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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 65

Han Siyu soon came to the lakeside.

She was wearing a short skirt. With her shoulder-length hair and bright fair skin, she really looked like a beautiful internet celebrity.

However, unlike some internet celebrities, Han Siyu was a natural born beauty.

Of course Chen Hao had seen her barefaced before. She was definitely the cream of the crop.

Han Siyu had sat in front of Chen Hao at the beginning of the freshman year. Speaking of this, it was quite embarrassing.

Chen Hao used to secretly have a crush on Han Siyu!

It was a pity that compared with other girls, Han Siyu's standards couldn’t be higher.

Lu Chen was considered rich and wealthy, and Wang Yang also pursued Han Siyu before, but they were both ignored!

Chen Hao was obviously out of the question.

“Haha, it feels quite carefree sitting by the lake alone! Yang Xia asked me to send you a message!”

Han Siyu said coldly, crossing her arms.

“What did she say?”

Chen Hao asked.

“She said that she would come back sooner or later, and that she would embarrass you, Chen Hao. Just wait and see!”

Chen Hao lowered his head. This time, Yang Xia was really upset.

I bet she hates me to the core.

Maybe it's better this way. Yang Xia will probably not do any more bad things in the future. In other words, she would be ok, and that’s good enough!


Chen Hao answered.

“Oh! It seems that you chased Yang Xia away. How did you embarrass her? “

Han Siyu scanned Chen Hao from head and toe.

Even if Chen Hao had won the lottery, he was still not up to Han Siyu’s standard.


Chen Hao felt like a mess. Besides, it wasn’t wise to talk about everything that had happened that day, let alone to Han Siyu.

This person would definitely make this affair into a joke and broadcast it live.

She always did this kind of thing.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to tell me. Anyway, I have already brought Yang Xia’s message to you!”

With a snort, Han Siyu turned and left.

Although she and Yang Xia were roommates, they were not close after all.

Because Yang Xia was also very beautiful, thus they were fiercely competitive.

But now that Yang Xia was gone, Han Siyu was actually relieved.

Han Siyu had kept her promise to Yang Xia.

Chen Hao continued to stay by the lake. He felt very tired. He put his hands behind his head and laid down.

The silence around Chen Hao calmed him.

Suddenly, there were footsteps.

Somebody was blocking the light.

He could see a shadow in front of him.

It was standing a meter away.

Chen Hao raised his head slightly. He was stunned.

"Haha, Chen Hao, since you are free, I need you to do something for me!"

The person who came back was obviously Han Siyu.

Chen Hao was stunned because he was lying down whereas Han Shiyu was standing. She was wearing a mini skirt.

Chen Hao saw everything that should not be seen.


“My God!”

Chen Hao's face was as red as an apple. He quickly got up.

“What did you say?”

“Haha, what a loser. You’ve won some money from the lottery but you don’t behave like someone rich. It’s like you haven't seen a girl before! Well, did nothing happen between you and Yang Xia after going out for 3 years? Look at how naive you are! I know the answer even if you didn’t tell me!”

Han Siyu said scornfully.


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