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The Perfect Luna novel Chapter 69

She went into the room timidly, carrying a tray with… well, tea. Riannon wanted to laugh

out loud, taking a mental note to not drink it. It was unlikely that the omega would try to poison her now, but just the thought of consuming anything that her hands touched repulsed the


There was a possibility, of course, that in this lifetime Alice wouldn’t be working for the foxes yet. She wasn’t a part of the main team even back in her previous life. But now Riannon kind of hoped that she had been recruited already. It would be really helpful to them. 

The chances were high. Alice was pouring the tea into one of the cups when Ria took a quick glance at her. Ever since she saw the past, she had been wondering what made the omega serve Roxy? Their pack was one of the best and life inside of it was comfortable for

everyone. On top of that, omegas were guaranteed protection at all times and it was truly priceless in their cruel world. Maybe she had bigger ambitions than just serving tea to the higher-ranking wolves? Or maybe she needed money for some reason. Either way, they promised her something that corrupted her loyalty to the pack. And it couldn‘t be a coincidence that right now both her and Marcus had chosen her pack and not Brayden’s. Ria also remembered that Alice had a chosen mate who was just slightly higher in ranking than an omega and wondered if he was taking part in it. But she doubted that, considering what she witnessed the girl doing with Marcus in the woods right before her death. Another proof that

true mates ruled over chosen ones.

They did their best to ignore her. Everybody took omegas for granted and, although Riannon hated to admit that and tried to know everyone in her pack, at times like this, she was one of them. This was what the fox king counted on. And right now she had to play along. And so did Gideon. Daily new chapters in www.noveljar.com

“Ria, you are crazy if you think that I am letting you go with just six warriors,” the lycan king growled dominantly, and she caught herself thinking that it sounded hot.

We can’t take too many. If they see them, then Harper would be dead.” Riannon explained calmly as Alice was placing a cup in front of her. “Don‘t worry, they are strategic places. If we hide them there, no one will know. It’s next to impossible to see them from the ground, so unless they come in a plane...” 

“This is not what I am worried about, and you know it,” he sighed, tapping his fingers on the map. Ria was impressed by his acting skills. Gideon really did not give out any drama school kid vibes. But on the other hand, he was a politician just like her. They had to act more

“We already talked about it,” Riannon tried to sound firm and annoyed as Alice placed a cup of tea in front of her, grazing her eyes over the map. “Thank you,” she did not look at her as

she said that.

“There is only one problem,” her mate chuckled, “I don‘t give a damn about Harper. I haven’t even seen her.. But you are my whole world. I am not risking my queen.”

“Of course you are not,” she fidgeted with the cup in her hands, “That’s why we are working on this plan.” 

“And it needs more warriors. Lycan warriors.” They stared at each other and it was the worst part because she wanted to laugh since it reminded her of a children’s game. But he didn’t even flinch and that gave her strength to go on as well.

“Fine,” she groaned, “Bring your lycans, but I am bringing my warriors too. So, we‘ll bring six people each. I need to think of new places to position them.”

“Whatever,” Gideon smirked, “Lycans are the fastest shifters. You can position them far away to avoid them being noticed and they will still be in place on time at the first signal.” 

“Good to know,” she put the cup with tea away, pretending to look at the map. “Then I will place half of them here. And the other half… I need to think about it some more.”

They let Alice hear enough, not wanting it to be too unnatural. One thing was for sure, Castiel wasn’t an i***t. He would realise that something was off if he received full information about their plan. That would be very lucky even for the sly fox.

Gideon refused the tea and Alice was stumbling with her tray.

Daily new chapters in www.noveljar.com “That would be all. Thank you.” Riannon smiled at the girl charmingly and the latter even blushed a bit. Who could have thought that this little creature would be able to add aconite to people’s drinks

“Do you think she bought it?” Ria almost jumped when she heard Gideon’s voice in her head. But when the realisation settled, she smiled at him. It was the first time they used mind–linking, which was now possible due to their mating process being completed. It was

convenient too, since no one would hear them now.

“I hope so,” Riannon took another look at the map, “If she remembered at least a few of

these places, then we’ll be able to take out their warriors one by one.”

