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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“Damn! You’re amazing, Samuel!”

Shaun regarded Samuel with admiration.

“Melanie has indeed married a good man! You’re surely the happiest woman in the world! Unlike Zoey, who married a criminal!”

“I’m sorry that my husband is too amazing, Zoey. Just say the word if you need our help in the future. But I dare not get too close to you, though,” Melanie paused. “Lest someone tries to jump his sister-in-law…”

Zoey could feel her anger boiling up.

It was obvious that Melanie was insulting her, but she couldn’t do anything about it; Samuel’s ability to have the secretary from the office building send the invitation cards in person with just a phone call was just too over the top.

Besides, an invitation for a banquet of this level wasn’t something the Lopez family could easily obtain.

Aaron and Caitlyn, on the other hand, were even more envious.

With a son-in-law like that, I bet we’ll wake up with a smile every morning.

Life will be all about counting money.

Right, isn’t Samuel’s brother in love with our daughter?

However, the couple couldn’t change Zoey’s mind, so they didn’t muse out loud.

Meanwhile, Samuel was completely flummoxed by the whole thing.

Where in the world do I find connections in North Hampton?

They must be mistaken.

But since it’s at this point now, I guess I should just go along with it.

It’ll make me look good, anyway!

Samuel chuckled. “I’m sorry, Grandpa. I could only get us ten invitations. After all, there aren’t many places available for this kind of banquet.”

Harry grinned from ear to ear. “You’re the cream of the crop, Samuel! Here, let Grandpa give you a toast!”

Upon seeing this, Aaron was green with envy.

“Grandpa, why don’t you distribute these invitations?” Samuel said.


Harry had four children in total. Everyone received an invitation, all except for Aaron’s family.

The last few remaining invitations were given to Shaun and some of his favorite grandchildren.

“Thank you, Grandpa!”

Shaun and the others flourished the invitation cards in their hands before Aaron’s family.

Without a word said, Aaron’s family bowed their heads and remained silent.

In Harry’s eyes, they were no better than the younger ones, and they acknowledged it. They could only blame themselves for being worthless.

Just then, someone’s voice broke the silence. “Why didn’t we get an invitation?”

It was Levi.

The Return of God of War Chapter 5

Everyone laughed themselves silly at Levi’s question.

“Do you think your family is qualified to get an invitation? Have you guys ever contributed to the Lopez family?” Shaun retaliated directly.

“Yeah! Dream on! Can you guys be any more shameless to expect to receive an invitation?” Henry questioned unabashedly.

Zoey and her parents had given up on all hope.

They looked at Levi with nothing but disgust in their eyes.

However, Levi let out a cold snort. “It’s for my sake that this invitation is given to you! I intended to give them to my in-laws, and they were given to you passingly.”

“Have some pride, Levi!” Fabian exploded. “Clearly, Samuel got these invitations through his connections. What the hell has it got to do with you?!”

“Yeah! Who the hell do you think you are?” Samuel’s anger mounted. “How dare you try to take credit for this?”

Soon after, Henry pointed at Aaron. “Just look at your son-in-law, Aaron! Do something about him, and don’t bring him to our next family banquet! We cannot tolerate such insolence!”

Levi was about to say something when Zoey pulled him outside. “Come with me!!!”

She couldn’t stand him any longer as hot torrents of grief coursed down her face.

“Levi, please, don’t embarrass me anymore. I really can’t hold on if you keep this up!”

Levi wiped away her tears and asked, “Do you want to attend the banquet, Zoey?”

“Who wouldn’t want to? Didn’t you see the look in Mom and Dad’s eyes?” Zoey said grumpily. “But there’s nothing we can do, even if we want to go. It’s not like you can get us in, can you?”

“I can!” Levi said decisively.

This was too much for Zoey to handle. Her temper sparked, and she turned on her heels, trying to leave.

“Zoey, why don’t you trust me?” Levi asked.

“How am I supposed to trust you when you’re behaving like this?” Zoey replied with a question of her own.

Levi chuckled. “I’ll definitely get you inside. I, Levi Garrison, am a man of my word!”

Zoey nodded. “Okay, I’ll trust you just this once! If you can’t do it, we’re over!”


“Fine, I’m going all out on this one!” Zoey said resolutely while wiping her tears. “I don’t need this stupid pride! I’m going to continue to attend this family banquet and tell everyone that my husband is capable of getting an invitation for tomorrow’s banquet too!”

“Okay, ladies first. Let me just make one call.”

“Azure Dragon, tell Jesse I’ll attend the banquet he’s hosting tomorrow,” Levi said once the call went through.

