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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 101

The Return of God of War Chapter 101

Levi looked at everyone and said, “Bryan, Victoria, Lionel, Tammy, Russell, Patrick, Holly, Kit, Misty, and Rick. Look at me, all of you!”

Everyone’s hearts were in their throats when their names were called. They knew what was going on. It’s like Hades and his Furies sentencing punishments to us.

All of them had no other choice but to obey Levi’s order.

“Did you murder Morris Atkinson?” Levi asked them.


Someone was about to deny it. Then his eyes met with Levi’s unforgiving gaze.

Everyone nodded immediately. Admitting our crime is a wiser choice now.

“All of you are going to repent by kneeling in front of Morris’s grave for 3 days and 3 nights!” Levi commanded harshly.

Garfield Perkins waved his hand. Soldiers brought Rick and the others forcefully to Morris’s grave.

Levi looked at Morris’s tomb and said with a smile, “Morris! I’ve brought all the accomplices who conspired your death to repent in front of you! I will send every one of them to accompany you soon!”

Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson were tear-stricken. Levi’s effort to avenge Morris touched them.

Levi looked at the other members of the Garrison family.

“Bryan and Victoria, do you still remember how you broke my legs that night?” Levi grinned at them menacingly.

The couple was scared out of their wits.

Tap tap tap…

The scariest part was Levi’s continuous advancement in their direction.

Bryan and Victoria wanted to back away from him, but they had nowhere to escape because of the guns pointed at the back of their heads.

Finally, Levi came to a halt in front of them.

He took the baseball bat from Bryan’s hand and sized up the stick. “Is this the bat you used to break my legs 6 years ago? I suppose you kept it all this while so you can cripple me again?”

Thump thump thump…

Both of them slammed their foreheads against the ground to beg for Levi’s forgiveness as an ominous feeling crept into their hearts. “Please forgive us, Levi! We will not repeat our mistake. Just think of us as your servants from now on.”

Levi sneered while tapping the baseball bat. “But you did not show me any mercy 6 years ago.”

“That was because we were…”



Levi smashed Bryan’s knee with the bat as soon as he tried to explain himself. Bryan howled in pain as his bones shattered.

“This is the treatment I received from you in the past!”



Levi did not spare any of Bryan’s limbs. The latter rolled on the floor, screaming hysterically in agony.

Then Levi looked at Victoria.

“Don’t touch me! I’m just a woman!” Victoria shielded herself with her hands.

“But you are an evil woman!”


Levi broke Victoria’s hands and legs as well. Then he tossed the disabled couple at the side of Morris’s grave to repent for their sins.

They are related to that matter, after all! Levi thought to himself as he shifted his gaze onto Joseph Garrison and his foster parents.

Joseph and the others lowered their heads fearfully.

“I never thought we would end up in this situation!” Levi said in a self-deprecating manner. “I can declare that I am innocent! I’ve worked hard for this family since I was young to repay all of you. Who was the person to bring fame and wealth to the Garrison family in the past? That person was me! Did I not prove my sincerity by treating all of you with kindness?” Levi questioned.

The Return of God of War Chapter 102

“You’re absolutely right, Levi!” Joseph and the others said in a hurry.

“I will not harm you because you used to be my grandpa and my foster parents. I am not an insensible person, but I will deprive the Garrison family of all possessions, especially my Levi Group!

I will also sever all ties with you from this moment onwards. Your fates will have nothing to do with me from now on. Also, don’t you dare try to do anything by quoting my name. Otherwise, all of you will face certain death!”

Levi’s judgment was simple enough to understand. The Garrison family was doomed. They were one of the wealthiest families in North Hampton, but Levi now turned them into an ordinary family without any power or money. That punishment was worse than death in their opinion.

Joseph and his family’s years of effort turned into dust with a single order from Levi. The Garrison family’s assets, worth up to billions, were taken away from them, leaving them with absolutely nothing. That sudden and drastic change was unacceptable and surreal to the Garrisons.

Levi looked at Jack Smith and the other underworld figures. He sneered. “All of you do not have to die. But you disrupted the peace at Morris’s grave. So you will kneel before him for one day and one night!”

“Yes. Yes! Everyone kneel!” All the thugs followed Jack Smith’s order and knelt.

“We will also turn this place into a proper cemetery dedicated to Mr. Morris Atkinson after this, sir!” Jack Smith offered.

Levi did not reject his proposal.

Finally, Levi addressed the 100 thousand soldiers. “Thank you for your hard work, brothers!”

“God of War!”

“God of War!”

“God of War!”

The battle without any casualties ended with the war cry.

Zoey did not know how long had passed, but she had cried her eyes out and fainted 3 times.

Aaron called Harry to ask about the situation.

