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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 54

Chen Hao was surprised to see Yang Xia as a receptionist in the villa.

No wonder she had disappeared off the grid for the past few days. It turns out that she had been here.

Chen Hao was actually happy for Yang Xia.

Yang Xia was still hostile toward Chen Hao after the incident. However, at the very least, she had found a job and did not give up on herself.

She was working hard to earn money. Chen Hao was glad that things turned out this way as compared to other potential outcomes.

"Chen Hao, why are you here? Do you think you can visit such places? Get out!"

Yang Xia snapped.

"Yang Xia, do you know this person?"

There were three receptionists standing together with Yang Xia. They looked about the same age as Chen Hao and they walked over together.

Their situation was similar to Yang Xia whereby they were in their third year of college and required an internship experience. They obviously wanted to try and make a fortune at the villa.

They heard that they would have opportunities to meet a lot of big shots in the villa.

As such, when they saw Chen Hao, they were all confused.

Chen Hao did not dress like the usual rich second generation heirs. At first glance, they suspected Chen Hao was here to have a look around and widen his knowledge.

However, the villa had a rule whereby outsiders could not enter no matter what!

"Of course I know this person. He is the ex- boyfriend I was talking about!"

Yang Xia glared and stared grudgingly at Chen Hao.

"What? Yang Xia, is he the douchebag that dumped you after striking a lottery? And the douchebag that was bragging and showing off constantly?"

"Damn! He looks so ugly and yet he is acting as though he's on top of the world after striking a lottery! There are so many more capable and richer second generation heirs than him. For example, Young Master Kang. He is so wealthy but I have never seen him gloat. What a bumpkin!"

"How could this person be compared to Young Master Kang? Yang Xia, it is fortunate that you managed to see the true color of this douchebag early on and did not lose your virginity to him. Otherwise you would have regretted..."

The few beautiful girls freely sneered at Chen Hao.

Despite not having a noble status, they had managed to connect with a few big shots due to working in this villa for a period of time.

As such, they had high standards and felt they were superior.

In their eyes, Chen Hao was a loser and they had no scruples about looking down on him.

Chen Hao sighed helplessly.

He was just about to ask about the absence of Zheng Yue, the previous receptionist.

Could she have left?

However, he could not get a word in as he was bombarded by the girls. Yang Xia was so quick to put the blame on me. Isn't she the one who cheated on me first?

However, at this point of time, Chen Hao couldn't be bothered to argue with Yang Xia over this matter.

No matter what she said, they had already broken up anyway.

Even though Chen Hao's feelings toward Yang Xia were still complicated, he had no intention of getting back together with her.

Therefore, whatever she said did not matter!

"Chen Hao, let me tell you. Don't think that you are terrific just because you won the lottery. I made a mistake, a grave mistake. In my first year of college, I was just a naive girl. Thus, you unctuously treated me well and I was touched, so I agreed to be your girlfriend. After that, I thought that Lu Chen was better than you, so I got together with him. I thought he could make me happy, but I was wrong as well."

"I was living under a well and I was extremely short-sighted. Now that I am at the Hot Spring Villa, it was like I've stepped into a whole new world. It does not matter to me even if you won a million from the lottery. Even if the amount you won was five million or ten million, I still wouldn't care. In my eyes, you are merely a loser that got lucky!"

"Therefore, stop thinking that you are amazing. In my eyes, you are just an underdog!"

Yang Xia was very agitated.

A few days ago, she went to Chen Hao for help because she owed Lu Chen 100,000. Her condition was that she would get back together with Chen Hao and she was willing to give up her body to him.

However, she was turned down by him.

In addition to that, that loser, who was dumped by her, suddenly became rich.


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