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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 26

Chapter 26 

If you can’t handle it, maybe we should let Dr. Greg take a crack at it.” 

You’re still wet behind the ears, probably haven’t dealt with this kind of situation. Dr. Greg, can you rack your brains for a solution? We can’t just sit on our hands here.” 

If you can’t” 

Who said I can’t?Arabella lifted her gaze, her eyes brimming with confidence

The speaker was taken aback by her audacity, If you’ve got the chops, then step up!” 

Phillip’s breathing was getting weaker… 

The sound of the ventilator alarm was becoming more frequent… 

Upon hearing the alarm, Arabella swiftly opened her needle case

Everyone was stunned. What was she planning to do? Employ some Eastern acupuncture

This is an operating room! Are you seriously going to perform acupuncture here?” 

The patient is in critical condition, he can’t handle your messing around.” 

If you don’t have any other tricks up your sleeve, then step aside and stop wasting time!” 

Arabella started inserting silver needles into the old man’s head, heart, and arm

The nearby nurse was scared out of her wits. This girl had guts, she had stuck needles all over Phillip.. 

Don’t peddle your Eastern medicine mumbo jumbo here!” 

Finally, one doctor couldn’t stand it any longer and was about to intervene, when Dr. Greg scolded him, Enough!” 

The nurse quickly chimed in, Mr. McMillian said we’re to follow her lead.”” 

Under Romeo’s orders, the others, though ticked off, didn’t dare to object, with only one brave soul saying, Fine, you handle it!” 

After the needles were inserted into Phillip’s pressure points, it wasn’t long before Phillip coughed up some blood… 

Everyone was dumbstruck

Even Brodie in the observation room was startled, Is Phillip okay? He seems to be getting worse.“. 

Why did Phillip suddenly cough up blood

After coughing up blood, Phillip’s condition gradually stabilized

The ventilator stopped sounding its alarm

All the doctors were staring at Arabella in shock

Arabella saw that it was about time, began to remove the needles, and casually said, He’s fine now. Let’s get him back to his room

All the doctors were looking at her with complex expressions

If you hadn’t jumped the gun with your surgerythese few needles would have done the trick.” 

Arabella packed up her needles and walked out after dropping this bombshell

Everyone was blown away, with Dr. Greg being the first to grasp her meaning. Recalling the process and points where she inserted the needles, he mulled it over and suddenly understood, Brilliant! So that’s what it was… 

He had studied acupuncture and understood Arabella’s methods… 


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