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The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao) novel Chapter 964

“Haha, little friend, there was no way to go up this mountain. After years, we made a way out, so it is fine. We cannot walk from, some places but need to climb up!”

Lin Shanqi walking in front laughed after hearing Lei Lie's words.

This kind of mountain road was difficult for them, but they had no other choices. If they want to find the cave, they could only get used to it.

No pain, no gain.

After an hour's journey, they finally came to a position that was easy to walk. And now they had been hundreds of meters away from the foot of the mountain. They were on the halfway of the mountain.

Seeing the valley a few hundred meters high, they had a sense of fear in the heart.

“Three little friends, that's the cave you're looking for!” At this time Lin Shanqi said, looking at them.

They immediately looked at the direction of Lin Shanqi pointing to.

There were indeed two stone pillars at the mouth of a cave.

It seemed it was the place they had been looking for.

“Good, thank you, we can go there by ourselves!” Chen Hao said to Lin Shanqi.

“Well, be careful and come straight back to me when you get back!” Lin Shanqi said to them with concern.

“Ok, thank you!” they said thank you at the same time.

Then they walked to that cave together after saying goodbye to Lin Shanqi.

Lin Shanqi went on his way up the mountain after saying goodbye to several villagers.

Soon, Chen Hao and the others came to the mouth of the cave.

When they came to the mouth of the cave, they found a large rock platform inside, just like what Lin Shanqi said, there was indeed a stone wall similar to a door.

“Chen Hao, should this stone door be opened with mechanism?” Lei Lie said to Chen Hao, looking at the stone door.

“You're right, there must be some mechanism around here to open this door!” Chen Hao agreed with the words of Lei Lie.

“Then let's find it!” Wang Yun said excitedly.

With that, the three immediately looked around.

After looking for a while, they finally found the mechanism to open the door.

The mechanism was a shape similar to the eight diagrams.

“Isn't this the eight diagrams?” Lei Lie spoke immediately.

“Chen Hao, do you know Eight Diagrams?” Lei Lie asked.

Chen Hao nodded slightly.

“The Eight Diagrams is also called Eight Doors. Each door has different meaning, but I don’t understand geomantic magic very well!”

Chen Hao made a simple explanation and looked embarrassment.

It seemed that to unlock the stone door need to analyze the Eight Diagrams, and it must have something to do with the geomantic magic.

“What should we do then? You don’t understand geomantic magic, how are we going to get in?” Wang Yun looked at Chen Hao and asked in doubt.

“Don't worry, there must be a way. I don't understand it, but I know something about it. Usually it will not be difficult to get in, but get out.” Chen Hao explained, staring at the two.

After speaking, Chen Hao looked at the Eight Diagrams and carefully lost in thought.

“I see!”


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