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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

Who was that girl yesterday?” 

Once Phillip and the others left, and he calmed down a bit, he turned around and asked, “Did we thank her properly?” 

“We gave her a check already” Carl said, full of admiration when he mentioned the girl. “Who would’ve thought a girl in her teens would be such a miracle worker!” 

Truly, it was so unexpected! 

“That young girl just happened to pass by and fortuitously discovered your condition, going against the crowd’s opinions to save you!” If not for her “interference, Phillip would have probably passed away… 

“She is such a kind and capable young girl…” In Phillip’s mind, a faint image of an innocent face appeared. Although somewhat blurry, he could vaguely sense that she was a beautiful girl with a pleasant voice. 

Unfortunately, she was too young, and with Romeo and Serena already engaged… Otherwise, having her as his granddaughter-in-law wouldn’t be a bad idea! 

“Did you note down the young girl’s contact information?” Phillip suddenly asked, “I want to thank her in person.” 

Carl was taken aback and quickly looked at Romeo. After all, he had asked for her phone number yesterday! 

You better not bother her,” Romeo coolly refused. 

“What’s the matter? Can’t I meet my lifesaving benefactor and express my gratitude in person?” 

What Phillip was thinking was that so many experts and renowned doctors couldn’t cure his ailment, yet this young girl managed to save him at a critical moment. What did that signify? 

It meant that her medical skills far surpassed theirs! 

If he remembered correctly, the young girl was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he happened to have another grandson around her age… 

If he could successfully match them, it would be a splendid match. 

“Do you happen to have her contact information?” 

Phillip remembered the look Carl gave Romeo just now, this kid definitely has her phone number or WhatsApp account. 

“I don’t care, you must bring that girl here.” Phillip tried his best. 

In the end, Romeo relented, “Whether she comes or not, depends on her.” 

Phillip’s “plot” was half successful and he quickly said, “Of course!” 

If she doesn’t come, it must be because she’s scared of his cold demeanor! 

Seeing Romeo ready to leave… 

“Wait!” Phillip looked as if he thought of something and added, “When you talk to the girl, be nice! Be gentle! If you don’t know how, let Carl teach you! Don’t scare her away, got it?” 

She might be his future granddaughter-in-law… 

Romeo thought to himself: Isn’t he gentle? Isn’t he polite? Does he need someone else to teach him? 

Carl also complained: My lord, don’t hurt me, Mr. McMillian finally forgot about the Antarctica project… 

“No matter what, she’s the one who saved my life, you can’t be rude to her!” Phillip was afraid that the young girl would be scared of his cold attitude. 


Kenneth and Louisa approached the dining table, placing a variety of breakfast items in front of their two daughters. 

This is the chef’s freshly made pastries. Here, Bella, this is yours. Be careful, it’s hot.” 

“Serena, you’ve been staying at school for a month, and you look like you’ve lost weight. Come on, eat more.” 

Serena sweetly smiled, “Dad, Mom, don’t worry about taking care of me. Give more to sister instead. Have I ever lacked good food since childhood?” Louisa chuckled, thinking that this child was indeed sensible. She hadn’t tried to exclude Arabella despite her sudden arrival, but instead, she considered her stepsister in everything. 

The scene was much warmer than they had imagined. 

“Dad, this is the black tea you like to drink with pastries. Shall I get you some tea?” Serena stood up and served tea for Kenneth, then promptly served Louisa as well 

“Mom, enjoy it.” 

They hadn’t expected Serena to be so considerate. Smiling affectionately, they lifted their teacups and took a sip. 

Serena seemed like the triumphant victor after a successful battle, deliberately glancing at Arabella beside her. 

What if she was the biological daughter? After so many years of living together, no one understood their parents’ eating habits better than she did. 

How could Arabella not notice Serena’s little scheming? Her gaze remained tranquil as water as she calmly enjoyed the delicate pastries on her plate, seemingly indifferent 

“Dear sister, I don’t know what you like to drink…” Serena intended to let Arabella prepare it herself. 

However, before she could finish her sentence, Arabella casually said, “Coffee, please” 

Serena was taken aback. Did Arabella mean for her to make coffee for her? 

“You really dote on your sister…” Kenneth misunderstood, thinking that Serena wanted to voluntarily prepare coffee for Arabella. He happily chimed in, “Bella, that’s just how Serena is. She cares about her own family a lot. If you refuse her offer, she won’t be pleased.” 

Arabella looked up at her and said, “Then, I’ll trouble you for that.” 

Upon hearing Kenneth’s words, Serena found herself in a difficult position. But since things had come to this point, she could only stand up with a smile and graciously fetch the coffee pot. 

From the corner of her eye, she noticed Arabella was wearing a white chiffon dress today. 

The fabric of the dress was thin, and brewing hot coffee required high water temperature… 

If Arabella were accidentally scalded… 

With just a glance, Arabella saw through Serena’s little scheme hidden within her heart. 


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