Harry said, “I received an update saying the confrontation has ended. But no one exited the place or saw Levi anywhere. So I suppose he’s dead.”

Harry was concerned about Zoey’s condition because she was still handling that huge project. “How’s Zoey?”

“Zoey passed out for the third time, father!” Aaron answered helplessly.

Harry rebuked angrily, “What are you doing? Is that how you console her? Try harder! Levi’s death is a favorable outcome. In this way, Zoey can marry another person. If Samuel’s brothers are not good enough, then we will look for a better candidate. Bear this in mind. The Lopez family will thrive once Levi is out of the way.”

Harry almost laughed out loud on the other end of the phone. I can finally exploit Zoey and her family to my heart’s content with Levi gone.

Zoey gradually regained her consciousness after some time.

She questioned her parents while looking at them. “What’s the situation now? How’s Levi?”

Aaron sighed. “To be honest, I do not want to tell you this.”

“What’s going on, Dad? Hurry up and tell me!” Zoey grabbed Aaron’s arm.

“I received an update from your grandpa. Levi is dead!”

Zoey slumped onto the floor and shrieked hysterically after listening to her father. “Levi!”

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Meanwhile, Rick Garrison knelt before Levi.

Rick told Levi he had something to inform him when Levi was about to leave.

“What’s the matter? Spit it out.”

“Mr… No, that’s not right. Sir. Do you really think we, the Garrison family, were capable of pulling off the feat 6 years ago by ourselves, sir?” Rick asked.

Levi narrowed his eyes in response. He seemed to have noticed the problem too. Now that I think about this, there are a lot of details that don’t quite add up. For example, the Garrison family should not have been able to take control of Levi Group so easily. Moreover, there must be someone who orchestrated the multiple charges against me and my imprisonment. I do not believe the Garrison family to be so competent. There is someone else supporting them!

Rick smiled. “We harbored the intention for a long time but did not have the capabilities to execute the plan. But someone suddenly appeared and provided our family with assistance amidst our hesitation.”

“Who is that person?” Levi asked coldly.

“Oswald Rogers. You and Ms. Zoey’s schoolmate in the past, sir!” Rick revealed that person’s identity.

Levi took a deep breath at the mention of Oswald Rogers. Oswald was in the same high school as Zoey and me. He was also Zoey’s classmate. We competed for Zoey’s favor in the past, and I came out as the winner. But Oswald did not give up pursuing Zoey until our wedding day.

Oswald’s family background is more than just impressive. The Rogers family’s net worth is easily over billions with properties all over the globe. They are the true top-tiered family in North Hampton, at least 10 times more influential than the Garrison family.

Every decision they make can alter the economic standing of this city. If Oswald Rogers is the mastermind, then everything makes sense. He does have the power to place me behind bars effortlessly.

Rick continued. “Oswald Rogers was angry because of your marriage to Ms. Zoey. So he planned everything with the goal to destroy you.”

Levi finally understood why the Garrison family decided to execute the plan on his wedding day. This is all because of Oswald Rogers. Well, it is not surprising for him to get mad, knowing the love of his life was getting married to another man.

Rick shook his head in despair. “Oswald would not have gotten the opportunity if we did not harbor ill intent in the first place. Ultimately, this is still the Garrison family’s fault.”

Levi glared at him. “Glad you know.”

Zoey had no other choice but to accept the reality because Levi did not return home after she waited for him for the whole day.

Harry Lopez even hosted a dinner banquet to celebrate the joyous occasion.

Zoey was brought to the banquet venue in a daze by her parents.

“We are having this banquet tonight for very simple reasons. The first being the reinstatement of Zoey Lopez as part of the family. The second reason is to celebrate Zoey’s escape from her disastrous marriage. Lastly, the Lopez family will develop the West City project alongside Zoey from now on. So, cheers everybody!” Harry announced with his wine glass raised.

Everyone else in the family raised their glasses as well, with delightful smiles on their faces.

The Lopez family was exhilarated as if they were hosting a New Year’s celebration.

Aaron and Caitlyn forced themselves to join in the fun.

Zoey was the only person who stood out like a sore thumb during the banquet due to her lifeless condition.

Harry gazed at Zoey. “Now that Levi is gone, you should consider remarrying, Zoey. There are plenty of excellent candidates in North Hampton to choose from. You will meet a better person soon.”

“Who dares to ask my wife to marry another man?” A cold, harsh voice was heard all of a sudden.

Everyone turned to look at the door.

Levi was standing at the entrance, alive and well.

“Le-Levi Garrison?” Harry staggered as he nearly collapsed onto the floor.

“Are you a man or a ghost?” Samuel was close to hiding under the table out of fear.

Everyone was caught in perplexity and terror because a supposedly dead person had returned.