“What? So you agree to attend the banquet? Thank God! The higher-ups were so worried that you won’t give Jesse this honor!”

“Yes, I’ll attend. But please ban some of the people from this event…”

“Roger that, Sir! I’ll make the arrangements now!”

Returning inside, Levi saw Zoey holding her head high, looking as proud as a peacock.

It was obvious that she had made the announcement as many pairs of eyes were fixated on him.

“Say, how do you guys think this punk got the invitation? By stealing?”

“Who knows if he bought it for the sake of pretending!”

Samuel laughed. “Don’t you guys know that one invitation cost over one million?”

“Aaron’s family owes Grandpa about three million. How can they afford to buy an invitation?”

Right then, dinner was served, marking the start of the family banquet.

“I think the four of them can just have a bowl of noodles each. There’s no need to serve them. What do you guys think?” Henry asked.

Samuel laughed. “Let’s just feed them. Otherwise, it’ll look like Grandpa is mistreating them.”

“Alright then.”

Other tables were bustling with noise and excitement, with everyone toasting each other and currying favor with Samuel, but it was deadly silence at Levi’s.

Aaron glanced at Samuel, then back at Levi, sighing, “What’s the point of getting envious? Such is my fate!”

Caitlyn glowered at Levi. Can today be any more humiliating?

However, they didn’t dare to leave without the old man’s permission and could only continue to suffer from the humiliation in awkward silence.

Right then, Samuel came over with a glass of wine, followed by a group of people who had been paying court to him.

He walked past Levi and stood before Zoey. “I was going to introduce my brother to you, Zoey. He’s so much better than me! But it seems that you’re not fortunate enough to enjoy a good life. It’s a pity that you have a bad taste in men!”

Aaron and Caitlyn sighed.

If only Levi didn’t show up, Zoey would have been with Chris, and our family would have been rich again.

How amazing is that?

But sadly, it seems that we are plagued by poverty!

Soon, the family banquet ended.

“Let’s go to my house. I want to have a good talk with my grandson-in-law regarding the Lopez family’s future development and tomorrow’s banquet. All of you must sit in and listen. It’ll be good for you,” Harry instructed.

Aaron and Caitlyn looked at Harry in anticipation, hoping that the Lopez family would lend a hand to alleviate their current livelihood.

But little did they know Harry responded, “Aaron, you guys can go back on your own!”

Aaron hesitated a little. “Dad, but I…”

“No buts! We don’t need you here. Besides, your good son-in-law just came back from prison. I don’t want him to stain my place with bad luck!” Harry said, then left with the crowd.

Before leaving, Samuel, Melanie, and a few others stood before Levi, waving the invitation cards in their hands. “Don’t disappoint me tomorrow night. Don’t say you know me if you can’t get in. I can’t afford to throw my reputation down the gutters.”

Levi snickered. “You’ll never know who’s the one who can’t get in when the time comes.”

“Alright then. We’ll soon see about that.”

Everyone left happily with an invitation card in their hands, leaving Aaron and his family sighing and groaning.

Aaron cast a deep glance at Levi.

If only he could bring honor for the family…

It’s a pity that he just got out of prison. Even surviving is a problem for him.

After that, Levi followed Zoey home.

Compared to the Garrison family, this was his home—a home where a woman had been waiting for him for six years.

Back home, Levi took the initiative to lay a mattress on the floor, but Zoey let him sleep on the bed instead.

Thereafter, he lay on the bed while Zoey continued to draft a plan at the desk.

“What are you doing?” Levi asked.

“I’m drafting a proposal for an ecological park development project at West City. Even if the chance of success is not even one percent, I’m going to try my best to win this bid!” Zoey smiled.

Until the following night, not once did Zoey complain about him, nor did she show a long face.

But she couldn’t help it anymore as it was almost time for the welcome banquet.

“Levi Garrison, I trusted you so much and bet everything on you. But where’s the invitation? How on earth am I supposed to believe you now? I’d thought you would come up with ideas to get us in, but you didn’t step out from this house nor made a phone call the moment we came home last night. Do you think the invitation will just fall from the sky?”

Aaron and Caitlyn added, “What are you waiting for? Zoey had made a big promise last night. If you don’t make this happen, there won’t be a place for us to live in the Lopez family in the future.”

Levi glanced at the clock. “It’s almost time. Just follow me.”

Driving in Aaron’s Haval, they arrived at Paradise Villa, where the God of War’s welcome banquet was held.

“Zoey, I will prove to you now that I can do it!”

Levi pulled Zoey and headed towards the entrance.

