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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 121

The Return of God of War Chapter 121

Aaron drew in a deep breath after the Lopez family had left—they were safe for now.

“Whew—honey, you sure are smart!”

Aaron didn’t forget to give Caitlyn a word of compliment.

“Hurry up and go look for my brother and Pamela! Or you’ll be the one to lose a finger!” Caitlyn said as she rolled her eyes at him.

The two immediately rushed to the Mariott Hotel.

“Is there something you want for you to see us at this hour?” Pamela asked.

“Bailey, Pamela, I’ll cut to the chase then! We want to borrow three hundred million from you! We’re in need of money for our business!”

“Don’t worry about us not paying you back. You guys should know about Zoey’s project. It’s a project worth more than a billion. Three hundred million will definitely not be a problem!”

Aaron and Caitlyn went straight to the question of money.

Pamela and Bailey exchanged glances.

“We need to discuss this first!”

After half an hour, the two agreed to lend them three hundred million— mainly because Zoey’s project was guaranteed to succeed.

“That’s great!” Aaron was exhilarated.

However, at this moment, Pamela’s phone rang.

It was Oswald.

Pamela answered the call. “Oswald, what’s the matter?”

“Aunt Pamela, I have something to tell you…”

Pamela gave Aaron and Caitlyn a puzzled look. Her expression took on a drastic change the more she listened to Oswald.

“Okay, I got it. I won’t lend it then!”

After hanging up the phone, Pamela snapped, “You people were lying? Do you really need money for your business? Aaron, you’ve lost three hundred million from gambling, didn’t you?!”

“Get lost, now!” Bailey’s fury sprang to life when he learned about the truth. “Come see us again only after you settled your debt!”

Then the couple kicked Aaron and Caitlyn out, leaving them stupefied.

Why did they change their mind after answering one phone call?

“What do we do now?”

Aaron sweated with anxiety.

On the other side, Zoey was trying to find a solution as well, but the most she could come up with was fifty million.

She was at her wits’ end, as they had already invested the rest of the money in the project.

Besides, the project would have to be suspended as well if she took that fifty million away.

It was to check on this matter that Levi had left early this morning.

However, the strange thing was that the other party clearly didn’t cheat. It was Aaron who lost the money after gambling with an expert.

It was clearly a deception, yet it was seamless.

There must be something fishy. I can definitely find out the truth if I call the cops, but Aaron will have to be imprisoned, and Zoey will be heartbroken if that happens.

Levi didn’t want that to see that. He could have easily paid up that three hundred million, but he wanted to find out the mastermind behind this scheme first.

Everyone had thought of every possible way, but they just couldn’t get the money together.

Dread gnawed at Aaron’s insides at the thought of having his fingers chopped off tomorrow.

“Honey, what should I do? Think of something! I don’t want to have my fingers chopped off!” Aaron shouted anxiously.

Caitlyn creased her brows. “I heard Zoey will contact major investors next to borrow money, but I’m afraid it’ll take a little longer. Probably a few days.”

“Few days? I don’t have a few days! My fingers will be chopped off in a few days, that’s for sure!”

Aaron got all sweaty.

“So find someone to replace you during these few days.”

There was a bright light in Aaron’s eyes. “You mean I should put Levi on the spot and have his fingers chopped off on my behalf?”

“Who else do you think if not Levi? You’ve thrown the blame on him, anyway!”

Caitlyn gave him an angry stare.

Aaron nodded in approval. “That’s right! He’s just a good-for-nothing. What’s the big deal with having his fingers chopped off? He has to rely on us to feed him, anyway! That’s going to be the biggest contribution he’s ever made for the family!”

The Return of God of War Chapter 122

Caitlyn sighed. “But the problem is Zoey. If she finds out, she definitely will not agree to this.”

“We’ll just hide from her then and tell her that the casino is giving us a few more days. We’ll trick Levi to come over and have him go in my stead,” Aaron said.

