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The Promise of Happiness (Natalie and Samuel) novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Right as the two receptionists were ready to witness Natalie humiliating herself, the latter successfully unlocked the VIP elevator with her fingerprint and walked into it.

Instantly, the two were stupefied.

That woman looks to be about twenty-five and is far from being attractive. How could she possibly use the VIP elevator?

“Could it be that she’s our dream guy, Mr. Moss’ girlfriend?”

“It can’t be! Didn’t you see the freckles on that woman’s face? Mr. Moss will never like such an ugly woman like her.”

“If she isn’t Mr. Moss’ girlfriend, could it be that she’s our chairman?”

“T-That’s even more impossible.”

The discussion continued for a long while. Yet, they still could not figure out Natalie’s identity.

Meanwhile, the elevator reached the thirty-sixth floor, where the CEO’s office was located

As Yandel was still stalling Ross Trevor in the CEO’s office, he had sent his assistant, Jonty Jernigan, to greet Natalie.

“Mr. Moss instructed me to wait for your arrival.”

Natalie nodded in response. “Is he still here? Has he left?”

Jonty shook his head. “He hasn’t left yet. Mr. Moss managed to deceive Ross to come over here. However, Ross wants to leave after realizing that he has fallen for Mr. Moss’ trap. Mr. Moss has no choice but to stall him by force.”

“I’ll head over there now.”

Natalie knocked on the CEO’s office door before unlocking the door using her fingerprint.


The sight she saw once she pushed open the door was Yandel sitting on the floor while clinging to Ross’ leg with all his strength to stop the latter from stepping out of the office.

Yandel’s face turned pale upon seeing the woman. The next instant, he loosened his grip on Ross’ leg and rose to his feet, brushing the dust off him.

Good heavens! Boss, you’re finally here!

His shamelessness a while ago vanished completely as Yandel exuded a distinguished

forgive me for my recklessness just now. The real boss of this company is here to see you.”



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