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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 26

"I-I'm not staying here!"

Yang Xia took one look at Lu Chen and understood his meaning.

It was so embarrassing!

Yang Xia hastily shook his head.

"Dear, I've been so good to you so why don't you be good for me too, and wait here for just a moment? I'll get the money, drive back to pick you up and spend the night together!"

Lu Chen subtly eyed Chen Hao as he said this.

It was a reminder to Yang Xia. We're only here today because we want to humiliate Chen Hao. Don't mess this up.

Right, of course!

Yang Xia calmed down at the thought of Chen Hao.

My new boyfriend has to be a hundred times-no, ten thousand times better than Chen Hao!

This is not the time to make a fool of myself in front of him.

“Fine, I'm staying! I know you're loaded anyway!"

Yang Xia raised her voice on purpose. Realizing that Yang Xia had acquiesced, Lu Chen hightailed it out of there. Yang Xia wanted to ask the rest of her friends to accompany her.

But Meng Cairu said it was bad to have so many of them out and about, so she took the rest of them home.

Chen Hao was the last to leave. To be honest, it hurt him to see Yang Xia like this.

Really, it hurt!

Lu Chen just left her at the restaurant all alone in the middle of the night. Chen Hao felt a pang in his heart just thinking about.

They had dated for three years, after all.

He'd be lying if he said that love wasn't real.

Even if he constantly felt disappointed with her. Hatred, even.

Even if he kept reminding himself that she was a heartless backstabber.

But it really bothered him to see her like this.

If Yang Xia could find it in her to beg him for help,Chen Hao would probably have softened right there and then.

But Yang Xia did nothing more than shoot him a cold look and hugged her shoulders, which was her way of saying, 'Just you wait, Lu Chen will come for me soon.!'

Ah, well!

Chen Hao sighed.If this is how it is, then there's no point making a fool of myself.

Maybe his heart was hurting for a different Yang Xia.Not the materialistic Yang Xia she was right now,but the considerate, affectionate Yang Xia.

Chen Hao left with a bitter taste in his mouth.

Back at his dorm, he thought about it some more. It was supposed to be a great day for him, especially after he got his payback from Lu Chen in front of all his classmates.

So why wasn't he even a little bit happy?

Just then, Yang Hui came over and patted him on the shoulder, "Chen Hao, my man! Just wanted to check on your wallet after that spending spree. I mean, none of us even came close to stopping you back there! Although, it would be nice if you used that 200,000 to pay for your studies!"

Chen Hao smiled, "What? I never said I won 200,000.”


The boys instantly scooted closer, all with surprised looks.

"Heh, I'd actually won much more than this. This dinner may have cost me several hundred thousand, but it didn't really put a dent in my pocket at ll."

Chen Hao explained to them."Then how much did you win, Chen?""Yeah, man. Don't leave us hanging here, just tell you..."

Yang Hui and the boys were sprawled all over Chen Hao's bed, as if to say, 'You're not sleeping until we get answers.'

Chen Hao, resigned, held up a hand in front of them.

"Five fingers? You won 500,000?” Yang Hui and the others were shocked."Night, guys. I know it's Saturday tomorrow, but I'm still waking up early to study at the library!"

Chen Hao yawned nonchalantly and pulled the blanket right over his head.

"Hang on, was it 500,000 or 5,00000?”

The boys said frantically.

It took a lot of pestering and smacking Chen Hao through the blanket before theygave up.

Yelling aside, it doesn't really matter how many zeroes were behind that five. He's rich, that's all we need to know.

They thought to themselves.

Meanwhile, Chen Hao was still stubbornly awake.

Thinking about Yang Xia, of all things.

I wonder if she's still there.

Chen Hao had investigated Lu Chen before. His father ran a factory and gave him about five or six thousand a month as allowance, so Lu Chen should have no more than thirty to forty thousand in his savings.

It won't be enough.

And judging by his character, there was no way he'd come back for her.

Chen Hao thought Yang Xia would call him.

But she didn't, not even at midnight.

Hah. Why am I getting ahead of myself like this?

Lu Chen's the one she loves, not you, loser. Chen Hao thought with a weight on his chest.

The next day, Saturday.

None of his roommates were up yet.

Early in the morning, Chen Hao got a call. But it wasn't Yang Xia who called him, it was Li Zhenguo!

Chen Hao got up and took the call in the washroom.

"Morning, Young Master Chen!"

Li Zhenguo greeted him reverentially.


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