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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 159

Chapter 159 

The house was lavishly decorated, A house as clean as if no one ever lived in it could cost only $350? Did Ms. Bennett get it wrong?Molly couldn’t believe her eyes, Dean, are you sure about the price?” 

Yup, that’s the price.Dean chuckled, dropping the luggage, I’ll leave you alone then.” 

Molly and Iris exchanged a glance, too shocked to react…. 

After Romeo dropped Arabella back at her office, he immediately asked Carl to investigate her injury. Soon enough, Carl sent him a video

The video was taken by a roadside security camera

Three cars parked in front of Arabella, a man and a woman got out of the car and surrounded her, followed by a dozen strong men. Soon, they left the camera’s range, heading towards a nearby wasteland. A few minutes later, Arabella appeared alone in the footage, getting into Romeo’s car

Whatever had happened, with so many people bullying her alone, Romeo’s expression darkened, Find them. I want to question them personally.” Some time later

The group of men were brought to the wasteland. They looked up to see a man, tall and elegant, with eight bodyguards standing behind him…. 

They had no idea what was going on, and asked the man, Sir, can we ask who you’re with? We’re with the Cooper family! Why did you bring us hereDo we know each other?” 

Rubbing their sore bodies, they all looked puzzled

I’m here to avenge my girl.Romeo said coldly, his gaze icy, Do you remember that?” 

The men seemed to understand something. Was he avenging that girl

When they thought of that terrifying girl, they couldn’t help but shudder… 

You’re all grown men, bullying a little girl?Romeo’s eyes flashed with authority, like a king in the darkness, So many of you ganging up on one person? Bullying a woman?” 

Sir, we can talk this out, that girl beat us up real bad, we’re the ones who got bullied! Look at our wounds!” 

Yeah, that girl is too strong, we’re no match for her!” 

She must have been boxing since she was little” 

No, I’ve been boxing since I was little, but I’m not as strong as her. She’s a demon!” 

A demon?Romeo’s voice was low and filled with a hint of anger

No, sir, we meanshe’s very strong” 

Take them away.Romeo’s voice was cold, Let them think about what they’ve done.” 

Sir, you need to believe us…” 

We were the ones who got beat up…” 

“We didn’t touch her” 

A dozen men were beaten up again by Romeo’s bodyguards, they were in so much pain they could hardly stand


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