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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya the Author novel Chapter 111

111 Ayla
David being here with me didn’t offer me any relief. Sure I was able to take a hot shower. And Hannah had stopped by with new clothes that did not smell like him. She got me ugly stuff either way too baggy or way too revealing. But I would just have to make do. Little did she know my scars had healed, and my fear of showing my b*dy, and my skin was long gone. Sure I did not want to dress se xy for David, but it wasn’t for him. It wasn’t like I picked the clothes out to please him.
She had also brought some food over, burgers and fries. David’s favorite, don’t get me wrong I love a good burger. I can even appreciate the big fast-food chain burgers every now and then. Just not the cheap run-of-the-mill fast-food restaurant David loved to go to.
Still, it sustained me, so I did not complain, I knew I had to give him the idea that I was getting used to this. Getting used to us. So I just keep quiet, not complaining but not chatting with him either. Just co- existing in silence, David was playing games on his phone. Saying I needed to earn the privilege of getting a book.
All of a sudden, David bends over doubled in pain. At the same time, I felt hope swirling in my chest. I don’t know what was happening but Griffin must be close. I knew he was coming for me, I did as soon as I saw the video on his website. He must have done something to hurt David from this distance. I needed to get David to bring me to the packhouse. He can’t possibly know Griffin in the reason for the pain in his chest.
“Do you not need to be home at the pack to care for our pack members?” I carefully ask him.
There is a sting in my heart as I refer to the BloodMoon pack as our
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pack. It hurts the bond I started creating with the Silver Moon pack. I didn’t mean it of course but I knew that’s what I had to say to keep him happy. To make him believe he could make me fall in love with him again.
“You’re just saying that to make me leave you alone again. Don’t think I don’t see right through you” he snarled
Hmm, I needed to play this better, he still was too paranoid.
“No I wanted to come with you, did you not want me to fulfill my role as Luna?” I try to sound as sweet and demure as possible.
Still looking at my hands, again to not show him the anger in my eyes. While acting like I was so obedient that I did not dare look him in the eyes. Something unreadable flashed behind his eyes. Showing me there was something terribly wrong. I just hoped Griffin wasn’t in any danger. And I needed a way to either get out and go to the pack. Or at least go outside so that I can leave some sort of a sign for Griffin to find me.
For now, I decided to shut my mouth and make sure I kept David happy. Whatever just happened, might put him on edge. And he has proved himself to be very unstable. If I push him too much he might freak out and hurt me. More than just a slap to the face because I annoyed him. I could deal with those because, in the end, it was a sign of his weakness. Of getting under his skin so bad that he wanted to slap me.
Not that I need to aggravate him enough to slap me in the face either. I had to gain his trust. Even when every ounce of kindness I gave him made me feel physically ill. From how much I loved him and from how strong the matebond between me and Griff already was. It was not like David noticed anyway he was so lost in his own mind, That he hardly noticed me and what I did. Not unless he wanted my attention, or if I did something extremely annoying to him.
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Maybe I should come up with ways to make David notice me in a more positive light. Do something kind to him, I could swallow my pride just to make sure I was going to get out soon. I mean I should not be able to feel Griffin close to me as we hadn’t completed the mating bond. And I don’t know how but in my mind I knew that was what I was feeling.
Sleeping next to David had been horrible, I couldn’t sleep most of the night scared he would try to snuggle up to me. The times I did fall asleep I woke up every single time he moved. And turns out David twists and turns a lot in his sleep. He was thrashing around mumbling things. For a while, I tried to listen in to see if he would say anything that would be useful to me. Either about where we are, or what his next plans are. But none of it made, sense Hannah came by again the next morning to bring us breakfast.
Maybe I could use the fact that Hannah was the one providing us food now. I could act like the jealous mate. I need to be slow about it though even David would realize that something was wrong if I suddenly became jealous about Hannah. However the fact that we could not stand each other did help. It would make more sense for me to be jealous of Hannah than it would be about a pack member I used to like.
Not to mention the stench of David coming from Hannah the first time I saw her after being kidnapped. I couldn’t care less whether they f ucked or not. But it would serve me as an excuse.
Where I needed to be sure I did not annoy David, I had to try Hannah as much as I could. Preferably in a way that David would not notice and see me as innocent. Something the past between me and Hannah helped with again, he saw me as nothing more than her defenseless victim. And annoying Hannah would be much easier than being kind to David would be.
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David was still showering when she came in, so I rushed out to get the food from her and plate it up for David and I. Knowing he was out of earshot, I sniffed her. Immediately triggering her.
“Thank the Moo nGoddess you managed to shower this time. All though if it’s not for David f ucking you until he can get better things” I said waving a hand over my b*dy making it abundantly clear I was the better thing.
“I bet no one is desperate enough to f uck you, come to think of it I think the Omega you rejected died because he was sad he couldn’t be the one to reject your sk ank as s first” I smirked, and I loved seeing she was livid.
I heard the shower shut off so I put the plates and mugs on the table and started plating the breakfast she brought. It was lukewarm again and I needed to know if that was because we were too far from the pack to get the food here on time. Or because Hannah was a lazy bit ch who was taking her sweet time to get here.
“What did you say you filthy wh ore” Hannah growled at me just as David walked in.
Hannah was so angry she did not notice him, or maybe she just didn’t care. I normally wouldn’t have either. Now I need to make him believe that I did.
“No-no-nothing Hannah” I stammered grinning at her when David couldn’t see.
Then I turned to him lips trembling, eyes as wide as I could.
“Please Dave, don’t let her do this to me again” I pleaded using the nickname I used when we were kids.
“Hannah, leave my mate the f uck alone” he roared.
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As Hannah tried to explain what I said, I took a step closer to David no matter how much I hated that.
“Please, David why would I say that?” I pleaded again but something changed in David’s attitude and I knew I had to be careful now.
“You tell me, Ayla?” He said in a cold clipped voice.


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