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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella) novel Chapter 674

She thought Serena got a raw deal from Arabella and wanted to get back at her for Serena.
The three girls around Delia also threw disappointed and disdainful glances at Serena.
"Let's bounce!"
As Delia and her squad exited, she brushed past Arabella and even muttered an apology.
"Hey, this is like looking for trouble. Bella, we're going to head back to the dorm. This is your family business so we shouldn't butt in." Kelly led Mya and Joyce away.
On the playground, only four people remained.
Myrna took Arabella's hand, giving Serena a frosty stare. If it weren't for the surveillance footage that could prove it, Serena would've tried to frame her for pushing someone. That was really a low blow.
Serena spoke with despair in her voice: "Chasel, you guys always said that even if Arabella came back to this family, you would still treat me the same. Do your words still count? I remember when we were kids, there was a huge pomegranate tree in our garden. The red fruits made my mouth water, but the servants didn't dare let me eat such seedy fruits. It was you who climbed the tree to pick one for me and you even fell and ended up bedridden for three months."
Serena's lips curled into a rare, gentle smile as she spoke.
"You said back then that you'd be willing to lay in bed for 300 days just to make me happy. Another time, we flew to Russia. It was snowing, everything was white. You threw a snowball at me and spoiled my favorite skirt. I was a bit upset, so to make me happy, you made loads of snowballs for me to throw at you. I didn't want to throw them, but seeing me upset, you ordered the servants to throw the snowballs at you until I was happy. One hit you right in the face. I laughed, and you laughed with me. Oh, how beautiful those times were! There was also a time when we went to New Zealand. We took a family portrait in a beautiful forest. I saw two beautiful butterflies and dragged you to chase them. We both ended up lost. Surrounded by dense forest, you carried me on your back from afternoon till night, finding no way out. It was summer, you wore shorts, and your legs got scraped by branches and bled a lot. But you never complained about the pain. Instead, you comforted me, who was crying. I was hungry and you even tried to catch fish from the river for me, but how could you catch fish? In the end, you caught nothing, and I cried for a long time.”
The beautiful memories of the past were so vivid that Serena closed her eyes. These memories cut into her heart like knives.
“I remember every family trip, whether abroad or at home, where you, Dad, Mom, and our other brothers always took good care of me. Whenever I was thirsty, you all rushed to bring me water; when I was tired, you all wanted to carry me. Especially during meals, any dish I liked, you would pass to me.”
But when did all of this start to change?
Was it from the moment Arabella returned to this family and everyone started passing dishes to her?
Once people lost something, it seemed impossible to get it back.
"Chasel, I really miss the old days. I miss when our whole family laughed and played together, those worry-free times."


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