The Return of God of War Chapter 6

“Well, well, look who’s here. If it isn’t Aaron and his criminal son-in-law.”

Along with the mockeries, Harry and the others had arrived with bags of gifts consisted of fine wine, wild ginseng, tea, and so on in their hands.

The Lopez family’s plan was simple—to butter up the God of War as much as they could.

“I didn’t expect you to come, Zoey,” Melanie said as she moved closer to Zoey, her voice laced with sarcasm. “Where’s your invitation card? Show it to me. It’s easy to purchase counterfeit ones these days.”

Melanie, Samuel, and the others were not the slightest bit convinced that Levi could get an invitation.

Just look at their status, there’s no way they can get an invitation to the banquet!

It’s like saying pigs could fly!


Zoey hesitated because there was no invitation card, to begin with.

“Come on. What are you hiding?” Melanie laughed. “Don’t tell me your invitation card is made of gold that I can’t even take a look at it?”

Zoey clammed up, her head lowered.

“Aaron, show us your invitation card!” Harry demanded upon noticing the couple’s odd demeanors.

“Dad, I…”

Aaron panicked.

“What? You won’t obey even your own father’s order? Hurry up and show it to me!” Harry bellowed.

Aaron panted heavily and could only tell the truth. “Dad, we don’t have an invitation card… It was Levi who brought us here…”

Soon after they heard it, Samuel, Melanie, and the others laughed so hard that their belly hurt.

“You’re such an idiot!” Harry glared at Aaron. “What a disgrace to have a son like you!”

Sensing the mass’ scoffing eyes and ruthless laughter, a fresh swell of rage rose in Aaron as his last piece of dignity left in front of the Lopez family vanished without a trace.

Zoey, too, hated Levi to the core, knowing that they had lost all respect from the Lopez family.

“How shameless of you to attend the banquet without an invitation!”

“Let me tell you a fact. No matter how hard you try, your family can never enter this gate!” Samuel taunted.

“Let’s go inside, Grandpa,” Melanie said as she held onto Harry’s arm. “Don’t let them get in the way.”

“You’re right. Knowing them is such a disgrace.”

The Lopez family shot daggers at Levi and hurried towards the gate.

Aaron was about to say something when Levi said, “Dad, look. They won’t be able to get in.”

Standing at the entrance of Paradise Villa were dozens of security guards who were hired to maintain order at the scene.

Samuel took out twelve invitation cards and handed them over. “For twelve, please.”

He said that as he straightened his back, looking proud.

After all, how many were there who could take out twelve invitation cards at once?

But the next second, the security guard said expressionlessly, “You people are restricted from entering and are banned from attending the banquet!”


Samuel and the others thought they had misheard the security guard.

“That’s impossible! Riley, the secretary from the Office Building, sent us these invitations in person yesterday!” Harry argued.

Samuel put on a haughty face. “This is my invitation card. Let me in this instance! You can’t afford to mess with me!”


Suddenly, a truncheon rested on Samuel’s head.

“Do you not understand human language? You people are restricted from entering! Must I explain to you in action?”

With the cold truncheon aiming at his head, Samuel was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.

But with so many eyes watching him, he mustered his courage and struck back. “I dare you to touch me! Don’t you know who I am? Let me speak to your supervisor!”


The security guard knocked him down straight away with the truncheon; Samuel had completely wet his pants, and the Lopez family was all the more petrified.

“What are you guys waiting for? Scram!” the security guard barked.

The Lopez family helped Samuel up and made a dash.

“You were right. They couldn’t get in.”

Aaron was shocked at the scene that unfolded before him.

At that moment, Levi smiled and held Zoey’s hand. “We should get inside!”

“Don’t! We’re going to get ourselves killed. How are we supposed to get inside when Samuel and the rest can’t even get through the security checkpoint?” Aaron and Caitlyn said and back-pedaled in fear.

Zoey’s delicate body trembled as well. “Yeah, can we really get inside? We don’t even have an invitation card!”

“Didn’t you say that you’ll give me one last chance? How do you know if you don’t try?” Levi smiled.

“Okay, I trust you!” Zoey held Levi’s hand tightly.

“Officers!” Melanie’s voice was heard just as the four of them approached the security checkpoint. “Although they are members of the Lopez family, my grandfather had long kicked them out of the Lopez family! They are not related to us!”

“Yes, officers. They have nothing to do with the Lopez family,” Harry said in a flustered voice. “Please don’t take offense at us!”

Levi looked back and sneered.

Such heartless creatures!

When they arrived at the security checkpoint, Zoey even closed her eyes. To be honest, she’d rather die today than being humiliated.

