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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 68

Zhao Yifan’s family ran a technology company.

Their annual profit was estimated at 6 to 7 million. It was moderately high.

The venue of the restaurant was in a deluxe hotel. When Chen Hao and the rest arrived, varieties of fancy dishes were already served on the table.

Unfortunately, the actual guest did not turn up.

“Yifan, you came!”

Zhao Gang forced a smile while standing up to welcome them. His daughter had gotten into such tremendous trouble, and even his company was implicated. Just as Xu Wei claimed, his company might probably go bankrupt within a month.

A few decades of his painstaking effort would be destroyed in a flash but he could only try to cheer up.

“Hi, Uncle and Aunt!”

They greeted Yi Fan’s parents.

“Yifan, I wanted to ask you about your classmate. Didn’t you mention that there's this one classmate of yours who is from a prestigious background and has great connections? Is he here today?”

Zhao Gang recalled that his daughter had told him about her classmate who had connections with Hot Spring Villa a few days ago.

Hence, Zhao Gang raised this question.

If that classmate could lend a helping hand, this trouble might be tackled easily.

“He came. But Dad, it isn’t what we thought. What I told you about his connections last time was not accurate…” Zhao Yifan said indifferently.

She did not even express clearly if she allowed Chen Hao to come along with them today.

“Yifan, why did you show consideration for his feelings? Uncle, we had mistaken Chen Hao as someone prestigious who had extensive connections previously, but later, we found out it was a lie. He’s just a gigolo who is bought off by several women, and that’s why he can enter the villa freely!”

“He appeared as someone powerful, but he is just a coward. His lovers will never help us because of him!” Lin Jiao stood up and cursed, but she regretted it right away.

Something isn’t right!

Wait, I've completely forgotten about Chen Hao. If I am not mistaken, he made Li Feihong give in to them previously.

That means Chen Hao has extensive connections.

If he can seek help from his lover, maybe they can get out of this trouble!

Sigh! Lin Jiao just realized Chen Hao could be useful.

Chen Hao was not the rich heir from a prestigious family she had imagined. She had high expectations of him, but he had let her down.

Because of this, Lin Jiao had been juggling several intense moods and had completely ignored this fact.

“I see!”

Zhao Gang and his wife were disappointed when they heard this news.

This was their first encounter with Chen Hao, and they could not believe that a refined boy would have such a filthy life.

How did their beautiful daughter come to be friends with this kind of person?

Abhorrence creeped up on Zhao Gang and his wife’s faces.

Chen Hao sat quietly without uttering a word.

He turned the turntable and devoured the food.

The dishes were delicious, and Chen Hao was starving.

Looking at this scene, Zhao Gang and his wife were even more disgusted.

“If you are hungry, why don’t you order a bowl of white rice to complement the vegetables?”

Zhao Yifan’s mother was a tall and stunning woman.

She looked like she was in her twenties even though she was almost forty.

Her complexion was glowingly fair.

At this moment, she crossed her arms and sneered. She was mocking Chen Hao when she said white rice, which was actually plain rice.

“Absolutely! Why don’t you just eat plain rice! Are you nuts? Don’t you know what the current situation is? How can you just focus on eating?”

“Why did he even follow us here? He’s just a useless guy who only knows how to get free meals. Although he is bought off, he can’t conceal the poorness in his soul. He will just try to get everything for free!”

“I don’t understand what were the women thinking when they chose him to be a gigolo!”

Lin Jiao and the other girls taunted him.

Chen Hao smiled bitterly in his heart.

Go ahead and taunt me as you wish. Sooner or later, there will come a time when you will cry in regret.



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