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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya the Author novel Chapter 409

184 Ayla 

“Sam welcome back, I am sad to have to ask you back so soon after your daughter being released,” Roderick tells Cynthia’s father. 

The poor man looks crestfallen, I remember from the first time that he was absolutely appalled by his daughter’s behavior. He had been nothing but kind to me, so I pitied him for being here again. 

“I am sorry to be here too King Roderick, it feels like I keep failing as a father.” Sam is clearly fitting back his tears. 

We cannot banish her from the pack but maybe he can tell her she needs to move out of her parents‘ home. That way maybe Sam would not be g held as responsible anymore. It would most likely do Cynthia a world of good if she had a taste of the real world. But I could not suggest that now, it could come across as me using or trying to use Sam as a pawn to punish his daughter. 

We had decided we needed to let Sam come up with an idea on his own. All we wanted was to give her a ban into the castle. It would not affect her life too much. She would not be able to get to me so soon anymore. A positive effect even to her because in the end, it would stop her from going too far. Since she seemed to grow more and more unstable with everything she did to me. It would also mean that she would not be able to attend pack meals and events anymore. She loved socializing, and 


since she was a young wolf she ate most of her meals in the pack home. 

Simply because Sam would be too busy with working and raising Cynthia all while still grieving his mate. That is the beautiful thing about being part of a pack. You did not need to ask for help. There always was help available. It was a damn shame Cynthia was risking her position in this pack the one that she grew up in. I was sure she would miss being part of pack meals, and pack events but it was what needed to 

be done. 


My poor baby, she never learned to make her own breakfast.” Sam let ⠀ out a deep sigh before continuing “But then again maybe that is the 

reason why she is acting like this now because I spoiled her too much. It felt like I needed to pour all the love I had for my mate and Cynthia just into Cynthia. All because I could not pour my love into my mate anymore. So while I hate how much Cynthia will miss everything I think it might be time she learns the consequences of her behavior.” 


Since every pack member needed to know about the fact that Cynthia was no longer welcome in the castle, we would start with one month. Depending on how she would behave during that period we would either not speak of it again and allow her access to the castle again. Or we would need to renew the period and deny her access to the castle for another month or longer. Pack lunch was about to start, there was not doubt Cynthia was here. We decided to talk to Sam alone, he told us Cynthia had walked to the castle with him when we asked him where she was. The conversation with Sam took longer than we had planned 



184 Ayla 

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too. We had hoped to speak to Cynthia before the lunch. Now we had to pull Cynthia out of the lunch to talk with her. We needed to be quick so we could let the pack know during pack lunch. 

We would use our mind link connection so that the pack members not attending the lunch would still know of the changes. 

Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 409 1

We understood where he was coming from. It was just so unexpected since he had never said anything like this before. He never gave her a real long–lasting consequence to her action. And in the grand scheme of things her entering the royal meeting room like a sulky teenager as he called it, wasn’t the worst 


Vol. Volume 2  Chapter 409 2


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