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The Protector (The Return Of The God of War) novel Chapter 2795

Chapter 2795 Deepest Secret

However, since Daxon trusted Levi, he chose to ignore them and left.

When Levi heard about it, he too wasn’t bothered at all.

After all, the crisis had been resolved and there was no longer any threat.

Subsequently, the crowd began to discuss how to deal with the Leviathans.

Even though the fighters from Sacroria defeated the upgraded Leviathans easily, it was still close to impossible for the Dragonites.

Once they were back in Erudia, the Dragonites announced their decisions.

Firstly, Levi was still the Crown King and was given the authority to deploy forces. After all, he had proven himself in the recent battle where no one was his match when it came to formulating strategies.

Secondly, they were not only going to continue with Levi’s Shelter project but also increase investments in it.

Furthermore, many allies and neighbors of Erudia wanted to collaborate with Erudia on the project.

Levi’s initial plan was for a hundred shelters. But with the additional investments from Erudia and the allied countries, the plan was expanded to at least five hundred shelters.

With that many Shelters, they were no longer afraid of any future crises.

Since the decision addressed one of Levi’s largest concerns, he supported it wholeheartedly.

In fact, he even got the Sacred Organization and many other factions to provide their support.

With that, the Shelter project began at once.

Coupled with the earlier experience gained, it was brought on track in a very short time.

The third matter wasn’t announced in public.

Instead, it was discussed internally in a Dragonite meeting to which Levi and Daxon were not invited.

The agenda of the meeting was obviously about the Leviathans that were trapped within the Atlantis facility.

That was Erudia’s deepest secret that no one else knew about and one which the Dragonites would bring to their grave.

“Now, let’s discuss how are we going to defeat the Leviathans?”

Craig was chairing the meeting.


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