“Then we’ll have to call Dad and the others over to impose a little pressure on him. They’ve been looking for him all day, but to no avail,” Caitlyn said.

Aaron quickly made the arrangements.

After learning the news of the postponement for a few days, Zoey was much more relieved, but she didn’t stop looking for solutions.

When Harry heard that Levi had been found, he immediately rushed over.

Thereafter, Aaron gave Enzo a call, asking if he could let Levi take his place.

To his surprise, Enzo agreed at once.

After hanging up, Enzo called Oswald.

“Mr. Rogers, you were right. The Lopez family is using Levi as a substitute.”

“Okay. Let’s make it a slow and terrible ordeal for Levi. Send me the footage of his fingers chopped off tomorrow!”

Oswald’s cold and crazed voice sounded from over the phone.

Levi’s investigation was beginning to take shape when Aaron called.

“Levi, come quick! Things have changed! Come straight to the casino!”

Hanging up the phone, Levi made a beeline for the casino. He realized Harry and the others were there when he arrived.

Upon seeing him, they charged forward, pushing and shoving him.

“What the hell? Did you lose three hundred thousand in gambling? You’ve f**king ruined the Lopez family!”

“You’re going to destroy the Lopez family! I’m going to kill you!”

Utterly confused, Levi stared at the crowd incredulously.

Me, gambling?

It dawned on him that Aaron and Caitlyn had put the blame on him when he noticed their unnatural demeanor from afar.

Thus, it was inevitable that Harry and the others would vent their anger on him as they didn’t know the truth.

Aaron seized the chance to come forward, scolding, “Take responsibility for what you’ve done, Levi!”

“Yeah! Take care of it yourself!”

The mass put in their two pennyworth.

Aaron pulled Levi to a side and said sternly, “You will go to meet Mr. Enzo on my behalf later! Or I’ll get Zoey to divorce you if you refuse! I have your marriage certificate and household registration in my hands, so I mean what I say!”

“You’ll be our best son-in-law if you go in Aaron’s stead!” Caitlyn added. “We won’t cast you aside even if you’ve lost all your fingers. Zoey and we will support you for the rest of your life!”

“Yeah, hurry up and agree! It doesn’t matter if you lose a finger anyway,” Aaron said in a low voice.


What a disappointment!

Levi could only feel the indifference and coldness of humanity.

How could they do this to me when the chips are down?!

If it weren’t for Zoey, he wouldn’t have wanted to stay in this home.

However, Aaron and Caitlyn had no other choice.

“What are you people hesitating for? Send him out and let him take care of everything!” Harry urged.

At this moment, Enzo came with his men, surrounding Levi and the others.

“He’ll go!”

Before Levi could react, he was pushed out by Aaron and Caitlyn.

“Levi Garrison, right? Take him away!” said Enzo with a sneer.

With that, Levi was taken away by Enzo’s followers.

Aaron and Caitlyn heaved a sigh of relief.

“Let’s go now before we get dragged into this!”

Aaron and Caitlyn departed instantly, afraid that Enzo would go back on his words.

The Return of God of War Chapter 123

“I’m wondering if we can push everything on Levi,” said Aaron with a frown after leaving the underground casino.

Caitlyn’s expression changed slightly. “You mean to transfer the three hundred million debt to Levi and then get him to divorce Zoey and cut off all ties with him?”

“Yeah! That would be killing two birds with one stone; we don’t have to pay the money back and we can send away that odious brat.”

“Drop it, you. You’re the one who lost the money, and you signed the agreement. How are you going to do that?”

Aaron sighed, his heart sinking. “I need to think of a way.”

In the casino, Levi was brought into a small and dark room.

Enzo sat in front of him, surrounded by sturdy men.

“Your father-in-law has pushed you out to have your fingers chopped off on behalf of him, Levi Garrison,” said Enzo with a bloodthirsty smile. “Are you ready?”

Enzo picked up a sharp machete that glowed under the lights.

To the side were people holding cameras in their hands, ready to film.

It was an assignment from Oswald to film the process of Levi having his fingers chopped off.