The Return of God of War Chapter 104

“Do I look like a ghost?” Levi entered the venue and walked up to Samuel while the others gasped frightfully.

Samuel touched Levi’s arm with his trembling hand. Then he said in surprise, “You’re warm. You’re still alive! But that’s not possible!”

Levi sneered. “So you wanted me to die?”

“Ah? Of course not!” Samuel was panting heavily.

“Levi!” Zoey rushed over to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

Levi hugged her as well. “I’m sorry to have made you worried. My bad.”

Harry was confused. “This is impossible! The Garrison family and Jack Smith wouldn’t have spared your life!”

“That’s right! How can you stay alive when the Garrison family is targeting you? This is not possible!” Everyone added.

Even Zoey was looking at Levi curiously. “They’re right. How did you resolve the situation earlier?”

Levi tousled her hair and smiled. “I told you I can handle this matter.”

A thought popped into Zoey’s mind. “I saw a lot of soldiers nearby Morris’s grave just now. Is this related to them?”

Levi answered, “You’re right. The soldiers were having a military practice near that area in North Hampton. They dealt with the Garrison family because of their unwelcoming behavior. Luckily, I’m acquainted with the Azure Dragon. So he punished the Garrison family heavily on my behalf after knowing the whole story and promised to return Levi Group to me.”

Everyone in the Lopez family was dumbfounded after listening to Levi’s explanation. They looked at him incredulously. Levi Group will be his possession again? Does that mean he will have a net worth of billions? So he will regain his former glory!

“Levi, I…”

Harry was about to bootlick Levi when the latter left the banquet with Zoey.

Every member of the Lopez family chased after them.

Harry shouted from behind, “Levi Garrison will forever be our family’s pride. We must follow them. Hurry up!”

But they failed to catch up with Levi and Zoey.

Levi brought Zoey to the revolving restaurant in North Hampton city center to celebrate the success that night.

Harry made no fewer than 20 calls to Zoey, while the other members of the family visited Aaron’s house. They were eager to butter Levi up.

In the end, Levi was annoyed by their relentless pestering. So he said, “I’ll go to Levi Group to take over the business tomorrow with Zoey. Come to the company tomorrow if you have something to say.”

Everyone from the Lopez family finally stopped badgering them. But they could not sleep that night due to their excitement.

Early in the morning the next day, everyone from the Lopez family followed Levi and Zoey to Levi Group. Even Harry Lopez tagged along. Not one of them wanted to miss that glorious moment.

Members of the Lopez family were filled with exhilaration as they gazed at Levi Group’s skyscraper, including Zoey.

Levi went to the receptionist and stated his aim for his visit. “My name is Levi Garrison, and I am here to take over Levi Group today.”

The receptionist looked at Levi in a daze. “Are you crazy? You’re the first person to come here with such a ridiculous request.”

Zoey retorted immediately, “The Garrison family stepped down from Levi Group’s management, didn’t they?”

“They did. But most of the board members are still present. Moreover, they already bought Levi Group’s shares which were under the Garrison family’s possession,” explained the receptionist.

Zoey was confused. “What do you mean?”

“Are you not aware of the parent company behind Levi Group?” The receptionist asked.

Levi gained revelation instantaneously. The Rogers family! They are the holding company of Levi Group. That means the Garrison family never had control of Levi Group, to begin with. This company belongs to the Rogers family!

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Harry and the others questioned, “What’s going on?”

Melanie checked Levi Group’s status on the Internet with her mobile phone and explained. “Sky Incorporated is the majority shareholder of Levi Group. This company completely belongs to Sky Incorporated after the Garrison family gave up their shares.”

“Sky Incorporated is the holding company owned by the prestigious Rogers family, right?” Henry asked.

Harry frowned. He asked the receptionist with all seriousness, “That means Levi Group has always belonged to the Rogers family, and Levi Garrison is not at all related to this company?”

She nodded. “That’s right. The Rogers family took control of Levi Group 6 years ago. I don’t know how all of you found the courage to come here demanding to take over the company when Levi Garrison is just a nobody here.”

At that moment, a group of people ushered the CEO of Levi Group, Howard Corbyn, into the company.

Oswald Rogers was the chairman of Levi Group, while his trusted aide, Howard, was the Chief Executive Officer.

Howard Corbyn had a busy night as well. I received the news of the confrontation between the Garrison family and Levi Garrison last night. Surprisingly, they stumbled into the God of War amidst their argument while the soldiers were having a military practice nearby. The Garrison family invoked the God of War’s wrath and suffered greatly. They had to give up all their family’s assets, so I spent the entire night purchasing the shares under their possession. Oswald even told me the Garrison family is a bunch of fools to have infuriated the God of War. He was also amazed by Levi’s unbelievable fortune to have escaped the predicament by receiving the God of War’s help.


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