Aaron and Caitlyn shared the same sentiment.

Harry and the others didn’t leave. They were hiding in a distance, intending to watch Aaron and his family make a fool of themselves.

“Welcome, Mr. Garrison and his family! You are our most distinguished guest. Invitations are not required!”

Upon hearing that, Zoey opened her eyes to see dozens of security guards lined up in two rows, saluting them.

As if they had entered fantasyland, Zoey and her parents made their way inside Paradise Villa.

Harry and the others, who were waiting for a good show outside, were completely dumbstruck.

“They… They went in? How is that possible?”

Truth be told, Zoey and her parents felt like they were on cloud nine when they saw the Lopez family’s incredulous faces.

Aaron looked around, still in disbelief. “That was easy. How did you pull that off, Levi?”

It was only then did they feel that their son-in-law was somewhat useful.

At the very least, they managed to redeem themselves from the humiliation they had suffered.

Caitlyn smiled. “Levi also had connections in North Hampton before this, no?”

“You’re right, Mom. I have friends,” Levi replied.

Zoey looked at Levi suspiciously. She had a hunch that things were not that simple.

Almost none of his friends stepped forward when he was in trouble.

There were many who put the boot in instead…

Would anyone help him?

In the villa, Zoey and his parents were careful of their every movement.

After all, they couldn’t afford to break anything or offend anyone on such an occasion.

“Zoey, is that you? What are you doing here? Am I seeing things?”

Suddenly, a voice of surprise sounded from behind.

Zoey’s eyes were filled with disgust when she saw the incoming person.

The four people that were coming her way were dressed in tuxedos and had the bearing of royalty.

The man in the lead was Derrick Johns, the son of the president of Apex Group.

He had lusted after Zoey for ages, even offering millions to sleep with her, but she remained unmoved.

As an act of revenge, Derrick had caused Zoey’s well-developed company to go bankrupt.

“Why can’t I be here?” Zoey said coldly.

Derrick looked Levi up and down. “Is this your criminal husband? Did he bring you in?”

Upon that, he leaned in closer to Zoey and gave a lubricious chuckle. “I don’t care how you guys got in, but with my powers, I can send your husband back to jail again and get him locked up for a decade or two!”

Zoey believed Derrick could do it, given his expedients and abilities.

“What do you want?” Zoey looked at him warily.

“As long as you promise to keep me company, I swear I won’t trouble him! Otherwise, I’ll definitely send him in again!”

The Return of God of War Chapter 7

“You wish!”

Zoey would rather die than agree to such a condition.

“Fine. Just you wait!”

Derrick grinned insidiously before turning to leave.

Noticing Zoey’s pale complexion, Levi grasped her hand and asked, “Zoey, what happened? Who’s that guy just now?”

Zoey shook her head. “It’s nothing!”

However, she knew Derrick wouldn’t let this rest, so she was perturbed along the way.

Halfway through, a large group of people suddenly surrounded the four of them.

These people were members of the security team, each pointing at them with a gun.

Zoey was scared out of her wits. Her face drained of all colors as she gripped Levi’s hand tightly.

Likewise, Aaron and Caitlyn were paralyzed in terror, as they knew that it was Derrick’s revenge.

The leader of the group, decked out in combat suits, looked at them with cold and merciless eyes under the protective goggles. “Mr. Johns, is this the criminal that you were speaking of?”

“Yes, Mr. Lewis!” Derrick replied. “This guy’s fresh out of prison today. How is he qualified to attend such a banquet? I suspect he has something up his sleeve! If anything crops up on this occasion, can you afford to bear this responsibility, Mr. Lewis?”

“What? Is this for real?”

Ethan Lewis, the deputy team leader of the security team, was responsible for the safety inside. He wasn’t aware of how they had come in.

Derrick flashed a complacent smile at Zoey, then said to Ethan, “No matter what’s the situation, Mr. Lewis, I suggest we arrest him first! We need to get rid of any possible risks!”

“Right! How could he attend this banquet right after he was released from prison? Check their invitations first!” Ethan said coldly.

Zoey and her parents were dumbfounded.

What invitation cards! There were no invitation cards at all!

“Hand over the invitations!” Derrick spoke in an overbearing manner.

“We don’t have them,” Levi replied placidly.

“Haha. Did you hear that, Mr. Lewis? They have no invitations at all! Something is definitely fishy here!” Derrick was elated to hear that they came without any invitation.

“Men, arrest them!” Ethan gave his orders.

At that point, Zoey was already freaking out.

Mom, dad, and I will definitely be fine even if we’re arrested. But Levi will certainly be subjected to Derrick’s manipulation and get sent to jail again.

