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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 149


Chapter 149 

Romeo dropped her a text at 6 am, clearly, he hadn’t slept a wink 

Arabella tapped the screen with her slender fingers, Ain’t I always with you?” 

She patiently replied, Get some shuteye, we’ll catch up in a bit

Unexpectedly, a few seconds after she sent the message, Romeo gave her a ring 

BellaRomeo’s voice was magnetic, Why are you up so early? Nightmares?” 

Arabella wasn’t sure if her childhood counted as a nightmare, Haven’t you hit the hay yet?” 

Uh, I can’t catch any Z’s Romeo’s voice was alluring. I miss you like crazy” 

He kept replaying their every moment together, missing Arabella’s face something fierce, so much so that he couldn’t sleep

Are you still sleepy?” 

Arabella said casually, Nope, I’m wide awake” 

After Arabella cleaned up and changed, Romeo’s ride was already parked at her doorstep

As soon as Arabella stepped out, he pulled her into a bear hug

Hers fresh scent filled his nostrils, finally calming his longing

I miss you.He looked down to see the love bite from the previous night on her pale neck. He couldn’t help but cradle her face, the one he’d been daydreaming about, and flashed a doting smile, Morning.” 


“You look adorable when you’ve just woken up.Romeo gently stroked her face, his smile even more indulgent

On the terrace, Serena initially thought she was mistaken, but when she carefully looked through the binoculars, her expression couldn’t be described as anything other than shock

It was truly Romeo

Romeo personally came to pick up Arabella

Not only did he open the car door for her, but he also protected her head, helped her fasten the seatbelt, and even gave her a tender morning kiss inside the car

Serena couldn’t believe her eyes. They were together until after 11 PM last night, and now, it was not even 7 AM, and they were already together again

Watching their car pull away, Serena was so mad she could feel her insides churning, and she stormed off to scheme with Martha

By the time Romeo and Arabella arrived, the sun was up, casting a golden glow on the horizon, it was picture-perfect


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