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The poor Billionaire novel (Ethan) novel Chapter 67

"Horace, you're back!" Macie's voice was filled with excitement. But when she looked around him, her spirit dampened. "Where is Mr. Rivera?" she asked with a frown.

"Something came up at his company. He had to leave urgently."

After the brief explanation, Horace turned to look at the young man who was surrounded by some sophisticated girls. He had a pair of clear and bright eyes, like the morning dew. His thick eyebrows were curled up perfectly. Below his pointed nose were lips as red as rose petals. His fair skin was like snow. In summary, he was not only handsome but also dashing.

The young man stared at Horace in return. He eyed Horace from head to toe and chuckled. Pointing his index finger at him, he asked Macie sarcastically, "Hey, is this your powerful friend? Ha-ha! How interesting! From the look of things, I don't think all his clothes are worth of one hundred dollars on him. I'm so impressed! Is this loser the dangerous big shot you just bragged about? Would you like to warm my bed for a night? Since you have no idea what a big shot is, I will introduce you to some of them after you serve me for a night. Do we have a deal?"

Macie totally ignored his words. Her heart had jolted when Horace broke the news to her. She asked, "What? Did you just say Mr. Rivera left?"

She was displeased with this development, but she soon put on a confident expression. She looked at the young man and commented, "You are so lucky. My powerful friend has left. I'll let you go scot-free today!"

"Ha-ha! You will let me go scot-free? Are you kidding me? You think I don't know that you are telling me a cock and bull story. Anyway, I must say that you had me there for a second. Now tell me, what's the name of the big shot you know? I can't wait to admire him!"

The young man's sarcastic smile disappeared in an instant. He spat on the floor and added, "Bah! You bitch! You should be thankful that I even asked for your WeChat ID. A man like me took a fancy to you, but you are behaving like a beauty queen. How dare you refuse to give it to me? It seems you are not only proud but ignorant. Better ask around about me. I don't take no for an answer. Most definitely not from people beneath me!"

When Milo Russell finished venting, the girls around him supported him in coquettish tones.

"Yeah, that's right. You have crossed the line. It's obvious you have no idea how prominent Milo is in this city! Look at you. What gave a poor girl like you the effrontery to turn him down?"

"You should count yourself lucky that Milo even spared you a glance. You have no class. Look at your clothes. They aren't even worthy to be used as rags. They belong in the trash. What year are you stuck in? These clothes weren't even worn ten years ago. Gosh! You are an eyesore!"

This truckload of insults was too much for Macie to bear. She almost ran mad. On the other hand, Laila turned a deaf ear to them as if they weren't talking to her. This wasn't the first time people were hurling insults at her, so she had developed a thick skin over time.

The icy disdain in the girls' voices caused Macie to reflect on herself. Now that she felt the pain of her previous victims, her conscience pricked her.

However, she waved the guilt aside in the blink of an eye. She couldn't swallow all the insults from these women. She was so angry that she really wanted to pounce on them and scratch their faces like a wild animal. 'What I did in the past doesn't matter now. The most important thing is to find a way to teach these useless women an unforgettable lesson!'

"Shut up!" Horace roared when he couldn't keep calm anymore. If they had just insulted him or Macie, he would have let things slide. But they had insulted Laila. He couldn't spare anyone who did that.

Judging by the exchange of words from both parties involved, he had a rough idea of what had transpired before he arrived. This young man had asked for the WeChat ID of Laila or Macie. Their refusal had taken him by surprise, so he was infuriated. He tried to get back at them by belittling them.

Horace's roar just now had drowned the women's voices. They had flinched at first. But they soon fired back at him. "Why did you act like an uncivilized animal? Why are you even yelling at us? Do you only have the guts to oppress girls? The main player is standing right in front of you. If you have the guts, why don't you challenge Milo?"

"Milo, look at this guy. He just yelled at us. Please help us!"

"Oh, Milo. I'm so scared. Unlike the handsome man that you are, he looks like an ugly gangster from the trenches!"

The coquettish voices of these women made Horace's, Laila's, and Macie's skins crawl.

It was disgusting to see all these women swoon over one man like they had no ounce of shame.

Milo became even more arrogant. With his eyebrows furrowed, he said to Horace, "Dude, don't you think it's a little inappropriate for a poverty-stricken loser like you to have two beautiful women at once? Besides, how dare you raise your voice at my women? Do you want to see your creator today?"

"What?" Horace clenched his fists and looked at Milo with bloodshot eyes. "I don't mind if you all insult me a million times. What I would not tolerate is you insulting my friends. What makes you think you have the right to look down on her? Who the hell do you think you are?"

Horace glared at Milo. He was a perfect gentleman. Laying his hands on women was the last thing he would do. If it weren't because most of the offenders were women, he would have treated them the same way he treated Averi and Pollard at the Sea Pavilion.

Nevertheless, he was still ferocious as he faced them. Macie looked at him in surprise. 'Jeez! Never did I imagine that Horace could be this tough. Look at his sculpted jawline and glare. Oh my! He suddenly looks so handsome!'

"Wow, this is getting interesting! Did you just ask me who the hell I am? I should be the one asking you that question. How dare you behave so arrogantly in my presence? Dude, please, you need to look at yourself in the mirror."

Milo pressed his hands together as if he were genuinely pleading with Horace. His behavior could have fooled anyone, but his eyes were filled with contempt.

"Yes. Look at you, you are so poor. I'm afraid that your clothes are cheaper than Milo's shoelaces! Eww! What gave you the guts to talk back at him? Don't you know your place?" One of the women beside Milo sneered at Horace again.

"Why do you look surprised? Do you have any idea how expensive his shoelaces are? Just so you know, Milo can buy ten sets of the tattered clothes you are wearing with just one of his shoelaces. Yeah, it's that expensive!"

"Poor man, do you know where you are? Why did you bring these two bumpkins here? Are you lost or something? This is the most expensive mall in the whole of Rinas. It's for the elites of this city. People like you who are below the poverty line don't deserve to be here. If you don't want to be disgraced, go back to the trenches now!"

The second batch of insults didn't get to Horace at all. He just chuckled and shook his head. All his life, he had received worse insults. He used to be pained before. But now that he was the heir to a trillion-dollar empire and a potential successor of the Warren family, he couldn't concern himself with such frivolities. It was best to turn a deaf ear to them. But even if he wanted to ignore them, his family wouldn't let it slide. So he decided against forgiving them this time. These people had crossed the line. He had to vent his raging anger.

Horace looked at everyone coldly and said, "The last person to step on my toes is currently in the hospital. His name is Pollard Lyons. Does that name ring a bell? Not only that. His father was also disrespectful to me when I came here this morning. He has been taken away too. He should be joining his son in the hospital soon!"


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