“Speaking of warriors,” the lycan looked at his watch and sighed, “We are almost late for another show.”

they heard the sounds of approaching steps as Ash made the team run, Riannon prepared for a fight. It was lucky that both of them had enhanced hearing now. The lycan as a royal and Ria as a blessed wolf. She didn’t even have a chance yet to test what she could do, but Onyx

assured her that they were capable of many things. However, this wasn’t the time to show off.

Gideon was holding kick pads and she was hitting them with enthusiasm. But not with her full force. 

“I just can’t do this anymore!” she groaned loudly, knowing that werewolf hearing would be able to pick up on that.

“Of course you can,” her mate said calmly, playing his part. “You just need time. I think this glowing thing exhausted you. You need time to restore properly.”

“But we don’t have time!” she almost screamed, turning away from him in fake desperation. “I need to be able to shift now and I can’t anymore! This is happening all over again!”

“Heard you,” Ash’s voice sounded in Riannon’s mind, “And I am sure that everyone who was with me did too. What’s next?”


“Take them away so that they think that you don’t want them to keep overhearing us,” The Alpha’s lips curled into a satisfied smile. “Then give them some free time so that our mole can deliver the information.”

“Will do.” Ash didn‘t ask any questions and in less than a second they could hear his

command given to the other wolves.

The seeds were planted and now all they had to do was wait and hope that they would


When it got dark, the time came to say goodbye. Maya did not cry anymore. She did not cry when her brother’s body was brought to the centre of the clearing in the woods, where all the funerals of their packs were held. She did not cry when they placed him on the pedestal

made of wood and stuffed with dry twigs.. It was a tradition to burn the bodies of werewolves

and it was considered that only after burning the wolf’s spirit is free and can start a new life in a new body, while the human goes to spend eternity next to the Moon Goddess.

Dean was wrapped in white fabric soaked in inflammable liquid. It was hard for Maya that she couldn’t see his face. Maybe if she saw him, she would be able to shed another tear. But she couldn’t. It was as if she used the limit of her lifetime in just two days.

Reid was hugging her from her back, hands locked protectively around his mate. He felt


brother almost broke her. And now all that she was thinking about was her revenge.

Nobody was saying anything. Werewolves did not like to talk. Instead, they heard a howl from one of the guards in the woods in his wolf form that was far away from them now. And then another howl from the other side joined him. Everyone who was guarding the pack that night was howling now. And it wasn’t a battle cry or a signal. It was a song of pain and loss that the pack shared tonight.

Finally, the flames were so high that it seemed like it was illuminating the whole forest. And then it formed into the shape of a beautiful wolf’s head that let out its last roar, joined by other members of the pack. The wolf dissipated into myriads of tiny sparks and this was when everyone knew that it was officially over. Dean’s wolf was going to be reborn. And Dean was probably already enjoying the company of the Moon Goddess, which was an honour on its own.

The Alpha female was very carefully choosing her words as she told her story from the very beginning, shocking Ash, who was the last person to find out about everything.. However,

“This actually explains a lot.” The Gamma tried to stay rational,. “You were so chill about everything and you seemed to know things... How did you...?” 

“We‘ll talk about it another time,” Ria stopped him, “And right now I need you to know what we are going to do tomorrow. It’s of the utmost significance now and everyone should know what they have to do.”

She told them the plan and their roles in it and everyone seemed fine with it to her relief. Only Gideon wasn’t saying a word, but she already knew that she had his full support.

“I will take that as a compliment,” his Queen looked at him with pride in her eyes and accepted the hand that he offered, “Shall we?” 

He had her by his side for years. And when the crazy teen love turned into an adult partnership, he started to take her for granted. He was always flattered when people were complimenting his choice of wife. He loved listening to how everyone praised them as a perfect couple. He loved the fact that he could rely on her. And he loved her as well… But he thought that she would always be there. And when Roxy appeared in his life, he thought that she would forgive him this little guilty pleasure because, in the long run, it wouldn’t change anything between them. Daily new chapters in www.noveljar.com


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