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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54 

Serena, you’re such a modest one! If it were me, I’d be bragging on Instagram right away! Are you afraid we’ll find out about this? Are you worried it might shatter our fragile hearts?” 

Alright, let’s head back, let Serena enjoy her gifts. I’m so jealous!” 

Even though Serena did not understand why her parents ordered so many clothes, shoes, and bags fór Arabella, her main task now was to send her girlfriends away

As they were about to get into the car, a luxury car suddenly pulled up in front of the villa

One of the girlfriends, Brooklyn Reed, couldn’t help but ask, Serena, isn’t that your fiancée’s car?” 

That license plate, that limitededition luxury carwho else could it be other than her fiancée

Following Brooklyn’s gaze, Serena saw that it was indeed Romeo’s car. Romeo was here

Carl got out of the car, respectfully opening the back door

Romeo got out of the car, hand in hand with Arabella. Seeing this, the girlfriends were stunned

Serena, isn’t that your fiancée? Why is he holding hands with another woman

Why is she coming out of his car? What is she doing at your house?” 

What is she up to?” 

Who does that woman think she is? Just wait till I humiliate her!” 

She dares to have a crush on Serena’s fiancée; I’ll go humiliate her too!” 

The girlfriends were about to confront Arabella

Despite her jealousy of Arabella, Serena tried to calm her friends down: Alright, alright, don’t make a scene; she’s a relative.” 

What relative gets to hook up with your fiancée? They’re holding hands!” 

Serena, they’re treating you like this; why are you putting up with it?” 

Did Romeo fall for another woman? Or is he drunk? Is that why this woman is able to seduce him?” 

Serena didn’t know how to explain the unexpected situation. Thankfully, there was a distance between them, so she whispered, Here’s the thing. That girl has a tragic past, as you know, my parents are charitable, they’re considering adopting her.” 

She probably played her tragic card in front of Romeo, and he must have felt sorry for her.” 

Anyway, there must be a misunderstanding!” 

Her girlfriends were still furious

Your parents can donate money if they want to be charitable! Why would they take in a stranger?” 

If your parents take in someone with no blood relation, she might covet your family’s wealth and even your fiancée; that would be trouble!” 


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