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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 15


Chapter 15 

Jaime, you’re a lifesaver for running this errand today.” Louisa thanked him and then turned to Erik, “Please make sure he’s well taken care of.” 

“Sure thing, Mr. Jaime, follow me please.” Erik said. 

Jaime knew that the family had some serious talking to do. After exchanging pleasantries with Arabella, he left with Erik. 

“Let’s sit down and talk.” Louisa held Arabella’s hand and gestured for Serena to sit. Serena felt as if a dagger was plunged into her heart watching this scene. 

“Serena, let me introduce you again. This is Arabella Collins, our biological daughter who was left behind.” Louisa said 

Serena was speechless. She had always thought this girl was a distant relative, here to borrow money. She couldn’t believe that she was her parents’ biological child. No wonder they were so nice to her! 

“Here’s the story. Years ago, Kenneth and I were passing through a small town when I went into labor. The nearest hospital was our only option.” Louisa recalled the incident, “The hospital we found was out of private rooms. They temporarily put me in a ward with two other pregnant women. In the middle of the night, a fire broke out in the hospital. Due to heavy smoke, we couldn’t see where we were going. In the chaos, I picked up a baby, thinking it was Bella. But in reality, you were another woman’s child, not mine and Kenneth’s. I picked up the wrong baby.” 

The words shattered Serena’s last defense. She couldn’t believe that she had no blood ties with the Collins family!! 

“Bella was taken by the Murphy family, and the Murphy’s baby was taken home by a janitor. And you, ended up with us, the Collins. If I hadn’t come across a post online about a family searching for their lost child, we would still be in the dark about the mix-up!” Louisa said. 

Serena was left speechless. 

“As for your birth mother.” Louisa paused, then decided to tell the truth, “We had someone look into it. She bled out after giving birth and was too weak to escape the fire that night.” 

What??? Her biological mother had died the night she was born? 

Serena’s face turned pale. She couldn’t believe what was happening. 

“Your birth father is nowhere to be found.” Louisa said, then looked at Arabella and said softly, “We’ve talked to Bella. We plan to let you stay in this family. From now on, she’s your sister. We owe Bella a lot and we’ll do our best to make it up to her. Although you’re not our biological child, we’ve always treated you as one. You and your sister need to get along well, take care of her, and be there for her, okay?” 

Hearing her parents’ favoritism, Serena couldn’t accept it! Since when did the younger sister look after the older sister? 

For years, she had been proud of her background because her father was one of the richest men in the country, her mother was a famous beauty, and her five brothers were all successful in their fields. 

From childhood, everyone had always given way to her, appeased her and tried to please her. How could she give way to others, appease and try to please others? 

Although she was very reluctant, at this moment, Serena, weighing the pros and cons, said without hesitation, “This is all very sudden for me, I won’t lie and say I’m not heartbroken. I’ve lived in this family for eighteen years. Then one day, my beloved parents tell me that I’m not their biological child.” 

Serena lowered her head, her lost and heartbroken look was pitiful, “I didn’t expect my birth mother to have died in a fire the day I was born, and my birth father is missing. I never even had a chance to repay their kindness.” 

As she spoke, tears rolled down her cheeks. She wiped them away, expertly managing her heartache, regret, and sorrow, “Dad, Mom, I’m grateful that you’re willing to keep me in this family. I’m content. I promise I’ll get along well with my sister from now on!” 

Her face was sincere, and her tear-streaked eyes were heartfelt. But Arabella, having grown up in the Murphy family and seen all sorts of people, knew at a glance that Serena was being insincere. 

“Welcome back to the family.” Serena opened her arms, attempting to express her affection for her sister. 

Under the expectant gaze of their parents, Arabella responded, “Yeah, I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t need a hug.” 

Serena was left standing. 

“I’m not a fan of physical contact, sorry.” Arabella had always been cold, but her reaction and attitude made Serena feel like she was deliberately making things difficult for her, making her feel embarrassed and awkward! 

“Bella’s a bit introverted, but she’ll warm up. We’re all family now, Serena, you don’t have to be overly formal.” Louisa said. Upon hearing this, Serena’s face flushed with embarrassment, before finally replying, “Alright.” 

“Alright, enough of that, let’s eat!” Louisa checked the time, “Bella, you must be hungry. We’ve been talking and totally forgot about the meal!” 


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