice.

“Like what?” Riannon decided to set a little trap.

“Yes, like what?” princess Savanah appeared right next to them in a beautiful gown with a glass of champagne in her hand, “I should probably mention before you say anything, that I personally picked Ria’s dress for tonight. So, please, enlighten me, what does she look like in


Now the gossip girls looked pale.

“It’s a very beautiful dress,” one of them stuttered while the other two nodded vigorously. “Amazing!” “Such a great taste!”

Riannon rolled her eyes, slightly disappointed with the princess arriving too early. She

women, and they escaped within seconds.

“My, my!” Savvy giggled as she put her glass down and took Ria’s hand, “You are quite bloodthirsty, aren’t you?”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” a little smile curled the Luna’s lips,“I just like to tackle the problems at once. And finish them off while I can.”

“Don’t worry,” the girl gave her a warm smile, “Those three bark but they don’t bite. I am happy with your dress choice, by the way. It was one of my favourites too. When my brother

sees you in this…”

The princess bit her lip and stopped talking as if she had told too much. Someone called

her name and she turned to look at the person nervously.


She stood at the top of the staircase, looking around. She noticed Beta Reid talking to two girls both of whom were sending some very clear signals to him, while touching his chest and biceps. He didn’t seem to mind that at all. She kept on looking when her eyes finally locked with Gideon’s.He stood with a group of men who were discussing something loudly and looked at her. And there was so much in his gaze, hungry and filled with desire, that she was

speaking to, she was catching Gideon’s gazes on her. Just what was his problem,? Why couldn’t he simply come up and talk to her?

“What?” the guy in question rolled his eyes, “The Luna doesn’t mind, right”


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