“Hold it right there!” said Levi suddenly.

Enzo grinned, revealing his rows of gold teeth. “Why? Are you afraid? Haha…”

Levi said nothing and silently lit a cigarette.


The next second, everyone was choking and coughing violently.

“What on earth does that cigarette contain?” Enzo asked, inspecting the cigarette. “The smoke is so strong!”

“I think it’s a special cigarette from the war zone, Mr. Enzo,” said a thug uncertainly. “My childhood friend who’s a soldier gave me one before. The tobacco scent is really strong.”

Everyone’s expression changed at the mention of the special cigarette.

Enzo snorted. “Drop it, you guys. You think a crook who just came out of prison can smoke a cigarette like that?”

Levi took a puff of his cigarette and said calmly, “Tell me who instructed you to do this before I finish smoking this cigarette or you’ll be sorry for this.”

Enzo and his men burst into laughter.

Levi’s going to get his fingers chopped off. Why is he even threatening me?

Everyone looked at Levi as if he was a fool.

Who exactly is having it worse?

Enzo guffawed. “Is this kid crazy? Don’t worry. It won’t hurt. It’s just one cut!”

“There’s not much time left,” said Levi, looking at the cigarette that was about to burn out. “You’ll be really, really sorry for this if you choose to remain silent.”

Enzo and his men snickered. “Okay then, show us what you got. We’d like to see what you are going to do to us after smoking that cigarette.”

Everyone watched as Levi finished smoking the cigarette, threw it to the ground, and stomped it out.

He lifted his head and glanced at Enzo and his men. “You’ll soon regret this!”

“Regret, my foot! Not before I chop off your hand!”

Shook with fury, Enzo lifted the knife in his hand suddenly.


The door suddenly collapsed with a deafening crash, causing Enzo to stop in fright.

In the next second, sturdy men with different skin colors but uniformly dressed in suits rushed in from the outside.

With an average height of over six feet two, they stood there like mountains.

These people were none other than James and other mercenaries that Rick had hired.

They were currently hiding in the shadows, serving as Levi’s bodyguards.

It was through the signal Levi had left that they found this place.

“Attack!” James commanded, and with a loud howl, the mercenaries pounced on their prey like tigers dashing down a mountain.

The Return of God of War Chapter 124




Despite being at the top of their class, the thugs at the casino were not at the same level as the mercenaries who had been in and out of the battlefield all year round.

They were all knocked down in less than a minute, unable to deal with James and his mercenaries’ mortal blows.

While the thugs bathed in blood, their faces disfigured, Enzo was the last man standing.

“Beat him!” Levi ordered expressionlessly.

James grabbed Enzo’s face and punched him hard. After seven to eight consecutive blows, Enzo’s face sank in and was beyond recognition.

The shrill cries like those of a pig being slaughtered reverberated in the small and dark room.

They’d never expected Levi to have so many bodyguards with extremely high combat effectiveness following him.

“Well, what did I say?” Levi scoffed, looking condescendingly at the battered thugs.

“Now, spit it out!”

After being forced to take Aaron’s place, Levi figured out that instead of investigating, he might as well use violence to make these people speak.

“I can’t,” Enzo said in fear. “I’ll be as good as dead.”

“Beat him! Beat him until he speaks up!” Levi said coldly.

James and the others were militant and enjoyed crushing their enemies. At his command, they grew more violent, giving Enzo the most terrible beating.

Until everyone was beaten half dead, Enzo raised his arms to surrender. “I’ll speak! I’ll tell you everything!”

James yanked him toward Levi.

“I-It was Howard Corbyn of Levi Group! We were forced into this!” Enzo confessed, but not daring to mention Oswald’s name.

However, Levi knew at once that it was Oswald.

He glanced at the camera on the table and chuckled. “It was he who asked you to film the chopping of my fingers?”


Enzo nodded.

Levi gave James a look. He immediately understood as he pinned Enzo to the table and put his hand on it, slowly lifting the sharp knife.

