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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 32

Chapter 32 

I’m not scared.” 

Arabella clearly didn’t care about her surroundings. She’d been through way more hellish situations, too many times to count. She was getting ready to unbuckle her seatbelt

I got it.Romeo moved closer, his aura was downright comforting

At this close distance, Arabella noticed his features were pretty damn attractive, even his skin was ridiculously smooth

Romeo lifted his head, his deep eyes seriously looking at her, Tell me when you get the time.” 


Romeo got out of the car first to open the door for her. After she got out, he slung her shoulder bag on her and handed her the stuff he’d bought earlier. You can eat this if you get hungry tonight.” 

Arabella was about to refuse, but looking into his eyes, she took the things anyway

However the next secondHer fingers accidentally brushed against Romeo’s hand, the soft touch made her heart race

She felt something special

Seeing her take the stuff and turn to leave, Romeo couldn’t help but call her softly, Arabella.” 


Arabella turned around to hear him say, The girl just now isn’t my girlfriend.” 

Arabella was confused

She was asking for help. I don’t really know her well.” 

Arabella: Okay.” 

Be careful on the road.Romeo’s voice was calm, If you’re scared, I can be on the phone with you.” 

No need.” 

Watching the girl’s figure gradually disappear from his sight, Romeo got back in the car. The image that kept popping up in his mind was her face, both obedient and cold

Arabella had just entered the underground parking lot when she felt her phone buzzing. It was Romeo




your car?” 

Arabella found it a bit funny, Just found it, haven’t you left yet?” 

I’m waiting to leave with you.” 

No need, I’m going through Exit B.Arabella pressed the car’s unlock button, Did you hear that? I’m about to drive.” 

Alright, be careful on the road.” 

After hanging up, Romeo called Carl, Clear up your schedule tonight, I need to pay a visit to the Collins family.” 


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