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The President's Accidental Wife novel Chapter 1199

After Kingsley's parents and grandfather heard that something had happened to Sherman, they came straight over from Lanechett.

Although they were told that Sherman was safe, they still felt worried about her. They insisted on coming over to visit Sherman overnight. They didn’t feel reassured until they saw that Sherman was fine.

Sherman told them the whole story. There was a long silence.

Kingsley's mother said, "Since Luke has admitted he is wrong. Why not just give him one more chance? I feel pitiful for Sherman. But we owe the Benningtons. From now on, we are no longer in debt to the Bennington family. I will no longer be soft with Luke if he does something harmful to us again. Sherman, I’m so sorry for having you suffer all this because of us."

Sherman shook her head and said, "No worries. I think the same as you, Mom."

Kingsley's father then said, "I think the same as you too. We'd better persuade Kingsley to let Luke off the hook. But Luke has crossed the line this time."

"If it hadn't been for us, perhaps that tragic accident to Luke's family could have been avoided. Since the change in Luke is related to Zora's death and he has learned the lesson, let's forgive him this time." Kingsley's grandfather said, "Sherman, could you go and tell Kingsley our final decision?"

Sherman raised her head, "Why me? You are beloved and well-respected in the family. It's better for you to tell Kingsley this decision! I am not in a position to do so.

"Who would refuse to do what he can do? D o you think that he loves me more than you? He only listens to you, not me. He is deaf to my words. And he always makes decisions without talking to me first!" Kingsley's grandfather grunted. "Can someone's grandpa be more important than his wife?"

"..." Sherman didn't know what to say.

"You’ll complete this important task! Where is Cody? Where is my dear grandson? I haven't seen him for a long time. I wanna kiss him on the face!" Kingsley's grandfather turned around and went for Cody.

Before going to bed, Sherman talked with Kingsley about Luke's matter again.


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