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The poor Billionaire novel (Ethan) novel Chapter 84

Egan answered the call on the first ring.

"Mr. Warren, good morning. Is anything the matter?" His anxious voice came from the other end of the line.

"Mr. Hudson, is there a doctor you know that's an expert in treating rectal cancer?" Horace asked without beating about the bush.

Although he knew that the Warren family was rich and powerful, he didn't know if they were involved in the health industry, nor did he know if there was any doctor that specialized in rectal cancer in the family.

"Mr. Warren, is Madam Potter's condition getting worse? Or is there another problem?" Egan asked worriedly.

"Yes! There's a big problem, Mr. Hudson. My mother was supposed to be operated on today, but the surgeon just came and told me that the success rate of the operation is only thirty percent. That percentage is too low. I can't afford to risk her life when there's a very little guarantee that she would be well. This is why I want to know if there's an excellent oncology expert you know. I want him to come and operate on her."

"Mr. Warren, that's not a big deal. Madam Potter is important to this family. She deserves to be given the best medical treatment," Egan said respectfully. He then added, "Please accept my apologies for being so careless. It skipped my mind that the Rinas Infirmary is not a good hospital for terminal diseases. I should have sent our family's doctor to treat her before now. Please forgive my negligence."

The worry that had been overwhelming Horace eased up substantially. The frown on his face loosened up. "Mr. Hudson, please is the Warren family's doctor better than the experts in this hospital?" he asked curiously.

"Not really, Mr. Warren! He just has an upper hand over the so-called experts because of an advanced medicine that our medical research team developed after a series of elaborate experiments. This medicine cures cancer. Our family doctor can use it to shrink and destroy the cancerous cells before it spreads and reaches the fourth stage. Even if it's at the final stage, there is an eighty percent chance that the patient would fully recover!"

Egan readily disclosed the Warren family's confidential information to Horace.

"What? So there's a medicine that can cure cancer? Why is the Warren family sleeping on this? Why hasn't it been released to the world yet?" Horace's mind exploded when he heard this information. He couldn't help remembering that old man who had given him a ten-dollar bill and cried that he didn't want to die.

Cancer was a horrible disease. It caused so much pain and drained many families' resources. People often went bankrupt while trying to save their lives.

"Mr. Warren, we understand that this medicine would take the health industry by storm and save many lives. It's just that the materials for making the medicine are very rare. Thus, only the members of the family and the regional directors are beneficiaries for now!" Egan explained the reason for the delay. Horace's suggestion for the medicine to be launched to save people's lives further proved to Egan that he was the perfect successor for the family. He could tell that he would be a kind-hearted, merciful, and good leader.

"The regional directors? Are you trying to say that only those who are of the same rank as Uncle Raul and above are eligible to use the medicine? Wow! The materials must be really hard to find. It's rather unfortunate that the medicine can't be made available to everyone now." Horace sighed sadly.

He then asked, "Mr. Hudson, is there a chance that this kind of medicine would be available to the common man in the future?"

"Mr. Warren, please don't worry. There's hope for that to happen soon. As I speak to you, the No. 1 Medical Research Institute is working tirelessly to develop this kind of medicine without using materials that are too rare. They would make a big break and it would be widespread in the nearest future."

"Wow! That's good. Please thank the medical research team and tell them to keep pushing. When I return to Antawood, I will treat all of them to dinner," he uttered excitedly.

With a serious tone, he added, "Mr. Hudson, how long would it take for the family doctor to come down here to treat my mother?"

"Okay, Mr. Warren. I would relay your message to them. They would be glad to hear from you." Egan was moved by Horace's considerate nature. He added, "The management of the Rinas Infirmary has a good relationship with our family. I'll ask one of my subordinates to contact them once I get off this call. The hospital has an airplane parking space, so the family's private jet would bring the doctors down there. They should arrive before half past ten."

"Okay, Mr. Hudson. Please go and make the necessary arrangements now. Thank you."

"You are welcome, Mr. Warren. But you don't have to be so polite to me. It's my duty to do such things for you," Egan said respectfully with a hint of uneasiness. He swallowed hard and added, "I need to get to work now. Bye, Mr. Warren!"

"Okay, bye!"

Horace hung up the phone immediately.

Laila and Cara had heard the conversation both men had just now. Throughout the call, they received shocker after shocker. They were stunned to learn that Horace's family not only had a private jet, but also their own medical research institute that had made a groundbreaking discovery.

Laila had very little knowledge about what a medical institute was. But as a medical practitioner, Cara knew a thing or two about it. She knew that a lot of funding went into the experiments and research done daily. Only top international hospitals had their own research institutes. The funding ran into billions of dollars, so she was shocked that the Warren family had theirs. From the information that Egan just relayed, it seemed that they had more than one institute. Goosebumps appeared on her skin as she tried to imagine the extent of their power.

Admiration and determination blazed in Cara's eyes as she stared at Horace. She vowed to win his heart by any means whatsoever.

At this moment, Laila held Horace's hand and said happily, "It's great that help is on the way. Thank goodness we have a solution!"

"Yes!" Horace nodded with a smile and said to his mother, "Mom, the Warren family's doctor is coming soon. You will be fine!"

"Okay, my son. I already heard your conversation with Egan. Talk about a last-minute miracle. I had lost all hope of recovering. But now that a cure is coming, I'm happy that I would be able to continue watching you grow up!"

Caylee stared at him dotingly as she spoke.

Meanwhile, the director of the Rinas Infirmary received a mysterious phone call. It kept the management on their toes. All the employees became busy.

It was at this time that Cowan returned to his office. He saw that all his colleagues were hard at work. "Victor, what's going on? Why is everyone so busy?" he asked one of them curiously.

"The director just informed us that a big shot is coming to this hospital in ninety minutes. He ordered us to clean up our offices and go to attend to the patients afterward!" Victor Douglas answered without looking up at his colleague.

"Huh? What kind of big shot? What makes this person so special that the director asked everyone to swing into action?" On his way back, Cowan was surprised to see a top-ranking doctor cleaning up, so he asked this question.

"I don't know. All I heard is that he's from Antawood!" Victor replied while tidying his table.


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