Next to him, another mercenary took the camera.

“No! No!”

Sensing the situation, Enzo yelled at the top of his lungs.


Then he let out a terrible scream.

Thereafter, Levi asked Enzo to send out the video, which Howard showed to Oswald upon receiving it.

“Hahaha… Did you hear his scream? I can’t believe a human is capable of making that sound!”

Oswald had a good laugh.

“Howard, send this video anonymously to everyone in the Lopez family, including Zoey,” he instructed.

Very soon, everyone in the Lopez family received the video.

Seeing that the person in the video had his fingers chopped off brutally, Aaron felt a flash of terror, his expression turning for the worse.

“Damn! That was too scary! Thank God that wasn’t me!”

“They really mean it!” Caitlyn got the scare of her life, and so did Harry and the others.

Zoey, who was still on the hunt for a solution, almost threw her phone to the ground after looking at the footage that she had received suddenly.

“Dad’s fingers were chopped off? Was he trying to comfort me when he said that it was postponed for a few days?”

Zoey quickly made a call. “Dad, what happened to you? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Aaron said.

“Then who was it who had his fingers chopped off?” Zoey asked in confusion.

“I-It was Levi…” Aaron faltered.

“What? Levi? How could it be?”

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“Why is it Levi?” Zoey sobbed after learning the truth.

Caitlyn snatched the phone over and said, “Sweetie, we had no choice! It was Levi who volunteered to take your Dad’s place!”

“How could you do that? You didn’t even tell me! Wait there, I’m coming home now!” Zoey cried.

Shortly after, Zoey arrived home.

“Sweetie, Levi told us not to tell you!”

“It doesn’t matter if he loses a few fingers anyway, but I can’t lose any,” Aaron said.

A sob caught in Zoey’s throat.

“Sweetie, you’ll have to return the money as soon as possible. That way we can buy Levi a few more days,” Caitlyn said.

“But that just means he’ll lose a finger with every passing day!” Zoey screamed. “How could you bear to do it?”

“It’s not like we have a choice. You can’t just watch your dad suffer, can you? He’s still young so he can take it!” Caitlyn comforted.

“Did you force him to go?” Zoey asked, staring at them.

“He did it of his own free will. We didn’t force him!” Aaron denied.

Caitlyn exchanged a look with Aaron and blurted out, “Sweetie, once we settle this debt, you should get a divorce with Levi!”

Zoey looked incredulous. “What? Divorce? Dad, Levi suffered in your stead! How could you just give him the brush after using him? Are we such heartless people?”

“Sweetie, Levi’s sacrifice won’t go unnoticed,” Aaron and Caitlyn said hastily.

“We’re not ungrateful people. We’ll compensate him with enough money once this is over!”


I’m so disappointed in them today…

“But you must divorce Levi! He has never been good enough for you in the first place, and now that his fingers are gone, he’s not worthy of you! I can never tolerate my daughter marrying a cripple with incomplete fingers!” said Aaron adamantly.

Zoey was bemused.

How can they be so cruel to Levi just to save themselves?

“Zoey, you can’t cry over spilt milk now. Just hurry up and pay off the debt if you want Levi to suffer a little less,” Caitlyn said.

Just then, Harry arrived.

“Our turning point is here!”

Harry couldn’t contain his excitement.

“What do you mean, Dad?” Aaron asked quizzically.

“Someone has just come to inform us that there is a person willing to help us pay back the money, but on one condition—Zoey must remarry!” Harry said.


Harry raised the three hundred million check in his hand. “They brought the check! Now the question is—Zoey, will you remarry or not?”

Zoey was momentarily lost, but she knew that three hundred million was too big an amount to get at this moment.

“What are you hesitating for? Go on, say yes!” Aaron urged. Right now, money was gold.

“Just say yes. If you agree now, Levi won’t have to suffer so much,” Caitlyn said, causing Zoey to shudder as the cruel image from the video flashed in her mind.

For Levi!


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