“Wait! We came in through the security checkpoint. What makes you think we don’t have the right to be here?” Zoey said indignantly.

“That’s impossible!” Derrick sneered. “An invitation is compulsory to enter this place! Even the host of today’s banquet, the God of War, needs an invitation! Something is not right if there’s no invitation!”

“Yes, that’s a first for me as well,” Ethan said with certainty, knowing that everyone, including the tycoons, came with invitations today. “Take them away!”

Aaron and Caitlyn squeezed their eyes shut in horror.

Zoey, too, was terribly frightened.

“Accept your fate, Zoey!” Derrick chortled. “This is the consequence of rejecting me!”

“Whoever told you that one must need an invitation to get in?” Levi’s voice sounded abruptly.

Everyone halted and stared at him with surprise.

Just then, Zoey tugged on Levi’s sleeves, signaling him to stop talking, while Aaron and his wife looked even more horrified by Levi’s retort.

Is he courting disaster?

Levi merely patted her shoulders. “Trust me again, will you?”

“Okay.” Zoey nodded.

After that, Levi’s gaze landed on Ethan. “Call your supervisor and ask him this—can Levi Garrison come in without an invitation?”

“Hahaha… Is he retarded? Who does he think he is?”

Derrick and his companions laughed so hard that their stomach hurt.

But Ethan was angered by Levi’s words, so he did as he was asked. “Okay, I shall ask the team leader if he knows you.”

Standing beside them, Derrick laughed heartily and was happy to see Levi make a fool of himself.

By then, many people had gathered around at the commotion, causing Zoey and her parents to lower their heads in embarrassment.

This is an embarrassment!

Ethan consulted Clement Phillips, the security team leader, through his headset.

When the voice came through the headset, his complexion turned for the worst. His eyes were filled with fear and trepidation as he looked at Levi.

“I-I… I got it, S-Sir…” Ethan stammered as he struggled to make out his words.

Derrick, who was unaware of the situation, looked at Ethan with anticipation. “How is it? Mr. Lewis?”


The answer he got in return was an unexpected hard slap on the cheek that sent him flying seven to eight meters away. His mouth was full of blood, and he even lost a few teeth.

“Mr. Lewis, w-why?”

Derrick’s eyes widened as he stuttered.

Ethan stepped forward and threw another punch, causing blood to spurt from Derrick’s wounds.

“Why? You abused your power and deliberately made things difficult for Ms. Lopez! They may not have an invitation, but they are our honored guests who came in through proper means! But you! You had disrupted the order and dampened the mood of the banquet! Men, arrest him and lock him up for a few days!” Ethan ordered.

The two security guards next to him stepped forward and grabbed Derrick, dragging him away as if he were a lifeless corpse.

“Mr. Garrison, Ms. Lopez, a thousand apologies for the trouble!”

Ethan dared not stay there any longer as he led his men and hurried off.

The unexpected twist made Zoey and her parents dumbfounded.

What just happened?

Didn’t they come to arrest us?

Why was Derrick arrested instead?

What’s going on? This happened right after he reported his name.

The three of them gazed at Levi, with Zoey eyeing him doubtfully.

“Aren’t you going to explain what’s going on?” Zoey started.

“It’s simple! We may not have an invitation, but we came in legally, so we’re safe. And what Derrick did just now has disrupted the order of the banquet. You guys saw the horde of busybodies just now, no? That’s a bad impression right there. If the God of War learned about what transpired just now, forget about Derrick, even Jesse Nielsen himself can’t bear this responsibility.”

“I get it now,” Aaron responded immediately. “It’s fine as long as we prove that we came in legally!”

Caitlyn nodded. “Yeah, that should be it.”

Though Zoey felt that something was amiss, there seemed to be no loopholes in his explanation. To her, it sounded perfectly logical and reasonable.

Yet, the moment Levi turned his head, his eyes flickered.

He had heard what Derrick said just now. Instead of locking him up for a few days, he was determined to let Derrick rot in prison.

The dinner banquet was simple, but the people who attended were so great a personage that Zoey and her parents dared not make a sound once they were seated.

“Mom, Dad, why are you guys so tense? Walk around. Wouldn’t it be nice to make friends and meet new people?” Levi smiled.

Aaron and Caitlyn exchanged glances. But in the end, they decided to stay rooted to their spot.

Zoey tilted her head, giving Levi a once-over. “Aren’t you afraid?”

Levi’s outward tranquility gave Zoey and her parents an illusion that he was accustomed to such an occasion.

“Why should I be?” Levi said.


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